Aspose.Words for Java 13.5.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 13.5 Release Notes

What’s New

There are 138 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Update of the INDEX field is supported by the field update engine.
  • The HTML parser inside Aspose.Words now conforms to the HTML 5 Specification.
  • New public Paragraph.GetEffectiveTabs() method now allows to get fully resolved tabstops.
  • Multiple pages setup options are added to the public API and roundtrip for DOC/RTF/DOCX/WML is supported.
  • Implemented booklet rendering and printing according to multiple pages setup.
  • Supported MS Word 2010 text effects (e.g. shadows, outlines, 3d-looks etc.) roundtrip for DOCX.
  • StructuredDocumentTag databinding to document properties supported.
  • Generation of ordinal/cardinal list labels in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Improved text wrapping, it now uses correct shape boundaries with 3d effects, rotations, shadows etc for Square/Top-Bottom wrapping types.
  • Added support for the “Balance SBCS characters and DBCS characters” compatibility option.
  • Added options of different font embedding for optimal PDF output size.
  • DrawingML Charts rendering enhancements: overlap option, depth grid lines, trend lines, subcharts for pie charts.

For a list of changes to the public API in this release refer to the following article in the documentation.

All Fixes

WORDSJAVA-708Background gradient fill of shapes in Visio.Drawing.11 object are not preserved in PDFBug
WORDSJAVA-721SetLicense throws IllegalStateException when loading license from folder that contains the Aspose.Words.jarBug
WORDSJAVA-730MailMerge duplicate regions from a single data source.Bug
WORDSJAVA-723DigitalSignatureUtil.sign throws java.lang.NullPointerExceptionException
WORDSJAVA-726NullPointerException when setPreserveFormFields used under Linux/OpenJDKException
WORDSJAVA-722Performance issue during DOC loading and rendering to PDFPerformance
WORDSNET-5107Text appears as a link after importing MHT.Bug
WORDSNET-5382Indent of paragraph before list is incorrect after importing HTML.Bug
WORDSNET-5575/keep with next paragraph break/ Empty page is created upon rendering if page break is in paragraph with “Keep with Next” option set.Bug
WORDSNET-5641Indent of the second line of list item is incorrect after rendering.Bug
WORDSNET-6066Group image breaks while converting doc to HTML.Bug
WORDSNET-6120Frame text collapsed after open / save Word document.Bug
WORDSNET-6788Incorrect link in info panel of Flash document viewerBug
WORDSNET-6856Paragraph highlight colour appears in HTMLBug
WORDSNET-6908ParagraphBreakFont.HighlightColor is visible when converting to HTMLBug
WORDSNET-7374Databound values of SDT are not visible in fixed page formatsBug
WORDSNET-7380ParagraphFormat.TabStops Property return no TabStopsBug
WORDSNET-7382DrawingML nodes in Header/Footer are repeated multiple times during open/saveBug
WORDSNET-7677Line Breaks Issue in Text FilesBug
WORDSNET-7682SDT values are getting lost in fixed formatsBug
WORDSNET-7849Floating Table is truncated at the end of Page in Fixed Page FormatsBug
WORDSNET-7853Word for MAC is unable to merge Aspose.Words generated documentBug
WORDSNET-7854ShapeRenderer doesn’t correctly render shape with shadows.Bug
WORDSNET-7876Shape is getting truncated from bottom when exporting to HTMLBug
WORDSNET-7970System.NullReferenceException throws while conversion from Doc to Pdf conversionBug
WORDSNET-7995Doc to HTML conversion issue with table’s cell widthBug
WORDSNET-8021STYLEREF “Überschrift 1” (Heading 1) is not working for German languageBug
WORDSNET-8024Horizontal Cell merging information is not preserved during open/save a DOCXBug
WORDSNET-8070HtmlSaveOptions.ExportRelativeFontSize do not work with bullet textBug
WORDSNET-8073Fix FileFormatDetector to detect the file as TextBug
WORDSNET-8103NodeImporter copies undesired styles to destination documentBug
WORDSNET-8145Footnote numbers do not maintain super-scripted state during open/save odtBug
WORDSNET-8149DrawingML causes Aspose.Words to render a black strip on top of PDFBug
WORDSNET-8150DrawingML.ImageData.ImageType return unknown for gif imagesBug
WORDSNET-8152Afer mail merge the page numbers in TOC are not alignedBug
WORDSNET-8155Shape position is chagned after re-save the documentBug
