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Aspose.Words for C++ 20.10 Release Notes

Major Features

We have added the following features from Aspose.Words for .NET on this regular monthly release:

  • Added support for loading CHM documents.
  • Document.ExtractPages() feature was introduced.
  • Implemented a new API for exporting specific pages to fixed page formats.
  • Released the first version of SmartArt Cold Rendering.

Limitations and API Differences

Aspose.Words for C++ has some differences as compared to its equivalent .NET version of the API. This section contains information about all such functionality that is not available in the current release. The missing features will be added in future releases.

The current release does not support a Metered license. The current release does not support LINQ and Reporting features. The current release does not support OpenGL 3D Shapes rendering. The current release does not support advanced typography based on the HarfBuzz shaper. The current release does not support loading PDF documents. The current release has limited support for database features - C++ does not have a common API for DB like .NET System.Data. The current release supports Microsoft Visual C++ version 2017 or higher and only for the x64 platform. The current release supports GCC 6.3 or higher and Clang 3.9.1 or higher on Linux and only for the x86_x64 platform.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

WORDSNET-3110Allow export of non-sequential pages to rendered formatsNew Feature
WORDSNET-17788Consider supporting the CHM formatNew Feature
WORDSNET-11143DOCX to HTML issue with smartArt renderingNew Feature
WORDSNET-20820Support exporting specific pages to PDFNew Feature
WORDSNET-20702Add feature to insert OLE as ‘Package’ and insert correct document type iconNew Feature
WORDSNET-21062Bind or Get Mapped XML Data (CustomXmlPart) with/from StructuredDocumentTagRangeStartNew Feature
WORDSNET-21029Provide option to mark images as Equal in case of difference in “id” attributeNew Feature
WORDSNET-16228Integrate Page Splitting feature in Aspose.WordsNew Feature
WORDSNET-3522Consider adding an option to leave page refs untouched upon renderingNew Feature
WORDSCPP-850Fix gradient brush renderingBug
WORDSNET-20879System.InvalidOperationException when save document to markdown formatBug
WORDSNET-20983RTF to DOCX and RTF conversion issue with the font ‘Segoe UI Symbol’Bug
WORDSNET-20041Document to HTML adds extra stylingBug
WORDSNET-21142Broken alignment and numbering when converting HTML to DOCXBug
WORDSNET-6513DrawingML becomes invisible when rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-20788Extra spaces appear in Model (.ODT format)Bug
WORDSNET-20671NullReferenceException when call UpdatePageLayout for specific documentBug
WORDSNET-21002Issue with Serial Number in the Tracked Changes enabled documentBug
WORDSNET-14458Junk characters in bullet points when converted DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-21012FileCorruptedException when loading ODT documentBug
WORDSNET-21011NullReferenceException when saving the attached document as PDFBug
WORDSNET-20221Consider disabling CompatibilityOptions.UsePrinterMetrics by default during rendering to mimic MS Word 2019Bug
WORDSNET-21024Aspose.Words 20.6.0: Cannot insert SVG imageBug
WORDSNET-21025FileCorruptedException when load specific documentBug
WORDSNET-21027OverflowException when saving the specific document as pngBug
WORDSNET-21030UpdatePageLayout causes System.DivideByZeroExceptionBug
WORDSNET-20700PDF to DOCX - page numbers not recognizedBug
WORDSNET-21040Cell text is rendered at the right side in output PDFBug
WORDSNET-20517SmartArt is lost after DOC to HtmlFixed conversionBug
WORDSNET-21047Long hand format lost if value over a millionBug
WORDSNET-20977Word to PDF conversion misses justified formattingBug
WORDSNET-18657Incorrect PageCount in some documentsBug
WORDSNET-21051Incorrect reference in LinePart.LastVisualSpan leads to a cycle in a linked list of visual spansBug
WORDSNET-20661Fanwood font issue while converting PDF to DOCX on LinuxBug
WORDSNET-20382Make sure all external resources are importing via IResourceLoadingCallbackBug
WORDSNET-21058CommentsIds.xml and CommentsExtensible.xml parts is not retained after saving the documentBug
