Aspose.Tasks for Java 17.8 Release Notes

Major Features

  • Support for JDK 1.6 has been discontinued.


TASKSJAVA-418Migrate from JDK 1.6 to JDK 7Enhancement
TASKSNET-1818Add support for text style informationEnhancement
TASKSNET-1965TasksReadingException while using MspDbSettingsEnhancement
TASKSNET-2046Add support of RateScale reading/writing for MSP 2013+New Feature
TASKSNET-1963Finish date is incorrect for zero duration task using RecalculateBug
TASKSNET-1941Empty project with one task has incorrectly filled ActualStart, ActualFinish datesBug
TASKSNET-1916HtmlSaveOptions.Pages.Add() method does not affect page index in the title when saving as HTMLBug
TASKSNET-1732XER converted from MPP contains string EUR instead of integer currency id for resourceBug
TASKSNET-1731XER generated by Aspose.Tasks raises exception while opening itBug
TASKSNET-1586Company Information written to MPP is not displayed in MPPBug
TASKSNET-2018Program hangs while loading MPP into ProjectBug
TASKSNET-2014MPP file raises TasksReadingExceptionBug
TASKSNET-1993MPP file saved by MSP 2016 version 1706 raises exception while loading into ProjectBug
TASKSNET-1990An entry with the same key already exists - exceptionBug
TASKSNET-1989Exception raised while loading attached MPPBug
TASKSNET-1985TaskReadingException while loading MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-1859MPP project cannot be saved to MemoryStreamBug
TASKSNET-1805Lookup values not created properly in MPPBug
TASKSNET-1804TaskLink don’t affect the dates from successor task while using an MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-1798Exception raised while applying constraintBug
TASKSNET-1797Task baseline don’t save to MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-1706Finish date not recalculated properlyBug
TASKSNET-1622MPP to XLSX: Resultant file doesn’t contain any dataBug
TASKSNET-1612Exception is raised while loading Primavera XER fileBug
TASKSNET-1567Gantt chart task bar ends at one third of dayBug
TASKSNET-1564Tasks text style information lost while loading and saving MPP againBug
TASKSNET-2055Error on adding a resource with 0 units to parent taskBug
TASKSNET-2054ActualFinish of a zero-day milestone task not set properlyBug
TASKSNET-2053MPP with Subproject File causes exception while loading into projectBug
TASKSNET-2045Fix difference in Task duration in MSP 2010 and 2013Bug
TASKSNET-2025MPP to XLSX: Resultant file doesn’t contain any dataBug
TASKSNET-1786ExtendedAttribute Lookup values mixed up for the same taskBug
TASKSNET-1775Lookup extended attribute with CustomFieldType.Duration can’t be saved along with other lookup attributesBug
TASKSNET-1730Custom field with Cost type and lookup can’t be saved to MPPBug
TASKSNET-39Unassigned resource assignment work rendered as 0hBug
TASKSJAVA-377TasksWritingException while resaving this MPP backBug
TASKSJAVA-128MPP to PNG: Output image is not fineBug
TASKSJAVA-413Exception while loading a projectBug
TASKSJAVA-282Task duration incorrectly set to 24 hoursBug
TASKSJAVA-338Unable to save MPP fileBug
TASKSJAVA-382Corrupted XML file generated while saving to OutputStreamBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public constants were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.BuildVersionInfo.ASSEMBLY_INFORMATIONAL_VERSIONThe informational version number of the assembly.
The following public classes were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.CompoundDocumentHeaderExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when the header of MPP file is broken.
com.aspose.tasks.RecalculationValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project after recalculation.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project’s tasks after recalculation.
The following public constructor was added to existing classes:**
com.aspose.tasks.Duration.#ctorDefault constructor.
The following protected constructors were added to existing classes:Description
com.aspose.tasks.RecalculationValidationException.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the {@code RecalculationValidationException} class.
com.aspose.tasks.RecalculationValidationException.#ctor(java.lang.String)Initializes a new instance of the {@code RecalculationValidationException} class.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.#ctor(com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions)Initializes a new instance of the {@code SaveOptions} class.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.BarStyle.disposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
com.aspose.tasks.MspDbSettings.getSchemaGets the schema of the MS Project Server.
com.aspose.tasks.MspDbSettings.setSchema(java.lang.String)Sets the schema of the MS Project Server.
com.aspose.tasks.Project.recalculate(boolean)Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.,com.aspose.tasks.MPPSaveOptions)Saves the project to a stream using the specified save options.
com.aspose.tasks.TextStyle.disposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleTypeSpecifies the rate scale type.
The following fields were added to public enums:Description
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.DayIndicates Day rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.HourIndicates Hour rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.MinuteIndicates Minute rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.MonthIndicates Month rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.QuarterIndicates Quarter rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.UndefinedIndicates Undefined rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.WeekIndicates Week rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.RateScaleType.YearIndicates Year rate scale type.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.SummaryProgressRepresents the Summary Progress (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.TaskIsAssignedRepresents the TaskIsAssigned (Task) field.