Aspose.Words for Android via Java 21.7 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 311 improvements and fixes in this release. The most notable are:

  • EQ field export to HTML formats was implemented.
  • Added new methods to set checked and unchecked symbol for StructuredDocumentTag.
  • Implemented an ability to use PDF annotations to display user comments.
  • Added MailMerge.RestartListsAtEachSection property to control list numbering restart.
  • Provided a way to customize restrictions on dynamic cell merging for LINQ Reporting Engine.
  • Implemented an ability to set fill and stroke formatting for chart series, data points and markers.
  • Added new API for working with textures
  • Implemented rendering of OOXML Ink (InkML subset).
  • TxtSaveOptions.MaxCharactersPerLine property was introduced.
  • A new Document.LayoutOption is added to control page numbering in a continuous section.
  • Provided an option to always generate an object for a JSON or XML root element for LINQ Reporting Engine.
  • Implemented rendering to PDF/A-2 format.
  • Added an ability to work with Framesets.
  • Introduced a new overload of DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml and a new enumeration HtmlInsertOptions.
  • Provided new API for working with Fill patterns.

Since the code base of ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ matches the code of relevant .NET and Java versions, most of the changes, enhancements, and fixes included in the Aspose.Words for Java 21.5, Aspose.Words for Java 21.6 and Aspose.Words for Java 21.7 are also included in this ‘Aspose.Words for Android via Java’ 21.7.