Aspose.Tasks for Java 19.10 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-1904Render comments when saving as image, HTML or PDFNew Feature
TASKSNET-3142Implement reading of projects using “ReadProjectCoreData” internal API of Project ServerNew Feature
TASKSJAVA-983Set “Last Saved on” of Baseline while creating a fileNew Feature
TASKSNET-2511Add check for OutlineCodeId uniquenessEnhancement
TASKSNET-1639Provision of a facility to check if the schedule has a conflict with otherEnhancement
TASKSNET-3187Fix ArgumentOutOfRangeException when rendering Gantt chartBug
TASKSNET-3151Fix incorrect reading of Tsk.Id valuesBug
TASKSNET-3140Fix corruption of SaveOptions.PresentationFormat property after saving of the projectBug
TASKSNET-3105Fix rendering to use updated header and footer info without resaving of the project.Bug
TASKSJAVA-907Aspose.Tasks 19.4: Image for a view header/footer does not persist in rasterized MS Project documentBug
TASKSNET-3093Fix infinite loop when Gantt chart with the custom font is renderedBug
TASKSNET-3029Text font info and image scaling is not persisted when saving the project to MPPBug
TASKSNET-3244Fix NullReferenceException when trying to save the project with duration lookupBug
TASKSNET-3298Error with open server project: Calendar with Uid = 0Bug
TASKSNET-3297Aspose.Tasks 19.5 throws an error while saving a resource with zero unitsBug
TASKSNET-3290Fix rounding error in the actual calculationBug
TASKSNET-3258Fix circular reference after file saveBug
TASKSNET-3186Fix update of %Complete for milestone tasksBug
TASKSNET-3124Fix tasks saved as collapsed, but displayed as expanded in MSP 2010Bug
TASKSNET-3095Fix tasks saved as collapsed, but displayed as expanded in MSPBug
TASKSNET-3342Fix exception on the file loadingBug
TASKSNET-3320Fix calculation of timephased data for “unassigned” resource assignmentsBug
TASKSNET-3319Fix exception while reading of MSP 2019 MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-3259Fix root task visibility after a resave of projectBug
TASKSNET-3147Fix task splitting algorithm for non-working daysBug
TASKSNET-3424Add writing DurationText tag in XML outputBug
TASKSNET-3414Page order ignored when saving into PDFBug
TASKSNET-3412Fix TasksReadingException on loading MS Project XML fileBug
TASKSNET-3391Fix double-parsing of MPP structure when .mpp file is openedBug
TASKSNET-3364Fix incorrect writing/reading of extended attributes when baseline and null resource assignment were addedBug
TASKSNET-3331Fix incorrect calculation of tasks’ idsBug
TASKSNET-3330Elements missing in exported PDFBug
TASKSNET-3164Too many external resources when rendering Project to HTMLBug
TASKSNET-3141Fix timeline renderingBug
TASKSNET-3101Fix generation of custom timephased dataBug
TASKSJAVA-986Fix incorrect reporting of the actual workBug
TASKSNET-3424Fix issue with metered integrationBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were deleted:Description
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.Project.setBaselineSaveTime(int,java.util.Date)Sets the baseline save time.
com.aspose.tasks.ExtendedAttribute.toStringReturns short string representation of an extended attribute.
com.aspose.tasks.ProjectOnlineReader.getProjectRawData(java.util.UUID)Gets the project’s binary data for troubleshooting purposes.
com.aspose.tasks.ProjectServerCredentials.#ctor(String,String,String)Initializes a new instance of the com.aspose.tasks.ProjectServerCredentials class using url of SharePoint site, user name and password.
com.aspose.tasks.ProjectServerCredentials.getUserNameGets the user name for SharePoint site
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.Field.TaskBaseLineFixedCostRepresents the Baseline Fixed Cost (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceTypeIsCostRepresents the Type (Cost) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentBaseLineWorkRepresents the Baseline Work (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentBaseLineCostRepresents the Baseline Cost (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentBaseLineStartRepresents the Baseline Start (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentBaseLineFinishRepresents the Baseline Finish (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentBaseLineCostPerUseRepresents the Baseline Cost Per Use (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Field.ResourceAssignmentGuidRepresents the Guid (Assignment) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.ParentTaskGuidRepresents the ParentTaskGuid (Task) field.