WORDSNET-20825System.NullReferenceException occurs upon saving DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-20746SmartArt text wrappingBug
WORDSNET-21065Aspose.Words 20.9: DivideByZeroException when updating statistics of a DOTM documentBug
WORDSNET-21071Cannot access to indexer for VbaReferenceCollectionBug
WORDSNET-21073Implement conversion of images from EMF to PNG during import for RTF formatBug
WORDSNET-20541Conversion to PDF - Table breaks and shifts to the previous pageBug
WORDSNET-19599Floating table vertical container bounds in 2013 modeBug
WORDSNET-21080Image is lost after DOCX to PDF conversionBug
WORDSNET-19652SmartArt Shape not preserved during renderingBug
WORDSNET-19655Remove invalid nested table indent values during validationBug
WORDSNET-20537Text pushed to the next page - Conversion to PDFBug
WORDSNET-21083DOCX to PDF Conversion with Chart : System Argument Out Of Range ExceptionBug
WORDSNET-21032OutOfMemoryException when SaveAs document with SVG image as PNGBug
WORDSNET-20300LINQ Reporting Engine - “backColor” adds unwanted carriage returnBug
WORDSNET-21088Body.ChildNodes returns incorrect nodesBug
WORDSNET-21090Incorrect page backgroundBug
WORDSNET-21091Tab spaces lost after open/save with AWBug
WORDSNET-20828Performance issue while converting DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-21087GetShapeRenderer throws NullReferenceException upon first call - No problem when calling it the second timeBug
WORDSNET-21097Fill.Opacity is not set when Shape is inserted by InsertShapeBug
WORDSNET-20333JoinRunsWithSameFormatting does not join the Run nodesBug
WORDSNET-19140Document.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting does not join Runs with same formattingBug
WORDSNET-21101Append Word Documents with KeepDifferentStyles uses ?normal?-style of destination documentBug
WORDSNET-20871Exception while saving PDFBug
WORDSNET-21103DOCX to PDF conversion: Comments causing System.NullReferenceExceptionBug
WORDSNET-20877System.NullReferenceException while converting DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-20886System.NullReferenceException is thrown while saving DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-20891Do not show HTML markup code during Word DOCX to PDF conversionBug
WORDSNET-20888DOCX to PDF conversion issue with David font renderingBug
WORDSNET-20697Numbering (lists) issue after PDF to DOCXBug
WORDSNET-21086Wrong themeColor value when converting RTF to DOCXBug
WORDSNET-21113Docx to pdf conversion fails after calling UpdateFields - footnoteBug
WORDSNET-20912KeepDifferentStyles behavior changed for Normal style?Bug
WORDSNET-20047Single table in Word is converted into two tables in output HTMLBug
WORDSNET-20736InsertOleObject does not work with SkiaSharp.SKBitmap when EMF file is inserted into documentBug
WORDSNET-20934System.NullReferenceException on UpdatePageLayoutBug
WORDSNET-20935System.NullReferenceException while savingBug
WORDSNET-21121Saving to PDF after calling UpdateFields method throws System.NullReferenceExceptionBug
WORDSNET-20942LayoutCollector return less pages for the Document.Bug
WORDSNET-21133Conversion of DOC and DOCX with EMF images to PDF. Consume a large amount of memoryBug
WORDSNET-20022Provide API to set Format of Index listing to Modern Fancy etcBug
WORDSNET-21144System.NullReferenceException is thrown while saving DOCX to PDFBug
WORDSNET-20970JsonDataSource throws System.Data.DuplicateNameExceptionBug
WORDSNET-20969Bullet is lost after re-saving DOCXBug
WORDSNET-20980Images are overlapped after DOCX to PDF conversionBug
WORDSNET-19139Document.JoinRunsWithSameFormatting does not join Runs with same formattingBug
WORDSNET-6212DOCX to PDF conversion issue with absolute text fieldBug
WORDSNET-21157Aspose.Words 20.9: Loading particular DOCX document and save it to PDF raises exceptionBug
WORDSNET-6026While converting DOCX to PDF, footnotes merged into contentsBug
WORDSNET-7885Text/Image positions are incorrect while conversion from MHT to DOC/DOCXBug
WORDSNET-21193Broken numbering when converting HTML to DOCXBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 20.9. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added a new public option LayoutOptions.IgnorePrinterMetrics

