Bekerja dengan Tanda Air
Topik ini membahas cara bekerja secara terprogram dengan tanda air menggunakan Aspose.Words. Tanda air adalah gambar latar belakang yang ditampilkan di belakang teks dalam dokumen. Tanda air dapat berisi teks atau gambar yang diwakili oleh kelas Watermark.
Menambahkan Tanda Air ke Dokumen
Di Microsoft Word, tanda air dapat dengan mudah disisipkan ke dalam dokumen menggunakan perintah Sisipkan Tanda Air. Aspose.Words menyediakan kelas watermark untuk menambah atau menghapus tanda air dalam dokumen. Aspose.Words menyediakan pencacahan WatermarkType yang mendefinisikan tiga kemungkinan jenis tanda air (Teks, Gambar, dan Tidak Ada) untuk digunakan.
Tambahkan Tanda Air Teks
Contoh kode berikut mendemonstrasikan cara menyisipkan tanda air teks dalam dokumen dengan mendefinisikan TextWatermarkOptions menggunakan metode SetText.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"Document.doc"); | |
auto options = System::MakeObject<TextWatermarkOptions>(); | |
options->set_FontFamily(u"Arial"); | |
options->set_FontSize(36); | |
options->set_Color(System::Drawing::Color::get_Black()); | |
options->set_Layout(WatermarkLayout::Horizontal); | |
options->set_IsSemitrasparent(false); | |
doc->get_Watermark()->SetText(u"Test", options); | |
auto outputPath = outputDataDir + u"AddTextWatermark.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Tambahkan Tanda Air Gambar
Contoh kode berikut mendemonstrasikan cara menyisipkan tanda air gambar dalam dokumen dengan mendefinisikan ImageWatermarkOptions menggunakan metode SetImage.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"Document.doc"); | |
auto options = System::MakeObject<ImageWatermarkOptions>(); | |
options->set_Scale(5); | |
options->set_IsWashout(false); | |
doc->get_Watermark()->SetImage(System::Drawing::Image::FromFile(inputDataDir + u"Watermark.png"), options); | |
auto outputPath = outputDataDir + u"AddImageWatermark.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Tanda air juga dapat disisipkan menggunakan kelas bentuk juga. Sangat mudah untuk menyisipkan bentuk atau gambar apa pun ke dalam header atau footer dan dengan demikian membuat tanda air dari jenis apa pun yang dapat dibayangkan. Contoh kode berikut menyisipkan tanda air ke dalam dokumen Word.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
namespace | |
{ | |
void InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(const System::SharedPtr<Paragraph>& watermarkPara, const System::SharedPtr<Section>& sect, HeaderFooterType headerType) | |
{ | |
System::SharedPtr<HeaderFooter> header = sect->get_HeadersFooters()->idx_get(headerType); | |
if (header == nullptr) | |
{ | |
// There is no header of the specified type in the current section, create it. | |
header = System::MakeObject<HeaderFooter>(sect->get_Document(), headerType); | |
sect->get_HeadersFooters()->Add(header); | |
} | |
// Insert a clone of the watermark into the header. | |
header->AppendChild((System::StaticCast<Node>(watermarkPara))->Clone(true)); | |
} | |
void InsertWatermarkText(const System::SharedPtr<Document>& doc, const System::String& watermarkText) | |
{ | |
// Create a watermark shape. This will be a WordArt shape. | |
// You are free to try other shape types as watermarks. | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> watermark = System::MakeObject<Shape>(doc, ShapeType::TextPlainText); | |
watermark->set_Name(u"WaterMark"); | |
// Set up the text of the watermark. | |
watermark->get_TextPath()->set_Text(watermarkText); | |
watermark->get_TextPath()->set_FontFamily(u"Arial"); | |
watermark->set_Width(500); | |
watermark->set_Height(100); | |
// Text will be directed from the bottom-left to the top-right corner. | |
watermark->set_Rotation(-40); | |
// Remove the following two lines if you need a solid black text. | |
watermark->get_Fill()->set_Color(System::Drawing::Color::get_Gray()); | |
// Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark | |
watermark->set_StrokeColor(System::Drawing::Color::get_Gray()); | |
// Try LightGray to get more Word-style watermark | |
// Place the watermark in the page center. | |
watermark->set_RelativeHorizontalPosition(RelativeHorizontalPosition::Page); | |
watermark->set_RelativeVerticalPosition(RelativeVerticalPosition::Page); | |
watermark->set_WrapType(WrapType::None); | |
watermark->set_VerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment::Center); | |
watermark->set_HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Center); | |
// Create a new paragraph and append the watermark to this paragraph. | |
System::SharedPtr<Paragraph> watermarkPara = System::MakeObject<Paragraph>(doc); | |
watermarkPara->AppendChild(watermark); | |
// Insert the watermark into all headers of each document section. | |
for (System::SharedPtr<Node> sectionNode : System::IterateOver(doc->get_Sections())) | |
{ | |
System::SharedPtr<Section> sect = System::DynamicCast<Section>(sectionNode); | |
// There could be up to three different headers in each section, since we want | |
// The watermark to appear on all pages, insert into all headers. | |
InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType::HeaderPrimary); | |
InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType::HeaderFirst); | |
InsertWatermarkIntoHeader(watermarkPara, sect, HeaderFooterType::HeaderEven); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
void AddWatermark() | |
