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Aspose.Tasks for Java 19.7 Release Notes


  • Implemented resource prefix for nested resources.

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-2992Implement resource prefix for nested resourcesNew Feature
TASKSNET-3075Add validation of SaveFileFormat.SVG save optionEnhancement
TASKSNET-2917Aspose.Tasks saves pages as an image without headers and footersEnhancement
TASKSNET-2600Include header information in the PDF output fileEnhancement
TASKSNET-3104Fix NullReferenceException when trying to save project without GanttChart view.Bug
TASKSNET-3094Fix invalid row’s background and foreground colors after resaving of MPP.Bug
TASKSNET-3092Fix wrong assignment dates calculated by Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSJAVA-838Fix Argument Exception “Item with Same Key has already been added” when saving MPP fileBug
TASKSNET-3078Fix IsMilestone field calculation for CalculationMode.NoneBug
TASKSNET-3069Fix invalid background color of rows in Gantt Chart view for project saved in MSP 2007Bug
TASKSNET-2958Fix a case when a file cannot be saved in MS Project after resaving in Aspose.TasksBug
TASKSNET-2602Fix spaces between days on TimelineBug
TASKSNET-2254Fix task progress after PercentComplete being updatedBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description



Gets or sets a percentage to reduce or enlarge the spacing between units on the timescale tier



Gets or sets the nested resource URI.



Gets or sets the displayed size of the left image.



Gets or sets the displayed size of the center image.



Gets or sets the displayed size of the right image.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.PrjKey.TemplateFullPathRepresents the Template (Project) full file name.