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Aspose.Words for Java 13.6.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.Words for Java 13.6.0
What’s New
There are 142 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:
- Improved algorithm of content width calculation inside table cells.
- More support for compatibility options in layout.
- Layout performance improvements.
- Decrease document size with Document.RemoveUnusedResources().
- Theme fonts are used in calculation of Run.Font font names.
- Many HTML and MHTML import improvements.
- Material when rendering VML objects with 3D effects.
- PDF form fields rendering improvements.
For a list of changes to the public API in this release refer to the following article in the documentation.
All Fixes
Key | Summary | Category |
WORDSJAVA-514 | Picture from header overlaps with body text after export to html. | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-596 | Weblogic Server startup lag in development mode | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-614 | PNG is not rendering correctly in PDF | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-621 | Autoshape is sent behind an image while saving DOCX to PDF | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-724 | Hyperlink address becomes relative to the ‘java project’ root directory during rendering RTF to PDF | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-735 | MailMerge merges object ID instead of value | Bug |
WORDSJAVA-704 | Html: numeric fallback for symbols non-supported by document’s encoding. | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-707 | Mail Merge with regions do not work with TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY ResultSet | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-727 | Manually lift AsposeWordsPrintDocument | Enhancement |
WORDSJAVA-736 | Charset decoder numeric fallback default as in .NET | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-4307 | A thick line shape when rendered, is cut off on its side. | Bug |
WORDSNET-5421 | AutoShape border is cut off during open/save. | Bug |
WORDSNET-5608 | DrawingML does not get rendered to flow formats other than DOCX | Bug |
WORDSNET-6173 | Incorrect font problem occurs after loading Word docx format. | Bug |
WORDSNET-6291 | Large image is rescaled to height of 1px when added to model | Bug |
WORDSNET-6594 | Problem in exporting HTML Cell with border having display none and size medium | Bug |
WORDSNET-7099 | Left Margin of Border Line is incorrect in HTML | Bug |
WORDSNET-7190 | Txt to PDF conversion issue | Bug |
WORDSNET-7605 | Docx to HTML conversion issue with bullets rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-7956 | Font fallback is not working for EMF+ metafile | Bug |
WORDSNET-7978 | Portrait page orientation changes to Landscape in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-7996 | Table’s contents become bold after conversion from Doc to HTML | Bug |
WORDSNET-8031 | Set field do not work when used with mail merge fields | Bug |
WORDSNET-8056 | DrawingML is pushed back to previous page in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-8069 | UpdateFields calculates value of a formula field incorrectly | Bug |
WORDSNET-8079 | Docx to HTML conversion issue with bullet items | Bug |
WORDSNET-8112 | Text layout is not preserved during converting to any format | Bug |
WORDSNET-8117 | DOC to HTML conversion issue: A TR is exported without any TD | Bug |
WORDSNET-8119 | Data points are rendering at incorrect places in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-8120 | Content at chart’s x-axis is truncated in fixed page formats | Bug |
WORDSNET-8173 | /Do not suppress indentation/ Indentation of list lines is not exported correctly to fixed page formats | Bug |
WORDSNET-8194 | Doc to HTML conversion issue with Textbox rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-8213 | Doc to Txt conversion issue with text rendering in RTL | Bug |
WORDSNET-8243 | Docx to Pdf conversion issue with inserted text when change tracking is enabled | Bug |
WORDSNET-8247 | Extra border lines appear in exported Pdf from Docx | Bug |
WORDSNET-8264 | Form Fields are rendered with incorrect font when PreserveFormFields is set to true | Bug |
WORDSNET-8278 | DocumentBuilder.InsertHtml insert the bullet list incorrectly | Bug |
WORDSNET-8279 | ImageData.Save does not save the DrawingML node into image | Bug |
WORDSNET-8286 | Paragraphs overlap a Shape after converting document to fixed page formats | Bug |
WORDSNET-8289 | Tab spacing is not respected in fixed page formats | Bug |
WORDSNET-8290 | Four column Section layout is not preserved during rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-8294 | Formatting of next Cell is applied to the content in previous Cell | Bug |
