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Aspose.Words for C++ 23.6 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 86 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Implemented an ability to save documents as XLSX.
  • Added support of Advanced Typography in WMF, EMF and EMF+ rendering.
  • Added public property (PageInfo.Colored) indicating whether the page is in color or not.
  • Implemented ability to set fill, stroke and callout formatting for chart data labels.
  • Added a new LowCode methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document.

Full list of changes

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words 23.6. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added ability to remove digital signatures from OTT

Implemented removing digital signatures from OTT using Aspose.Words.DigitalSignatures.DigitalSignatureUtil.RemoveAllSignatures method.

Aspose::Words::DigitalSignatures::DigitalSignatureUtil::RemoveAllSignatures(u"", u"");

Added a new warning during reading FB2 format

The corresponding warning will be added during reading a FB2 book.

The original file load format is FB2, which is not supported by Aspose.Words. The file is loaded as an XML document.

Added a property indicating whether the page is in color or not

Implemented a new PageInfo.Colored property indicating whether the page is in color or not.

/// Returns <c>%true</c> if the page contains colored content.
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API bool get_Colored();
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::Document>(System::String(u"in.docx"));
// Check that the first page of the document is not colored.

Evaluating this property causes internal rendering of the document, which can affect performance. Although, if further rendering of the document is supposed, then the necessary values are most likely already in the cache.

Added new public property LayoutOptions.KeepOriginalFontMetrics

We have changed the default behavior of Aspose.Words during font substitution to copy the behavior introduced in Microsoft Word 2019. Previously, the metrics of the original font were used in some cases. Now the metrics of the substitution font is used in all cases by default.

The KeepOriginalFontMetrics property has been added to the LayoutOptions class:

/// Gets an indication of whether the original font metrics should be used after font substitution.
/// Default is <c>%true</c>.
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API bool get_KeepOriginalFontMetrics() const;

/// Sets an indication of whether the original font metrics should be used after font substitution.
/// Default is <c>%true</c>.
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_KeepOriginalFontMetrics(bool value);
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::Document>(System::String(u"in.docx"));

Implemented ability to save documents as XLSX

The following changes have been made to the API:

A new class XlsxSaveOptions has been implemented. A new item Xlsx has been added to the SaveFormat enum type. A new item Xlsx has been added to the WarningSource enum type.

namespace Aspose {

namespace Words {

namespace Saving {

/// Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the <see cref="Aspose::Words::SaveFormat::Xlsx">Xlsx</see>
/// format.
/// To learn more, visit the <a href="">Specify
/// Save Options</a> documentation article.
class ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_CLASS XlsxSaveOptions : public Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions
    typedef XlsxSaveOptions ThisType;
    typedef Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions BaseType;

    typedef ::System::BaseTypesInfo<BaseType> ThisTypeBaseTypesInfo;


    /// Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
    /// Can only be <see cref="Aspose::Words::SaveFormat::Xlsx">Xlsx</see>.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API Aspose::Words::SaveFormat get_SaveFormat() override;

    /// Specifies the format in which the document will be saved if this save options object is used.
    /// Can only be <see cref="Aspose::Words::SaveFormat::Xlsx">Xlsx</see>.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_SaveFormat(Aspose::Words::SaveFormat value) override;

    /// Specifies the compression level used to save document.
    /// The default value is <see cref="Aspose::Words::Saving::CompressionLevel::Normal">Normal</see>.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API Aspose::Words::Saving::CompressionLevel get_CompressionLevel() const;

    /// Specifies the compression level used to save document.
    /// The default value is <see cref="Aspose::Words::Saving::CompressionLevel::Normal">Normal</see>.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_CompressionLevel(Aspose::Words::Saving::CompressionLevel value);

    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API XlsxSaveOptions();


    __TypeStub<4,4,4,4>::type mField0;



namespace Aspose {

namespace Words {
    /// Saves the document as an Office Open XML SpreadsheetML Document (macro-free).
    Xlsx = 80,

enum class ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_CLASS WarningSource
    /// Module that writes XLSX files.

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::Document>(System::String(u"input.docx"));

Implemented ability to set fill, stroke and callout formatting for chart data labels

The Format properties of the ChartFormat type have been added to the ChartDataLabel and ChartDataLabelCollection classes.

    /// Provides access to fill and line formatting of the data label.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat> get_Format();

class ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_CLASS ChartDataLabelCollection
    /// Provides access to fill and line formatting of the data labels.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat> get_Format();

The new enum type ChartShapeType has been implemented and the ShapeType property of this type has been added to the ChartFormat class.

