Frequently Asked Questions | Aspose.TeX for С++

Q: What is the primary functionality of Aspose.TeX API Solution for C++?

A: The primary functionality of Aspose.TeX is the programmatic creation, manipulation, and conversion of TeX and LaTeX documents. It lets load existing TeX/LaTeX files, modify their content, and perform actions like adding or removing elements.

Q: What formats does Aspose.TeX for C++ support?

A: Aspose.TeX supports TeX and LaTeX as input and XPS, PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, SVG, and BMP formats as output.

Q: How to convert TeX?

A: It is very simple. You need to take only a few steps!

  1. Create an object of the TeXOptions class.
  2. Specify the output by calling the set_OutputWorkingDirectory() method.
  3. Initialize save options for the output format, and instantiate the TeXJob class.
  4. Run the conversion.

For more examples, please visit Convertion guides.

Q: Can I create a custom format using Aspose.TeX for C++?

A: Yes, the Library has such functionality. It is briefly described in the [Other TeX conversion output formats ] (/tex/cpp/other-tex-formats/#creating-a-custom-format) article.

Q: What packages are embedded into Aspose.TeX API Solution?

A: By now there are Aspose.TeX embedded LaTeX packages included:

Q: How to typeset TeX files?

A: It is really simple. Take a look at the example below!

1    // Create conversion options for the Object TeX/Object LaTeX format upon the Object TeX engine extension.
2    System::SharedPtr<TeXOptions> options = TeXOptions::ConsoleAppOptions(TeXConfig::ObjectTeX()); // TeXConfig::get_ObjectLaTeX()
3    // Specify a file system working directory for the output.
4    options->set_OutputWorkingDirectory(System::MakeObject<OutputFileSystemDirectory>(RunExamples::OutputDirectory));
5    // Run the job.
6    System::MakeObject<Aspose::TeX::TeXJob>(System::IO::Path::Combine(RunExamples::InputDirectory, u"hello-world"),
7        System::MakeObject<XpsDevice>(), options)->Run();

Q: How to install Aspose.TeX for C++ Package from Nuget?

A: Open the NuGet package manager, search for Aspose.TeX.Cpp, and install it. You may also use the following command from the Package Manager Console:

1    PM> Install-Package Aspose.TeX.Cpp

Q: Can I render LaTeX formulas using Aspose.TeX for C++?

A: Yes, Aspose.TeX math rendering library lets you create an SVG or PNG image with a math formula easily.

  1. Create rendering options.
  2. Specify the background color, preamble, resolution, foreground color, and scaling factor.
  3. Specify the output stream for the log file.
  4. Create a file stream to save the output image.
  5. Create an object of the (file format)MathRenderer class and run rendering the formula by calling the Render() method.

For more examples, please visit LaTeX math formulas rendering guides.

Q: Where can I learn more about TeX?

A: There is a knowledge base for TeX and LaTeX so you can understand the subject deeper. Also, take a look at the General articles on LaTeX that will teach you rules that every document author must follow. It also defines the structure of the source file, which is essentially a typesetting program.

Q: Can Aspose.TeX for C++ work with archives, using them as output without previously unpacking the files or saving the result right to the archive?

A: Yes, just open a stream containing a ZIP archive that will serve as the input working directory. You can optionally specify a subdirectory in the archive. Otherwise, the file will be searched throughout the archive. For specifying ZIP archive working directories for input and output use the InputZipDirectory and OutputZipDirectory classes.

Q: Can I try the Solution before purchasing it?

A: Yes, you can easily download Aspose.TeX for C++ products for evaluation purposes. The evaluation version of Aspose.TeX (without a license specified) provides full product functionality except for some evaluation limitations.

If you want to try Aspose.TeX out without evaluation limitations, request a 30-day temporary license.

Q: Where can I get help if I have any issues with the Library?

A: Check the Aspose Forum for answers or add a new topic with your issue if you did not find the one suitable for your problem.

Q: How can I apply for a license for Aspose.TeX for C++?

A: Use the License::SetLicense method to license the component. The easiest way to set a license is to put the license file in the same folder as the Aspose.TeX.dll and specify the filename, without a path.

Q: Can I see the functionality of this API Solution implemented in web applications?

A: Check our web solutions to convert, view, merge, and edit TeX and LaTeX files, and create mathematical equations and many more.

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