Aspose.Tasks for .NET 22.8 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
TASKSNET-10612Throw user-friendly exception when a view cannot be rendered with the specified “Fit X to Y pages” optionsEnhancement
TASKSNET-10610Change the default value of SaveOptions.Timescale to SaveOptions.DefinedInViewEnhancement
TASKSNET-10603Fix reading of LinkLag for XER and PrimaveraXML formatsBug
TASKSNET-10615Fix reading of task’s calendars from Primavera XML formatBug
TASKSNET-10607Fix reading of project’s currency for XER formatBug

Examples and additional notes

Related issue: TASKSNET-10610 - Change the default value of SaveOptions.Timescale to SaveOptions.DefinedInView

Breaking change notice.

Prior to 22.8 the default value of SaveOptions.Timescale was Timescale.Days due to back compatibility considerations. But this value can break WYSIWYG representation of the rendered project when project is saved with default options. For example, consider MPP file with timescale options set to months or quarters. The following code forcibly rendered the project with timescale’s granularity set to days which may be confusing for the user.

project.Save("output.pdf", SaveFileFormat.Pdf);
Now the project by default will be rendered with timescale’s granularity specified in MS Project.