Related issue: WORDSNET-20221

Word 2019 ignores the “Use printer metrics to lay out document” compatibility option, though this option is still present in the “Compatibility options for” dialog under Word Options -> Advanced and is still accessible via the Document.Compatibility property in Word VBA. Comparing with previous Word versions, Word 2019 produces a different layout for documents with this compatibility option enabled.

The new default behaviour for Aspose.Words is to ignore the “Use printer metrics to lay out document” compatibility option, while it is still possible to lay out documents as previous Word versions.

A new public property IgnorePrinterMetrics has been added to the LayoutOptions class.

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets indication of whether the "Use printer metrics to layout document" compatibility option is ignored.
/// Default is True.
/// </summary>
public bool IgnorePrinterMetrics

Document doc = new Document(fileName);
doc.LayoutOptions.IgnorePrinterMetrics = false;

Added a new public overloaded methods InsertOleObjectAsIcon

Related issue: WORDSNET-20702

New public overloaded methods ‘InsertOleObjectAsIcon’ have been added to the ‘DocumentBuilder’ class:

/// <summary>
/// Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object as icon into the document.
/// Allows to specify icon file and caption. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
/// <param name="isLinked">
/// If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.
/// </param>
/// <param name="iconFile">
/// Full path to the ICO file. If the value is null, Aspose.Words will use a predefined image.
/// </param>
/// <param name="iconCaption">Icon caption.</param>
/// <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
public Shape InsertOleObjectAsIcon(string fileName, string progId, bool isLinked, string iconFile, string iconCaption);

/// <summary>
/// Inserts an embedded OLE object as icon from a stream into the document.
/// Allows to specify icon file and caption. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream containing application data.</param>
/// <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
/// param name="iconFile">
/// Full path to the ICO file. If the value is null, Aspose.Words will use a predefined image.
/// </param>
/// <param name="iconCaption">Icon caption.</param>
/// <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
public Shape InsertOleObjectAsIcon(Stream stream, string progId, string iconFile, string iconCaption);

Use Case. Explains how to insert an OLE object as a “Package” and insert an icon of the correct document type:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.InsertOleObjectAsIcon("C:\\embedded.xlsx", "Package", false, "C:\\icon.ico", "My embedded file");
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes("C:\\embedded.xlsx")))
    builder.InsertOleObjectAsIcon(stream, "Package", "C:\\icon.ico", "My embedded file");

Added a new public property CompareOptions.IgnoreDmlUniqueId

Related issue: WORDSNET-19042

Added a new public property CompareOptions.IgnoreDmlUniqueId:

/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether to ignore difference in DrawingML unique Id.
/// Default value is <b>false</b>.
/// </summary>
public bool IgnoreDmlUniqueId
It is false by default to preserve Word’s behaviour.

Use Case:

Document docA = TestUtil.Open(DocumentAPath);
Document docB = TestUtil.Open(DocumentBPath);

CompareOptions compareOptions = new CompareOptions();
compareOptions.IgnoreDmlUniqueId = true;

docA.Compare(docB, "vs", DateTime.Now, compareOptions);

Added a new public property LoadOptions.ConvertMetafilesToPng

Related issue: WORDSNET-20809

This new LoadOption allows reducing memory usage.