{ | |
std::cout << "AddWatermark example started." << std::endl; | |
// The path to the documents directories. | |
System::String inputDataDir = GetInputDataDir_WorkingWithImages(); | |
System::String outputDataDir = GetOutputDataDir_WorkingWithImages(); | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"TestFile.Watermark.doc"); | |
InsertWatermarkText(doc, u"CONFIDENTIAL"); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"AddWatermark.doc"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); | |
std::cout << "Added watermark to the document successfully." << std::endl << "File saved at " << outputPath.ToUtf8String() << std::endl; | |
std::cout << "AddWatermark example finished." << std::endl << std::endl; | |
} |
Hapus Tanda Air dari Dokumen
Kelas Watermark menyediakan metode hapus untuk menghapus tanda air dari dokumen.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menghapus tanda air dari dokumen:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
auto doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"TextWatermark.docx"); | |
if (doc->get_Watermark()->get_Type() == WatermarkType::Text) | |
{ | |
doc->get_Watermark()->Remove(); | |
} | |
auto outputPath = outputDataDir + u"RemoveWatermark.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |
Jika tanda air ditambahkan menggunakan objek kelas Shape, maka untuk menghapus tanda air dari dokumen, Anda hanya perlu menyetel nama bentuk tanda air selama penyisipan, lalu menghapus bentuk tanda air dengan nama yang ditetapkan.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mengatur nama bentuk tanda air dan menghapusnya dari dokumen:
// Set name to be able to remove it afterwards
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
namespace | |
{ | |
void RemoveWatermarkText(const System::SharedPtr<Document>& doc) | |
{ | |
System::SharedPtr<NodeCollection> headerFooterNodes = doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::HeaderFooter, true); | |
for (System::SharedPtr<HeaderFooter> hf : System::IterateOver<System::SharedPtr<HeaderFooter>>(headerFooterNodes)) | |
{ | |
System::SharedPtr<NodeCollection> shapeNodes = hf->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Shape, true); | |
for (System::SharedPtr<Shape> shape: System::IterateOver<System::SharedPtr<Shape>>(shapeNodes)) | |
{ | |
if (shape->get_Name().Contains(u"WaterMark")) | |
{ | |
shape->Remove(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
void RemoveWatermark() | |
{ | |
std::cout << "RemoveWatermark example started." << std::endl; | |
// The path to the documents directories. | |
System::String inputDataDir = GetInputDataDir_WorkingWithImages(); | |
System::String outputDataDir = GetOutputDataDir_WorkingWithImages(); | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"RemoveWatermark.docx"); | |
RemoveWatermarkText(doc); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"RemoveWatermark.docx"; | |
doc->Save(outputPath); | |
std:: cout << "File saved at " << outputPath.ToUtf8String() << std::endl; | |
std::cout << "RemoveWatermark example finished." << std::endl << std::endl; | |
} |
Tambahkan Tanda Air di Sel Tabel
Terkadang Anda perlu menyisipkan tanda air / gambar ke dalam sel tabel dan menampilkannya di luar tabel, Anda dapat menggunakan properti IsLayoutInCell. Properti ini mendapatkan atau menetapkan tanda yang menunjukkan apakah bentuk ditampilkan di dalam tabel atau di luarnya. Perhatikan bahwa properti ini hanya berfungsi saat Anda mengoptimalkan dokumen untuk Microsoft Word 2010 menggunakan metode OptimizeFor.
Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menggunakan properti ini:
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
System::SharedPtr<Document> doc = System::MakeObject<Document>(inputDataDir + u"LayoutInCell.docx"); | |
System::SharedPtr<DocumentBuilder> builder = System::MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
System::SharedPtr<Shape> watermark = System::MakeObject<Shape>(doc, ShapeType::TextPlainText); | |
watermark->set_RelativeHorizontalPosition(RelativeHorizontalPosition::Page); | |
watermark->set_RelativeVerticalPosition(RelativeVerticalPosition::Page); | |
watermark->set_IsLayoutInCell(true); | |
// Display the shape outside of table cell if it will be placed into a cell. | |
watermark->set_Width(300); | |
watermark->set_Height(70); | |
watermark->set_HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment::Center); | |
watermark->set_VerticalAlignment(VerticalAlignment::Center); | |
watermark->set_Rotation(-40); | |
watermark->get_Fill()->set_Color(System::Drawing::Color::get_Gray()); | |
watermark->set_StrokeColor(System::Drawing::Color::get_Gray()); | |
watermark->get_TextPath()->set_Text(u"watermarkText"); | |
watermark->get_TextPath()->set_FontFamily(u"Arial"); | |
watermark->set_Name(System::String::Format(u"WaterMark_{0}",System::Guid::NewGuid())); | |
watermark->set_WrapType(WrapType::None); | |
System::SharedPtr<Run> run = System::DynamicCast_noexcept<Run>(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Run, true)->idx_get(doc->GetChildNodes(NodeType::Run, true)->get_Count() - 1)); | |
builder->MoveTo(run); | |
builder->InsertNode(watermark); | |
doc->get_CompatibilityOptions()->OptimizeFor(MsWordVersion::Word2010); | |
System::String outputPath = outputDataDir + u"WorkingWithShapes.SetShapeLayoutInCell.docx"; | |
// Save the document to disk. | |
doc->Save(outputPath); |