Aspose.Tasks for .NET 17.6 Release Notes


TASKSNET-1971Add exception which is thrown when there is no installed printer in OSBug
TASKSNET-1963Finish date is incorrect for zero duration task using RecalculateBug
TASKSNET-1956Image from footer is recognized as textBug
TASKSNET-1941Empty project with one task has incorrectly filled ActualStart, ActualFinish datesBug
TASKSNET-1916HtmlSaveOptions.Pages.Add() method does not affect page index in the title when saving as HTMLBug
TASKSNET-1912Image from header is recognized as textBug
TASKSNET-1870Summary task is not updated for Actual Start, %Complete and Actual FinishBug
TASKSNET-1732XER converted from MPP contains string EUR instead of integer currency id for resourceBug
TASKSNET-1731XER generated by Aspose.Tasks for .NET raises exception while opening itBug
TASKSNET-1724Use of PrintOptions causes exception while using with Print()Bug
TASKSNET-1685Difference in timephased data while using calendar with exception and comparing the output XML with MSP view (.NET)Bug
TASKSNET-1586Company Information written to MPP is not displayed in MPPBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

APIs AddedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.CompoundDocumentHeaderExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when the header of MPP file is broken.
Aspose.Tasks.RecalculationValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project after recalculation.
Aspose.Tasks.TaskValidationExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when errors are found in project’s tasks after recalculation.
Aspose.Tasks.NoPrinterInstalledExceptionRepresents an exception which is thrown when there is no installed printer in OS.
Public methods and properties addedDescription
Aspose.Tasks.Project.Recalculate(System.Boolean)Reschedules all project tasks ids, outline levels, start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields with optional validation.
Aspose.Tasks.RecalculationValidationException.#ctorInitializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.RecalculationValidationException.#ctor(System.String)Initializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.RecalculationValidationException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)Initializes a new instance of the class.
Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions.#ctor(Aspose.Tasks.Saving.SaveOptions)Initializes a new instance of the class.