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets whether to convert metafile (<see cref="FileFormat.Wmf"/> or <see cref="FileFormat.Emf"/>) images to <see cref="FileFormat.Png" /> image format.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Metafiles (<see cref="FileFormat.Wmf"/> or <see cref="FileFormat.Emf"/>) is an uncompressed image format and sometimes requires to much RAM to hold and process document.
/// This option allows to convert all metafile images to <see cref="FileFormat.Png" /> on document loading.
/// Please note - conversion vector graphics to raster decreases the quality of the images.
/// </remarks>
public bool ConvertMetafilesToPng

Use Case:

LoadOptions lo = new LoadOptions();
lo.ConvertMetafilesToPng = true;

Document doc = new Document(fielName, lo);

Added a new public property StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.XmlMapping

Related issue: WORDSNET-21062

A new public property XmlMapping has been added to the StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart class:

/// <summary>
/// Gets an object that represents the mapping of this structured document tag range to XML data in a custom XML part of the current document.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You can use the SetMapping(CustomXmlPart, string, string) method of this object to map a structured document tag range to XML data.
/// </remarks>
public XmlMapping XmlMapping

Use Case:

Document doc = new Document(fileName);

StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart sdtRangeStart = (StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart)doc.GetChild(NodeType.StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart, 0, true);

sdtRangeStart.XmlMapping.SetMapping(doc.CustomXmlParts[0], "/Root/Element", null);


Added FieldOptions.FieldIndexFormat property and FieldIndexFormat enum

Related issue: WORDSNET-20022

To satisfy the customer’s requirements, we have added the FieldOptions.FieldIndexFormat property and FieldIndexFormat enum:

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a <see cref="FieldIndexFormat"/> that represents
/// the formatting for the <see cref="FieldIndex"/> fields in the document.
/// </summary>
public FieldIndexFormat FieldIndexFormat
/// <summary>
/// Specifies the formatting for <see cref="FieldIndex"/> fields in a document.
/// </summary>
public enum FieldIndexFormat
    /// <summary>From template.</summary>
    Template = 0,
    /// <summary>Classic.</summary>
    Classic = 1,
    /// <summary>Fancy.</summary>
    Fancy = 2,
    /// <summary>Modern.</summary>
    Modern = 3,
    /// <summary>Bulleted.</summary>
    Bulleted = 4,
    /// <summary>Formal.</summary>
    Formal = 5,
    /// <summary>Simple.</summary>
    Simple = 6

The use case is as simple as:

document.FieldOptions.FieldIndexFormat = FieldIndexFormat.Fancy;

Added support for loading CHM documents

Related issue: WORDSNET-17788

Aspose.Words now can load CHM documents.

A CHM document is a collection of HTML documents called “topics”. Currently, Aspose.Words always loads all topics from a CHM document in the order in which they appear in the table of contents. CHM documents that don’t have a table of contents, are also supported. When loading such documents, Aspose.Words loads the default topic and then locates additional topics by recursively following hyperlinks in already loaded topics.

The following publicly visible enum values were added:


The FileFormatUtil class can now be used to determine if a file is a CHM document. For example, the following call

FileFormatInfo info = FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat("help.chm");

will return an info instance with the FileFormatInfo.LoadFormat property set to LoadFormat.Chm.

Of all load options only LoadOptions.Encoding currently affects when working with CHM documents. It is useful for loading CHM documents that do not specify the encoding in their HTML topics. LoadOptions.ResourceLoadingCallback is not invoked when loading a CHM document. Aspose.Words expects all referenced resource files to be stored in the CHM document along with topic files. External resource files are not supported.

