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Aspose.Tasks for Java 23.2 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSJAVA-1873Method setEndDate does not work when rendering to single page is disabledEnhancement
TASKSJAVA-1253Primavera software not Read percentage complete as 100%Bug
TASKSNET-10773Fix persistence of Assignment’s guid when reading and writing a project from\to XER and P6XML formats.Bug
TASKSNET-10772Fix calculation of task’s calendar when reading Task dependent activity from file in XER formatBug
TASKSNET-10770Fix reading and generation of timephased data for assignments of tasks with elapsed durationBug
TASKSNET-10766Fix ‘System.ArgumentException’ when calling ResourceAssignment.GetTimephasedDataBug
TASKSNET-10725Fix exception when saving the specific project to XER formatBug
TASKSNET-10663Fix incorrect ‘Duration % complete’ shown in Primavera P6 when opening project saved by Aspose.Tasks.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added:Description
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.getFitTimescaleToEndOfPage()Gets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page.
com.aspose.tasks.SaveOptions.setFitTimescaleToEndOfPage(boolean)Sets whether a calendar section of a view should be rendered to the end (right side) of the last page.