/// Specifies the shape type of chart elements.
/// @sa Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat::get_ShapeType
enum class ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_CLASS ChartShapeType
    /// Indicates that a shape is not defined for the chart element.

    /// Rectangle.

    /// Gets the shape type of the parent chart element.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartShapeType get_ShapeType();
    /// Sets the shape type of the parent chart element.
    ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_ShapeType(Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartShapeType value);
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::Document>();
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder>(doc);

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartType::Column, 432, 252);
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart();

// Delete default generated series.

// Add new series.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartSeries> series = chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"AW Category 1", u"AW Category 2", u"AW Category 3", u"AW Category 4"}), System::MakeArray<double>({100, 200, 300, 400}));

// Show data labels.

// Format data labels as callouts.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat> format = series->get_DataLabels()->get_Format();

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::Document>();
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder>(doc);

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape> shape = builder->InsertChart(Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartType::Column, 432, 252);
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::Chart> chart = shape->get_Chart();

// Delete default generated series.

// Add new series.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartSeries> series = chart->get_Series()->Add(u"AW Series 1", System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"AW Category 1", u"AW Category 2", u"AW Category 3", u"AW Category 4"}), System::MakeArray<double>({100, 200, 300, 400}));

// Show data labels.

// Set fill and stroke for all data labels.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat> format = series->get_DataLabels()->get_Format();

// Change fill and stroke of an individual data label.
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartFormat> labelFormat = series->get_DataLabels()->idx_get(0)->get_Format();


Removed obsolete property Fill.On

The following obsolete public property is removed from Aspose.Words.Drawing.Fill class:

/// @deprecated This property is obsolete. Please, use Visible property instead.
/// Gets value that is <c>%true</c> if the formatting applied to this instance, is visible.
[[deprecated("This property is obsolete. Please, use Visible property instead.")]]

/// @deprecated This property is obsolete. Please, use Visible property instead.
/// Sets value that is <c>%true</c> if the formatting applied to this instance, is visible.
[[deprecated("This property is obsolete. Please, use Visible property instead.")]]
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_On(bool value);

We also decided to leave obsolete property Fill.Color along with a new Fill.ForeColor, as these two methods have slightly different behavior in regarding transparency:

/// @deprecated This property is obsolete. Please, use ForeColor property instead.
/// Gets or sets a Color object that represents the foreground color for the fill.
/// @par Examples
/// Shows how to convert any of the fills back to solid fill.
/// @code
/// auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(MyDir + u"Two color gradient.docx");
/// // Get Fill object for Font of the first Run.
/// SharedPtr<Fill> fill = doc->get_FirstSection()->get_Body()->get_Paragraphs()->idx_get(0)->get_Runs()->idx_get(0)->get_Font()->get_Fill();
/// // Check Fill properties of the Font.
/// std::cout << String::Format(u"The type of the fill is: {0}", fill->get_FillType()) << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "The foreground color of the fill is: " << fill->get_ForeColor() << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "The fill is transparent at " << (fill->get_Transparency() * 100) << "%" << std::endl;
/// // Change type of the fill to Solid with uniform green color.
/// fill->Solid(System::Drawing::Color::get_Green());
/// std::cout << "\nThe fill is changed:" << std::endl;
/// std::cout << String::Format(u"The type of the fill is: {0}", fill->get_FillType()) << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "The foreground color of the fill is: " << fill->get_ForeColor() << std::endl;
/// std::cout << "The fill transparency is " << (fill->get_Transparency() * 100) << "%" << std::endl;
/// doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"Drawing.FillSolid.docx");
/// @endcode
[[deprecated("This property is obsolete. Please, use ForeColor property instead.")]]
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API System::Drawing::Color get_Color();

/// @deprecated This property is obsolete. Please, use ForeColor property instead.
/// Setter for Aspose::Words::Drawing::Fill::get_Color
[[deprecated("This property is obsolete. Please, use ForeColor property instead.")]]
ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void set_Color(System::Drawing::Color value);
System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<Aspose::Words::DocumentBuilder>();

System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Drawing::Shape> shape = builder->InsertShape(Aspose::Words::Drawing::ShapeType::Balloon, 300, 300);
// Set Color with transparency.
shape->get_Fill()->set_Color(System::Drawing::Color::FromArgb(128, System::Drawing::Color::get_Red()));

// Fill.Color preserves alpha component of the Color.
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Fill.Color: {0}", shape->get_Fill()->get_Color());

// Fill.ForeColor ignores alpha component of the Color.
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Fill.ForeColor: {0}", shape->get_Fill()->get_ForeColor());

// Use Fill.Visible instead of obfuscated Fill.On property to determine fill visibility.
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Fill.Visible: {0}", shape->get_Fill()->get_Visible());

// Make fill invisible.
System::Console::WriteLine(u"Fill.Visible: {0}", shape->get_Fill()->get_Visible());

/* This code produces the following output:
Fill.Color: Color [A=128, R=255, G=0, B=0]
Fill.ForeColor: Color [A=255, R=255, G=0, B=0]
Fill.Visible: True
Fill.Visible: False

Added a new LowCode methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document

Added a new LowCode.Merger class, which represents a group of methods intended to merge a variety of different types of documents into a single output document.