The use cases for loading CHM documents are as follows:

Document doc = new Document("help.chm");
LoadOptions options = new LoadOptions
    Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("windows-1251")
Document doc = new Document("help.chm", options);

A new public property MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder has been added

Related issue: WORDSNET-20879

New public property ‘ImagesFolder’ has been added to the ‘MarkdownSaveOptions’ class:

/// <summary>
/// Specifies the physical folder where images are saved when exporting a document to
/// the <see cref="Words.SaveFormat.Markdown"/> format. Default is an empty string.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// <para>
/// When you save a <see cref="Document"/> in <see cref="Words.SaveFormat.Markdown"/> format,
/// Aspose.Words needs to save all images embedded in the document as standalone files.
/// <see cref="ImagesFolder"/> allows you to specify where the images will be saved.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If you save a document into a file and provide a file name, Aspose.Words, by default, saves the images in
/// the same folder where the document file is saved. Use <see cref="ImagesFolder"/> to override this behavior.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If you save a document into a stream, Aspose.Words does not have a folder
/// where to save the images, but still needs to save the images somewhere. In this case,
/// you need to specify an accessible folder in the <see cref="ImagesFolder"/> property.
/// </para>
/// <para>
/// If the folder specified by <see cref="ImagesFolder"/> doesn't exist, it will be created automatically.
/// </para>
/// </remarks>
public string ImagesFolder

Use Case: Explains how to use ‘MarkdownSaveOptions.ImagesFolder’ when saving a document to markdown format:

Document doc = new Document("");
MarkdownSaveOptions so = new MarkdownSaveOptions();
so.ImagesFolder = "C:\\Images";
using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
    doc.Save(stream, so);

Document.DefaultTabStop property can now be zero

Related issue: WORDSNET-20746

Document.DefaultTabStop property can now be zero (previously only a positive whole number).

Use Case:

Document doc = TestUtil.Open("input.docx");
doc.DefaultTabStop = 0;

Document.ExtractPages() method was introduced

Related issue: WORDSNET-16228

A new method ExtractPages() has been added to the Document class. Returns the new document, consisting of nodes located in the current document, within the specified page range.

/// <summary>
/// Returns the <see cref="Document"/> object representing specified range of pages.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The resulting document should look like the one in MS Word, as if we had performed 'Print specific pages' – the numbering,
/// headers/footers and cross tables layout will be preserved.
/// But due to a large number of nuances, appearing while reducing the number of pages, full match of the layout is a quiet complicated task requiring a lot of effort.
/// Depending on the document complexity there might be slight differences in the resulting document contents layout comparing to the source document.
/// Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based index of the first page to extract.</param>
/// <param name="count">Number of pages to be extracted.</param>
public Document ExtractPages(int index, int count)

Implemented new API for exporting specific pages to fixed page formats

Related issue: WORDSNET-20820

A new public API for exporting specific pages to fixed page formats has been implemented.

Previously, you could specify only one continuous range for rendering, but now you can specify a complex set of pages based on different page ranges or individual pages in any order. This provides a flexible way to combine pages into final documents in fixed page formats.

A new property in FixedPageSaveOptions class was introduced for this purpose:

public abstract class FixedPageSaveOptions : SaveOptions
    Gets or sets the pages to render.
    Default is all the pages in the document.
    Overrides <see cref="FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex"/> and <see cref="FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount"/> when set.
    public PageSet PageSet { get; set; }

FixedPageSaveOptions.PageIndex and FixedPageSaveOptions.PageCount are marked obsolete now. Pages are specified via new PageSet class:

/// <summary>
/// Describes a random set of pages.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PageSet
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a set with all the pages of the document in their original order.
    /// </summary>
    public static PageSet All { get;}

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a set with all the even pages of the document in their original order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Even pages have odd indices since page indices are zero-based.
    /// </remarks>
    public static PageSet Even { get;}

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a set with all the odd pages of the document in their original order.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Odd pages have even indices since page indices are zero-based.
    /// </remarks>
    public static PageSet Odd { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a page set based on exact page indices.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pages">Zero-based indices of pages.</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If a page is encountered that is not in the document, an exception will be thrown during rendering.
    /// <see cref="int.MaxValue"/> means the last page in the document.
    /// </remarks>
    public PageSet(params int[] pages);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a page set based on ranges.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ranges">Array of page ranges.</param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If a range is encountered that starts after the last page in the document,
    /// an exception will be thrown during rendering.
    /// All ranges that end after the last page are truncated to fit in the document.
    /// </remarks>
    public PageSet(params PageRange[] ranges);

