Aspose.Tasks for Java 6.3.0 Release Notes

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following changes have been made to the public API that may include addition/removal of new methods/enumerations, deprecation of methods and new features.

UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete(DateTime completeThrough, bool setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly) method added to Project.

It updates all work as complete through a specified date for the entire project. Set boolean parameter setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly to false if you want to calculate whether the task is not started, 100% complete or percentage complete value. Set the setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly to true if you want in-progress tasks to remain at 0 percent. Any tasks whose scheduled finish date is after the complete-through date will not have any progress updated for them.

UpdateProjectWorkAsComplete(DateTime completeThrough, bool setZeroOrHundredPercentCompleteOnly, List tasks) method added to Project.

It updates all work as complete through a specified date for the specified list of tasks in a project. RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(DateTime after) method added to Project. It reschedules uncompleted project work for all tasks in a project to start after a specified date.

RescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter(DateTime after, List tasks) method added to Project.

It reschedules uncompleted project work for the specified list of tasks in a project to start after a specified date.

TaskToBarTextConverter BarTextConverter delegate property added to Visualization.BarStyle.

A declaration of TaskToBarTextConverter is “delegate string BarStyle.TaskToBarTextConverter(Task task);” It allows to specify a code to be used to render text on the right of task bar when rendering Gantt chart view. Resource names are rendered by default if BarTextConverter is not provided.

IComparer TasksComparer property added to Saving.SaveOptions.

It allows to specify sorting order of tasks in the Gantt chart view. By default tasks are sorted by Task.Id property.

StringAlignment property added to GanttChartColumn and ResourceViewColumn.

It allows left, right or centered alignment of text in columns of PresentationFormat.GanttChart, PresentationFormat.TaskUsage, PresentationFormat.ResourceUsage and PresentationFormat.ResourceSheet presentation formats.