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Aspose.Words for C++ 18.11 Release Notes

Major Features

Support for the following file formats and conversions has been added:

  • WordprocessingML (DOCX, XML) - DOCX, WML, FlatOpc
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Plain Text (TXT)

The following features from Aspose.Words for .NET have been added:

  • Updating fields (except fields that require updating page layout)
  • OfficeMath
  • Mail Merge support

Limitations and API Differences

Aspose.Words for C++ has some differences as compared to its equivalent .NET version of the API. This section contains information about all such functionality that is not available in the current release. The missing features will be added in the future releases.

  • The current release supports limited set of file formats (DOC, DOCX, RTF and TXT)
  • The current release doesn’t support Rendering and Printing features
  • The current release doesn’t support Reporting features
  • The current release only supports Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 and Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 platforms.Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

WORDSCPP-532Incorrect overload selection for string literals and nullptr vs boolBug
WORDSCPP-605Matching of Unicode characters does not work in ported codeBug
WORDSCPP-615Xml written by ported C++ has minor differences from Xml writen by .NETBug
WORDSCPP-620Runs with significant white-space are ignored upon reading DOCXBug
WORDSCPP-621xmlns attribute returns NullPtr in C++Bug
WORDSCPP-623Aspose::Zip::ZipException is not thrown in OpcPackage::LoadPartsBug
WORDSCPP-625XmlNode.SetInnerText cause NullReferenceExceptionBug
WORDSCPP-636Incorrect boxing of GetValueOrDefault argumentsBug
WORDSCPP-640Incorrect boxing of string[] to object[] after portingBug
WORDSCPP-641Incorrect porting of RunPr.Count get property (missing const keyword)Bug
WORDSCPP-648XmlTextReader.ReadString() method should Call MoveToElement() internallyBug
WORDSCPP-663TestExportRtf.TestJira12861 / Incorrect porting of string literal with surrogate pairsBug
WORDSCPP-630Investigate better way to port foreach loopEnhancement
WORDSCPP-576Include DOCX codec to portingFeature
WORDSCPP-577Include RTF codec to portingFeature
WORDSCPP-595Include Mail Merge module to portingFeature
WORDSCPP-596Include Updating fields (except layout) to portingFeature