A page set can consist of page ranges specified with PageRange class:

/// <summary>
/// Represents a continuous range of pages.
/// </summary>
public sealed class PageRange
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a new page range object.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="from">
    /// The starting page zero-based index.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="to">
    /// The ending page zero-based index.
    /// If it exceeds the index of the last page in the document,
    /// it is truncated to fit in the document on rendering.
    /// </param>
    /// <remarks>
    /// <see cref="int.MaxValue"/> means the last page in the document.
    /// </remarks>
    public PageRange(int from, int to);

Sample use case:

// Export even pages to PDF.
auto pdfOptions = System::MakeObject<PdfSaveOptions>();
doc->Save(u"out.pdf", pdfOptions);

// Export various page ranges to multipage TIFF image.
auto imageOptions = System::MakeObject<ImageSaveOptions>(SaveFormat::Tiff);
auto pageSet = System::MakeObject<PageSet>(
        System::MakeObject<PageRange>(1, 1),
        System::MakeObject<PageRange>(5, 6),
        System::MakeObject<PageRange>(1, 3),
        System::MakeObject<PageRange>(2, 5),
        System::MakeObject<PageRange>(1, 1)});

doc->Save(u"out.tiff", imageOptions);

// Export exact pages to XPS.
auto xpsOptions = System::MakeObject<XpsSaveOptions>();
xpsOptions->set_PageSet(System::MakeObject<PageSet>(System::MakeArray<int>({0, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 2 3})));
doc->Save(u"out.xps", xpsOptions);

Released the first version of SmartArt Cold Rendering

Microsoft Word generates and saves the pre-rendered drawing along with the SmartArt object. In most cases the pre-rendered drawing is rendered well by Aspose.Words and no additional actions required. However if the document is saved by other applications, the pre-rendered SmartArt drawing may be missing or incorrect. In this case the SmartArt object itself should be laid-out and rendered. We call this process the SmartArt Cold Rendering.

If pre-rendered drawing is available then Aspose.Words uses it to render the SmartArt object. If pre-rendered drawing is missing then Aspose.Words implicitly performs Cold Rendering to render the SmartArt object. If pre-rendered drawing is present but incorrect then it is required to perform SmartArt cold rendering explicitly by calling Shape.UpdateSmartArtDrawing() method.

In the first release only a limited number of standard Mircosoft Word SmartArt layouts are supported. Also part of these layouts are supported partially, i.e. the significant nodes and shapes of the diagram are rendered but there may be differences between Microsoft Word and Aspose.Words diagram layout.

List of fully supported layouts:

  • Basic Block List
  • Alternating Hexagons
  • Vertical Bullet List
  • Vertical Box List
  • Varying Width List
  • Horizontal Bullet List
  • Grouped List
  • Vertical Block List
  • Vertical Chevron List
  • Vertical Arrow List
  • Trapezoid List
  • Table List
  • Pyramid List
  • Target List
  • Basic Process
  • Accent Process
  • Continuous Block Process
  • Increasing Arrow Process
  • Converging Text
  • Basic Timeline
  • Basic Chevron Process
  • Chevron Accent Process
  • Closed Chevron Process
  • Chevron List
  • Vertical Process
  • Staggered Process
  • Process List
  • Basic Bending Process
  • Repeating Bending Process
  • Detailed Process
  • Upward Arrow
  • Descending Process
  • Circular Bending Process
  • Balance
  • Funnel
  • Gear
  • Plus And Minus
  • Arrow Ribbon
  • Counterbalance Arrows
  • Opposing Arrows
  • Nested Target
  • Basic Target
  • Basic Pie
  • Basic Venn
  • Stacked Venn
  • Interconnected Ring
  • Basic Matrix
  • Titled Matrix
  • Grid Matrix
  • Cycle Matrix

List of partially supported layouts:

