Aspose.Tasks for Java 22.2 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-10433Fix ShowProjectSummaryTask public APIEnhancement
TASKSNET-10309Change return type of *Slack properties to System.TimeSpanEnhancement
TASKSNET-4835Rename members of SaveFileFormat enum to camel caseEnhancement
TASKSNET-10431Fix rendering of timescale to fit it to page’s widthBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were deleted:
The following public classes were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDeltaRepresents a difference between two timestamps.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.#ctor(int,int,int)Initializes new instance of TimeDelta to the specified number of hours, minutes and seconds.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.#ctor(int,int,int,int,int)Initializes new instance of TimeDelta to the specified number of days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.add(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Returns a new TimeDelta object whose value is a sum of this and other instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.cloneCreates and returns a copy of this object.,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Compares two TimeDelta values and returns an integer that indicates whether the first value is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the second value.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.compareTo(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Compares this instance to a specified TimeDelta object and returns an integer that indicates whether this instance is shorter than, equal to, or longer than the TimeSpan object.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Indicates whether some other time span is equal to this one.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(java.lang.Object)Indicates whether some other object is “equal to” this one.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.equals(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Checks two instances for equality.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromDays(double)Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of days (rounded to the nearest millisecond).
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromHours(double)Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of hours (rounded to the nearest millisecond).
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromMilliseconds(double)Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of milliseconds (rounded to the nearest millisecond).
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromMinutes(double)Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of minutes (rounded to the nearest millisecond).
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.fromSeconds(double)Returns a TimeDelta that represents a specified number of seconds (rounded to the nearest millisecond).
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getDaysReturns the days component of the time interval, represented by this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getHoursReturns the hours component of the time interval, represented by this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getMillisecondsReturns the milliseconds component of the time interval, represented by this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getMinutesReturns the minutes component of the time interval, represented by this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getSecondsReturns the seconds component of the time interval, represented by this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalDaysReturns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional days.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalHoursReturns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional hours.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalMillisecondsReturns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional milliseconds.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalMinutesReturns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional minutes.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.getTotalSecondsReturns the value of the current instance expressed in whole and fractional seconds.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.hashCodeReturns a hash code value for the object.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.negateReturns a new TimeDelta whose value is the negated value of this instance.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.parse(java.lang.String)Converts the string representation of a time interval to its TimeDelta equivalent.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.subtract(com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta)Returns a new TimeDelta object whose value is a difference between this and other instances.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.toStringReturns a string representation of the object.
com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta.tryParse(java.lang.String,com.aspose.tasks.TimeDelta[])Converts the string representation of a time interval to its TimeDelta equivalent and returns a value that indicates whether the conversion succeeded.
The following public enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.MppMPP format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XmlXML format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.HtmlHTML format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.BmpBMP format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PngPNG format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.JpegJPEG format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PdfPDF format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.TiffTIFF format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XpsXPS format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XamlXAML format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.SvgSVG format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.CsvCSV format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.TxtText format (tab delimited).
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.XlsxOOXML (Excel 2007).
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraP6XmlPrimavera P6 Xml format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.PrimaveraXerPrimavera PM XER format.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveFileFormat.MpxMPX format.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.FreeSlackTimeSpanRepresents the FreeSlack (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.TotalSlackTimeSpanRepresents the TotalSlack (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.StartSlackTimeSpanRepresents the StartSlack (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.TaskKey.FinishSlackTimeSpanRepresents the FinishSlack (Task) field.
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.START_SLACK_TIME_SPANThe duration between the Early Start and Late Start dates.
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FINISH_SLACK_TIME_SPANThe duration between the Early Finish and Late Finish dates.
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.FREE_SLACK_TIME_SPANThe time that a task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
com.aspose.tasks.Tsk.TOTAL_SLACK_TIME_SPANThe time (in tenths of a minute) a task’s finish date can be delayed without delaying the project’s finish date.

Members marked as obsolete

The following members were marked as obsolete and will be deleted after version 22.6:

MemberWhat to use instead (if applicable)