The following overloads were provided:

/// Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input and output file names.
/// By default <see cref="Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode::KeepSourceFormatting">KeepSourceFormatting</see> is used.
/// @param outputFile The output file name.
/// @param inputFiles The input file names.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void Merge(const System::String& outputFile, const System::ArrayPtr<System::String>& inputFiles);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output file names and the final document format.
/// @param outputFile The output file name.
/// @param inputFiles The input file names.
/// @param saveFormat The save format.
/// @param mergeFormatMode Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void Merge(const System::String& outputFile, const System::ArrayPtr<System::String>& inputFiles, Aspose::Words::SaveFormat saveFormat, Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode mergeFormatMode);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output file names and save options.
/// @param outputFile The output file name.
/// @param inputFiles The input file names.
/// @param saveOptions The save options.
/// @param mergeFormatMode Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void Merge(const System::String& outputFile, const System::ArrayPtr<System::String>& inputFiles, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions>& saveOptions, Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode mergeFormatMode);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single document and returns <see cref="Aspose::Words::Document">Document</see> instance of the final document.
/// @param inputFiles The input file names.
/// @param mergeFormatMode Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> Merge(const System::ArrayPtr<System::String>& inputFiles, Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode mergeFormatMode);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output streams and the final document format.
/// @param outputStream The output stream.
/// @param inputStreams The input streams.
/// @param saveFormat The save format.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void Merge(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>& outputStream, const System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>>& inputStreams, Aspose::Words::SaveFormat saveFormat);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single output document using specified input output streams and save options.
/// @param outputStream The output stream.
/// @param inputStreams The input streams.
/// @param saveOptions The save options.
/// @param mergeFormatMode Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API void Merge(const System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>& outputStream, const System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>>& inputStreams, const System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Saving::SaveOptions>& saveOptions, Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode mergeFormatMode);

/// Merges the given input documents into a single document and returns <see cref="Aspose::Words::Document">Document</see> instance of the final document.
/// @param inputStreams The input streams.
/// @param mergeFormatMode Specifies how to merge formatting that clashes.
static ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_API System::SharedPtr<Aspose::Words::Document> Merge(const System::ArrayPtr<System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream>>& inputStreams, Aspose::Words::LowCode::MergeFormatMode mergeFormatMode);

Added a new MergeFormatMode enum, which specifies how formatting is merged when combining multiple documents.

/// Specifies how formatting is merged when combining multiple documents.
enum class ASPOSE_WORDS_SHARED_CLASS MergeFormatMode
    /// Combine the formatting of the merged documents.
    /// By using this option, %Aspose.Words adapts the formatting of the first document to match the structure and
    /// appearance of the second document, but keeps some of the original formatting intact.
    /// This option is useful when you want to maintain the overall look and feel of the destination document
    /// but still retain certain formatting aspects from the original document.
    /// This option does not have any affect when the input and the output formats are PDF.
    /// Means that the source document will retain its original formatting,
    /// such as font styles, sizes, colors, indents, and any other formatting elements applied to its content.
    /// By using this option, you ensure that the copied content appears as it did in the original source,
    /// regardless of the formatting settings of the first document in merge queue.
    /// This option does not have any affect when the input and the output formats are PDF.
    /// Preserve the layout of the original documents in the final document.
    /// In general, it looks like you print out the original documents and manually adhere them together using glue.
// Merges multiple documents (DOCX, PDF, DOC, RTF) into a single PDF document.
Aspose::Words::LowCode::Merger::Merge(u"out.pdf", System::MakeArray<System::String>({u"in.docx", u"in.pdf", u"in.doc", u"in.rtf"}));

Limitations and API Differences

Aspose.Words for C++ has some differences as compared to its equivalent .NET version of the API. This section contains information about all such functionality that is not available in the current release. The missing features will be added in future releases.

  • The current release does not support LINQ and Reporting features.
  • The current release does not support OpenGL 3D Shapes rendering.
  • The current release does not support loading PDF documents.
  • The current release has limited support for database features - C++ doesn’t have common API for DB like .NET System.Data.