  • Lined List
  • Vertical Bracket List
  • Tab List
  • Stacked List
  • Vertical Accent List
  • Vertical Circle List
  • Step Up Process
  • Step Down Process
  • Alternating Flow
  • Increasing Circle Process
  • Pie Process
  • Interconnected Block Process
  • Process Arrows
  • Circle Accent Timeline
  • Circle Process
  • Sub Step Process
  • Phased Process
  • Random to Result Process
  • Circle Arrow Process
  • Segmented Cycle
  • Hexagon Radial
  • Table Hierarchy
  • Architecture Layout
  • Circle Relationship
  • Opposing Ideas
  • Equation
  • Vertical Equation
  • Linear Venn
  • Segmented Pyramid

Here are example pictures of Aspose.Words Cold Rendering of some standard layouts comparing to Microsoft Word output.

Aspose.WordsMicrosoft Word
Basic ProcessBasicProcess AsposeBasicProcess Word
Circular Bending ProcessCircularBendingProcess AsposeCircularBendingProcess Word
Repeating Bending ProcessRepeatingBendingProcess AsposeRepeatingBendingProcess Word
Trapezoid ListTrapezoidList AsposeTrapezoidList Word

Signatures of DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject methods changed to accept Syste.IO.Stream instead of System.Drawing.Image

Related issue: WORDSNET-20736

To make it possible to insert OLE objects with metafile presentation in .NET Standard signatures of DocumentBuilder.InsertOleObject methods were changed to accept Syste.IO.Stream instead of System.Drawing.Image

/// <summary>
/// Inserts an embedded OLE object from a stream into the document.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="stream">Stream containing application data.</param>
/// <param name="progId">Programmatic Identifier of OLE object.</param>
/// <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
/// <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
/// <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
/// <javaName>com.aspose.words.Shape insertOleObject( stream, java.lang.String progId, boolean asIcon, java.awt.image.BufferedImage presentation)</javaName>
public Shape InsertOleObject(Stream stream, string progId, bool asIcon, Stream presentation)
    OleRegistryInfo oleInfo = OleRegistryInfo.GetByProgId(progId);
    Shape shape = InsertOleImage(presentation, asIcon, oleInfo);
    OleObject oleObject = OleUtil.CreateOleObject(stream, progId, asIcon);
    return InsertOleObjectCore(null, false, shape, oleInfo.ProgId, oleObject);
/// <summary>
/// Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object from a file into the document. Detects OLE object type using file extension.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="isLinked">If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.</param>
/// <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
/// <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
/// <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
public Shape InsertOleObject(string fileName, bool isLinked, bool asIcon, Stream presentation)
    OleRegistryInfo oleInfo = OleRegistryInfo.GetByFileExt(Path.GetExtension(fileName));
    return InsertOleObject(fileName, isLinked, asIcon, presentation, oleInfo);
/// <summary>
/// Inserts an embedded or linked OLE object from a file into the document. Detects OLE object type using given progID parameter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Full path to the file.</param>
/// <param name="progId">ProgId of OLE object.</param>
/// <param name="isLinked">If true then linked OLE object is inserted otherwise embedded OLE object is inserted.</param>
/// <param name="asIcon">Specifies either Iconic or Normal mode of OLE object being inserted.</param>
/// <param name="presentation">Image presentation of OLE object. If value is null Aspose.Words will use one of the predefined images.</param>
/// <returns>Shape node containing Ole object and inserted at the current Builder position.</returns>
public Shape InsertOleObject(string fileName, string progId, bool isLinked, bool asIcon, Stream presentation)
    OleRegistryInfo oleInfo = OleRegistryInfo.GetByProgId(progId);
    return InsertOleObject(fileName, isLinked, asIcon, presentation, oleInfo);

The indexer of VbaReferenceCollection is exposed publicly

Related issue: WORDSNET-21071

The indexer of VbaReferenceCollection is exposed publicly for reading:

/// <summary>
/// Gets <see cref="VbaReference"/> object at the specified index.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">The zero-based index of the reference to get.</param>
public VbaReference this[int index]

Please find usage examples here