WORDSNET-8162Shapes fill is drawn outside of the shapes in ouput PDFBug
WORDSNET-8163The child nodes of StructuredDocumentTag become the NextSibling in Aspose.Words.DocumentBug
WORDSNET-8164After re-saving the docx the content formatting of StructuredDocumentTag is lostBug
WORDSNET-8172Customer’s 3D Charts look many times higher than they should in output PDFBug
WORDSNET-8184RTF to Pdf conversion issue with fontsBug
WORDSNET-8186Doc to Pdf conversion issue with NumeralFormatBug
WORDSNET-8188RTF to html conversion issue with output html sizeBug
WORDSNET-8190Horizontal axis values of a Chart are displayed in place of Legend in PDFBug
WORDSNET-8199Image width is not preserved during rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-8200Image is overlapping text when rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-8201/keep with next paragraph break/ A blank page is inserted at the middle of PDFBug
WORDSNET-8202List Tab character incorrectly inherits formatting of ListLabel during rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-8205A nested Table is rendering on to the previous Page in PDFBug
WORDSNET-8229UpdateFields does not respect formatting specified via Advance fieldBug
WORDSNET-8230Incorrect List numbering after merging documents with UseDestinationStylesBug
WORDSNET-8239ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore is not preserved during open/save RTFBug
WORDSNET-8245Hyperlink font is not retained during importing it to another DocumentBug
WORDSNET-8246A Table disappears from the output documentsBug
WORDSNET-8250Vertical y-axis label is rotated by 45 degrees during rendering EMF chart imageBug
WORDSNET-8255A blank page is inserted at the middle of PDFBug
WORDSNET-8258Shape.AlternativeText is empty when Shape node is inserted with insertHTMLBug
WORDSNET-1789TabStop returns not correct value of Position and Alignment.Enhancement
WORDSNET-3507Word 2010 text effects are lost during open/save.Enhancement
WORDSNET-3900Part of content inside Content Control is cut off during rendering (sdt).Enhancement
WORDSNET-3941Two lines of text are moved to the previous page upon rendering.Enhancement
WORDSNET-3988TH ? TD table elements is being out of parental TR elements does not importedEnhancement
WORDSNET-4678ContentControl name is shown instead of value after converting DOCX document to other formats (sdt).Enhancement
WORDSNET-5105Support anchor push for floating tables (scenario 2a).Enhancement
WORDSNET-5718DrawingML should be rendered on next page, instead it is truncated in TIFFEnhancement
WORDSNET-5873‘img’ tag is ignored if it is direct child of ’table’.Enhancement
WORDSNET-6179TextBox shape in DOCX is not rendering to epub/htmlEnhancement
WORDSNET-6237Table contents are messed up with footer after saving in Pdf format.Enhancement
WORDSNET-6390Docx to PDF conversion issue with split tablesEnhancement
WORDSNET-6446Multiple and incorrect pages are been produced, While converting from doc to PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-6486Table with missing closing Tag in HTML is lost when loading into DOMEnhancement
WORDSNET-7189Page numbers in odd pages are not visible in PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-7656Make multiple pages setup options publicEnhancement
WORDSNET-7744Word Art Text Object is cut when converted to HTMLEnhancement
WORDSNET-7745Protected View Message for Created Word DocumentEnhancement
WORDSNET-7855WORDSNET-7561 Development of CSS to Document Styles engineEnhancement
WORDSNET-7888Html contents are not loaded into Aspose.Words DOMEnhancement
WORDSNET-7889HTML TD contents are not loaded into Aspose.Words DOMEnhancement
WORDSNET-7905Make the HTML parser conforming to HTML 5Enhancement
WORDSNET-7933Images should be behind text in HTMLEnhancement
WORDSNET-8029Shapes with thick borders or other effects affecting size are not aligned correctlyEnhancement
WORDSNET-8033Document.AppendDocument change the style nameEnhancement
WORDSNET-8034Shape boundaries outside page are not corrected properly for shapes with shadows and other effectsEnhancement
WORDSNET-8035MS DocumentViewer does not render images from Aspose.Words generated XPSEnhancement
WORDSNET-8067Shape.Rotation change the shape’s position in output PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-8091Support rendering of depth grid lines.Enhancement
WORDSNET-8092Make sure data labels position is correct for all 3D charts.Enhancement
