Frequently Asked Questions | Aspose.TeX for С++
Q: What is the primary functionality of Aspose.TeX API Solution for C++?
A: The primary functionality of Aspose.TeX is the programmatic creation, manipulation, and conversion of TeX and LaTeX documents. It lets load existing TeX/LaTeX files, modify their content, and perform actions like adding or removing elements.
Q: What formats does Aspose.TeX for C++ support?
A: Aspose.TeX supports TeX and LaTeX as input and XPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, SVG, and BMP formats as output.
Q: How to convert TeX?
A: It is very simple. You need to take only a few steps!
- Create an object of the TeXOptions class.
- Specify the output by calling the set_OutputWorkingDirectory() method.
- Initialize save options for the output format, and instantiate the TeXJob class.
- Run the conversion.
For more examples, please visit
Convertion guides.
Q: Can I create a custom format using Aspose.TeX for C++?
A: Yes, the Library has such functionality. It is briefly described in the [Other TeX conversion output formats ] (/tex/cpp/other-tex-formats/#creating-a-custom-format) article.
Q: What packages are embedded into Aspose.TeX API Solution?
A: By now there are Aspose.TeX embedded LaTeX packages included:
- eurosym
- geometry
- graphics
- hyperref
- multirow
- pgf
- pict2e
- setspace
- latex-tools bundle: afterpage, array, bm, calc, dcolumn, delarray, enumerate, fileerr, fontsmpl, ftnright, hhline, indentfirst, layout, longtable, multicol, rawfonts, showkeys, somedefs, tabularx, theorem, trace, varioref, verbatim, xr, and xspace.
- url
- wasysym
- xcolor
Q: How to typeset TeX files?
A: It is really simple. Take a look at the example below!
1 // Create conversion options for the Object TeX/Object LaTeX format upon the Object TeX engine extension.
2 System::SharedPtr<TeXOptions> options = TeXOptions::ConsoleAppOptions(TeXConfig::ObjectTeX()); // TeXConfig::get_ObjectLaTeX()
3 // Specify a file system working directory for the output.
4 options->set_OutputWorkingDirectory(System::MakeObject<OutputFileSystemDirectory>(RunExamples::OutputDirectory));
5 // Run the job.
6 System::MakeObject<Aspose::TeX::TeXJob>(System::IO::Path::Combine(RunExamples::InputDirectory, u"hello-world"),
7 System::MakeObject<XpsDevice>(), options)->Run();
Q: How to install Aspose.TeX for C++ Package from Nuget?
A: Open the NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.TeX.Cpp, and install it. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console:
1 PM> Install-Package Aspose.TeX.Cpp
Q: Can I render LaTeX formulas using Aspose.TeX for C++?
A: Yes, Aspose.TeX math rendering library lets you create an SVG or PNG image with a math formula easily.
- Create rendering options.
- Specify the background color, preamble, resolution, foreground color, and scaling factor.
- Specify the output stream for the log file.
- Create a file stream to save the output image.
- Create an object of the (file format)MathRenderer class and run rendering the formula by calling the Render() method.
For more examples, please visit
LaTeX math formulas rendering guides.
Q: Where can I learn more about TeX?
A: There is a
knowledge base for TeX and LaTeX so you can understand the subject deeper. Also, take a look at the
General articles on LaTeX that will teach you rules that every document author must follow. It also defines the structure of the source file, which is essentially a typesetting program.
Q: Can Aspose.TeX for C++ work with archives, using them as output without previously unpacking the files or saving the result right to the archive?
A: Yes, just open a stream containing a ZIP archive that will serve as the input working directory. You can optionally specify a subdirectory in the archive. Otherwise, the file will be searched throughout the archive. For specifying ZIP archive working directories for input and output use the InputZipDirectory and OutputZipDirectory classes.
Q: Can I try the Solution before purchasing it?
A: Yes, you can easily download Aspose.TeX for C++ products for evaluation purposes. The evaluation version of Aspose.TeX (without a license specified) provides full product functionality except for some evaluation limitations.
If you want to try Aspose.TeX out without evaluation limitations, request a 30-day
temporary license.
Q: Where can I get help if I have any issues with the Library?
A: Check the
Aspose Forum for answers or add a new topic with your issue if you did not find the one suitable for your problem.
Q: How can I apply for a license for Aspose.TeX for C++?
A: Use the License::SetLicense
method to license the component. The easiest way to
set a license is to put the license file in the same folder as the Aspose.TeX.dll and specify the filename, without a path.
Q: Can I see the functionality of this API Solution implemented in web applications?
A: Check our
web solutions to convert, view, merge, and edit TeX and LaTeX files, and create mathematical equations and many more.