WORDSNET-8297 | Textbox renders incorrectly when saving Shape with ShapeRenderer. | Bug |
WORDSNET-8298 | OleFormat.SuggestedExtension returns .bin for a DOCX file which is embedded in ODT | Bug |
WORDSNET-8305 | Native HTML list element (UL) does not close when a common border DIV element starts | Bug |
WORDSNET-8306 | ’left’ CSS properties are used for RTL list items in HTML | Bug |
WORDSNET-8310 | Mail Merge result are overlapped in output Docx | Bug |
WORDSNET-8328 | List bullets become corrupted after import from HTML if the ‘font-family’ property is applied to LI elements | Bug |
WORDSNET-8330 | Document.Update do not work with multi language | Bug |
WORDSNET-8333 | Aspose.Words.Document do not load MHTML shape | Bug |
WORDSNET-8336 | Horizontal Axis are missing while conversion from Docx to JPG | Bug |
WORDSNET-8346 | Border appears around text boxes on conversion to docx, pdf which is not present in the source file | Bug |
WORDSNET-8359 | Text inside Chart is missing when rendering to PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-8360 | Document.Protect does not work with ProtectionType.AllowOnlyFormFields | Bug |
WORDSNET-8365 | MERGEFIELD contained inside an IF field is not getting merged by Execute method | Bug |
WORDSNET-8366 | Text in Legend of Chart truncates when converted to fixed page formats | Bug |
WORDSNET-8378 | Unwanted boxes around checkboxes appear during rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-8379 | Incorrect vertical spacing between lines result in an extra page during rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-8382 | Document.Save change the page orientation | Bug |
WORDSNET-8383 | Table moved to second page after re-saving the document | Bug |
WORDSNET-8384 | Doc to Tiff conversion issue with RTL text rendering | Bug |
WORDSNET-8392 | Character spacing between Chinese Words is reduced in PDF | Bug |
WORDSNET-8403 | Double quote character appears in output Pdf file after conversion | Bug |
WORDSNET-8405 | ClearFormatting does not work for hyper link having direct formatting | Bug |
WORDSNET-8411 | ImageResolution option in HtmlSaveOptions is cutting off images | Bug |
WORDSNET-8415 | Odd/Even Footer are lost when re-saving ODT | Bug |
WORDSNET-8416 | Docx to Pdf conversion issue with NumeralFormat.Context | Bug |
WORDSNET-8421 | FlowDocumentScrollViewer does not display ‘All Caps’ effect in XamlFlowPack document | Bug |
WORDSNET-8424 | Hyperlink on image missing when saving to pdf | Bug |
WORDSNET-3531 | AutoShape color is changed upon open/save. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-4326 | Vertical text is positioned inmproperly in textbox upon rendering | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-4720 | Display pages side by side when there is enough space | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-4771 | Strange heading name appears in EPUB navigation map | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-4901 | Child region name is case-sensitive during mail merge. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-5685 | document to pdf file conversion with Full Fonts generates large size file | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-6065 | Improve thick textbox border rendering | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-6622 | Doc to ePub conversion issue with image | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-7918 | Create CSS selector classes | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-7940 | Multiple copies of a single page document are not printed | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-7997 | Text alignment issue in a table after conversion from Doc to HTML | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8052 | The test TestCollector sometimes is failed | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8174 | Support “Don’t vertically align inside of textboxes” compatibility option in the layout | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8210 | Post this month’s blog post and API changes | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8212 | Add support of @page rulesets | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8220 | Clean up doc build script | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8254 | Watermark is not displayed in TIFF when specifying TiffCompression.Ccitt4 | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8257 | Borders.LineStyle is same for single, thick, hairline, inset, outset | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8280 | Content inside TextBox Shapes is not visible in fixed page formats | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8287 | Configure TC to run unit tests as parallel tasks | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8288 | Configure TC to use an external database | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8292 | Shape is only partially visible in fixed page formats | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8308 | Check red tests in ab_CssInheritance | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8320 | Table column widths are calculated incorrectly during rendering | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8323 | Improve CSS Parser performance | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8331 | Document.Range.Replace throws exception System.NotSupportedException | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8332 | Update TC pages in wiki | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8348 | Wrong algorithm of calculation CellPart.SpaceRight | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8352 | Document.Save method double the RTF size | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8354 | Update information in the docs about merging duplicate regions | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8356 | Aspose.Pdf is unable to locate images in Aspose.Words’ generated PDFs | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8361 | Textbox position on DmlChart is incorrect. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8369 | Consider HtmlMargins in the layout engine. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8386 | SmartArt text rendering issue while conversion from docx to PDF | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8393 | Doc to Pdf conversion issue with image rendering | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8402 | Find a way to remove IsStroked property from the Shape class. | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-8417 | Support Smart tag recognizer data during open/save DOC | Enhancement |
WORDSNET-7895 | System.OutOfMemoryException occurs during rendering to PDF | Exception |
WORDSNET-8209 | AcceptAllRevisions throws NullReferenceException | Exception |
WORDSNET-8277 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading RTF file | Exception |
WORDSNET-8341 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException while loading Docx | Exception |
WORDSNET-8351 | System.InvalidCastException occurs when rendering a DOCX many times in a loop | Exception |
WORDSNET-8394 | Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOC file | Exception |
WORDSNET-8395 | System.ArgumentException is thrown when rendering a DrawingML to PNG/TIFF | Exception |
WORDSNET-8422 | System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during saving to XAML | Exception |
WORDSNET-2584 | Support OpenXPS | Feature |
WORDSNET-3291 | Consider adding an ability to remove unused Styles/Lists/Fonts from the document. | Feature |
WORDSNET-3312 | Consider exposing theme’s information. | Feature |
WORDSNET-3925 | Consider adding RegionStart/End as equivalent of TableStart/End. | Feature |
WORDSNET-4695 | Values ??of controls are changed when rendering. (CustomXml) | Feature |
WORDSNET-4719 | Provide an ability to save a document from SWF viewer. | Feature |
WORDSNET-5328 | Add Table Text Wrapping property to Table object. | Feature |
WORDSNET-5554 | List labels format is changed after rendering. | Feature |
WORDSNET-6299 | Create DmlX model objects for every diagram element according to specs. | Feature |
WORDSNET-6300 | Read XML and build DmlX model. (Proper DmlXBuilder classes development). | Feature |
WORDSNET-6592 | Support all “layout” and “fake” fields in HTML export. | Feature |
WORDSNET-7253 | VML 3D Implement influence of material on face and edge color | Feature |
WORDSNET-7278 | List numbering style is not preserved during rendering to Pdf | Feature |
WORDSNET-7306 | Style.Font.Name does not return the correct font name | Feature |
WORDSNET-7649 | Provide options to generate a scalable SVG | Feature |
WORDSNET-7950 | Support OL and LI style attribute | Feature |
WORDSNET-8127 | Text file with ANSI encoding is not correctly loaded into Aspose.Words.Document | Feature |
WORDSNET-8129 | Release the .NET examples dashboard | Feature |
WORDSNET-8153 | Update Aspose.Total installer build scripts | Feature |
WORDSNET-8283 | Consider updating the REF field based off the SelectedValue of FORMDROPDOWN | Feature |
WORDSNET-8316 | Provide a way to specify a remote location as a Fonts Folder | Feature |
WORDSNET-8350 | Date (fixed) field is not preserved during open/save an ODT | Feature |
WORDSNET-8362 | Legend is rendered incorrectly. | Feature |
WORDSNET-8372 | Date content control (SDT) is not rendered in PDF | Feature |
WORDSNET-8248 | Performance reduced in Aspose.Words | Performance |
WORDSNET-8265 | /slow/ PageCount takes quite a long time | Performance |
WORDSNET-8285 | ExecuteWithRegions is not performing nested mail merge regions on child Table | Regression |
WORDSNET-8357 | Document.PageCount throws System.NullReferenceException | Regression |