WORDSNET-8095Migrate existing CSS tests to new CSS EngineEnhancement
WORDSNET-8096Contents are missing while conversion from HTML To PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-8128Development of CSS to string functionEnhancement
WORDSNET-8147LayoutEnumerator.GetStartPageIndex return incorrect page numberEnhancement
WORDSNET-8180Reduce pdf file sizeEnhancement
WORDSNET-8182Investigate why is the Shape not anchored at the first Paragraph of PageEnhancement
WORDSNET-8189Bookmark spanning across multiple Paragraphs is exported to HTML incorrectlyEnhancement
WORDSNET-8198Table Row height is not preserved during rendering to PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-8222Two Paragraphs in Frame render as a single line in PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-8228Contents are moved to next pages after conversion from Doc to TiffEnhancement
WORDSNET-8237Refactor changes made while implementing WORDSNET-7948Enhancement
WORDSNET-8244Mozilla Firefox renders DrawingML in PDF upside downEnhancement
WORDSNET-8060Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading a TEXT fileException
WORDSNET-8102Dcoument.Save method throws System.NullReferenceException on pdf conversionException
WORDSNET-8121Rendering of document with image in macrobutton fails with InvalidOperationExceptionException
WORDSNET-8158NullReferenceException occurs during rendering to fixed page formatsException
WORDSNET-8170Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException while loading Doc into Aspose.Words.DocumentException
WORDSNET-8176Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading RTF fileException
WORDSNET-8196UnsupportedFileFormatException occurs when loading a TEXT file into DOMException
WORDSNET-8203Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOC fileException
WORDSNET-8204‘Infinite loop detected’ error occurs during rendering to fixed page formatsException
WORDSNET-8211FileCorruptedException while loading Docx into DOM.Exception
WORDSNET-8268Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException exception while loading document into DOMException
WORDSNET-8273Document.Save method throws System.NullReferenceException while conversion from Docx to PdfException
WORDSNET-2813List labels in Portuguese appears in English during renderingFeature
WORDSNET-3583Support INDEX field updating.Feature
WORDSNET-4101Incorrect WordArt rendering.Feature
WORDSNET-5759Root / ordinalText is not supported for Spanish.Feature
WORDSNET-6560/import floating image/ Consider preserving <img style=“float: left” during HTML open/saveFeature
WORDSNET-6623text effects are lost after conversion to 2010 Docx file format.Feature
WORDSNET-6944Render Trend Lines.Feature
WORDSNET-7506Foreign language (Spanish) list labels are not preserved in fixed page formatsFeature
WORDSNET-7573Consider rendering to PDF according to Book Fold setting of Page SetupFeature
WORDSNET-7689Support Book Fold multiple page setupFeature
WORDSNET-7832Actual shape size is calculated incorrectlyFeature
WORDSNET-7965Support DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Office2010.Word.TextOutlineEffectFeature
WORDSNET-8049Resolve the problem with the difference between relationship types in strict and transitional OOXML.Feature
WORDSNET-8062ParagraphFormat.Style.ParagraphFormat.TabStops.Count return incorrect valueFeature
WORDSNET-8086/Balance SBCS characters and DBCS charactes/ White space width is narrowed when rendering to fixed page formatsFeature
WORDSNET-8094Support rendering OfPie charts.Feature
WORDSNET-8104Support rendering of Exponential trendlines.Feature
WORDSNET-8106Support rendering of Logarithmic trendlines.Feature
WORDSNET-8108Support rendering of Polynomial trendlines.Feature
WORDSNET-8109Support rendering of Power trendlines.Feature
WORDSNET-8191Support Overlap option upon rendering bar charts.Feature
WORDSNET-8218(w14:contentPart) Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException while loading DocxFeature
WORDSNET-8241Resolve the problem with the difference between namespaces in strict and transitional OOXML.Feature
WORDSNET-6603Horizontal cell merging is malfunctioningRegression
WORDSNET-8050Conditional mail merge stop mail merge operation - MoveToMergeField(String)Regression
WORDSNET-8088ExecuteWithRegions merges values in a region from incorrect DataTableRegression