Project Rescheduling

Reschedule Project From Start or Finish Date

This topic shows how to reschedule a project from the project start/finish date using Aspose.Tasks for Java.

Rescheduling a Project from the Finish Date

We can recalculate dates from the finish date by setting the project finish date and then invoking the Project.recalculate() method. You can calculate tasks slacks based on their early/late dates.

Programming Sample

The following lines of code show how to achieve this using Java

 1// For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// The path to the documents directory.
 3String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(RescheduleProjectFromStartOrFinishDate.class);
 5Project project = new Project(dataDir + "Project.mpp");
 6project.set(Prj.SCHEDULE_FROM_START, new NullableBool(false));
 7java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
 8cal.set(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
 9project.set(Prj.FINISH_DATE, cal.getTime());
11// Now all tasks dates (Start, Finish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish,
12// LateStart,
13// LateFinish) are calculated.
14// To get the critical path we need to calculate slacks (can be invoked
15// in
16// separate thread, but only after calculation of all early/late dates)
18TaskCollection criticalPath = project.getCriticalPath();

Rescheduling a Project from the Start Date

We can calculate dates from start date by setting the project start date and then invoke the Project.recalculate() method.

The following lines of code show how to achieve this using Java.

 1// For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// The path to the documents directory.
 3String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(RescheduleProjectFromStartOrFinishDate.class);
 5Project project = new Project(dataDir + "Project.mpp");
 6project.set(Prj.SCHEDULE_FROM_START, new NullableBool(true));
 7java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
 8cal.set(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
 9project.set(Prj.START_DATE, cal.getTime());
11// Now all tasks dates (Start, Finish, EarlyStart, EarlyFinish,
12// LateStart,
13// LateFinish) are calculated.
14// To get the critical path we need to calculate slacks (can be invoked
15// in
16// separate thread, but only after calculation of all early/late dates)
18TaskCollection criticalPath = project.getCriticalPath();

Update Project and Reschedule Uncompleted Work

Microsoft Project lets users update and reschedule work through a defined date. This helps identify work completed up to the specified date as well as reschedule any uncompleted work from a specified date. Aspose.Tasks’ Project API provides the same functionality by exposing the updateProjectWorkAsComplete and rescheduleUncompletedWorkToStartAfter methods. This article provides a working example of both these methods as a single use case.

Update Project

This topic demonstrates how to update a project through a specified date. The updateProjectWorkAsComplete method updates all the work as complete through a specified date for an entire project.

The following sample demonstrates how to achieve this

 1// For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// The path to the documents directory.
 3String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(UpdateProjectAndRescheduleuncompletedwork.class);
 5long OneSec = 10000000;// microsecond * 10
 6long OneMin = 60 * OneSec;
 7long OneHour = 60 * OneMin;
 9Project project = new Project();
11java.util.Calendar cal = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
12cal.set(2014, 1, 27, 8, 0, 0);
13project.set(Prj.START_DATE, cal.getTime());
15Task task1 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 1");
16Task task2 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 2");
17task2.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour));
18Task task3 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 3");
19task3.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour));
20Task task4 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 4");
21task4.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour));
22Task task5 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 5");
23task5.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour));
25TaskLink link12 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task1, task2, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
26TaskLink link23 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task2, task3, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
27link23.setLinkLag(4800); // one day lag
28TaskLink link34 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task3, task4, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
29TaskLink link45 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task4, task5, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
31Task task6 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 6");
32Task task7 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 7");
33task7.set(Tsk.DURATION, task7.getParentProject().getDuration(24, TimeUnitType.Hour));
34Task task8 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 8");
35task8.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour));
36Task task9 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 9");
37task9.set(Tsk.DURATION, task2.getParentProject().getDuration(16, TimeUnitType.Hour));
38Task task10 = project.getRootTask().getChildren().add("Task 10");
40TaskLink link67 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task6, task7, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
41TaskLink link78 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task7, task8, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
42TaskLink link89 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task8, task9, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
43TaskLink link910 = project.getTaskLinks().add(task9, task10, TaskLinkType.FinishToStart);
45task6.set(Tsk.IS_MANUAL, new NullableBool(true));
46task7.set(Tsk.IS_MANUAL, new NullableBool(true));
47task8.set(Tsk.IS_MANUAL, new NullableBool(true));
48task9.set(Tsk.IS_MANUAL, new NullableBool(true));
49task10.set(Tsk.IS_MANUAL, new NullableBool(true));
50 + "not updated.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML);
53cal.set(2014, 1, 28, 17, 0, 0);
54project.updateProjectWorkAsComplete(cal.getTime(), false);
55 + "updated.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML);
58cal.set(2014, 1, 28, 17, 0, 0);
60 + "rescheduled.xml", SaveFileFormat.XML);
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