Aspose.Words for Java 15.5.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for Java 15.5 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 87 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

CustomXML nodes are removed

Support for conditional blocks added to the LINQ Reporting Engine

Improved rendering of floating shapes in complex tables

Implemented Arabic Abjad list numbering style in the layout

Improved performance of importing HTML documents with complex CSS selectors

Improved positioning of floating shapes in HTML output

A document can now be rendered in a grayscale mode

Improved Far-Eastern characters rendering for PDF embedded fonts

Significantly improved time and size when rendering PDF documents with DrawingML text effects

All Changes

WORDSJAVA-1054Image borders are incorrect when saving to image using GetShapeRenderer.Save methodBug
WORDSJAVA-1057Shape origin is shifted.Bug
WORDSJAVA-877Internal methods are available as Public APIEnhancement
WORDSJAVA-1038Uniform local host slashes for different hosts and platforms.Regression
WORDSJAVA-1055java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: NODESET occurs during loading a DOCXRegression
WORDSNET-10490An image overlaps the other content when converting to HTMLBug
WORDSNET-10764Table’s borders are missing after saving Docx to PDF/Docx/DocBug
WORDSNET-10785Contents position is changed after re-saving RTFBug
WORDSNET-11037Table’s border is changed after re-saving the Doc fileBug
WORDSNET-11076Word Online is not able to Edit Aspose.Words generated documentsBug
WORDSNET-11182Table borders are missing after re-saving DocxBug
WORDSNET-11241Open/Save corrupts documentBug
WORDSNET-11267/footnote balancing/ Text flows to the next page (Doc to Pdf)Bug
WORDSNET-11268/footnote balancing/ Footnote position is changed (Doc to Pdf)Bug
WORDSNET-11271TabStops, Left and Hanging indent values of TOC items are not preserved by UpdateFieldsBug
WORDSNET-11273CSS font size for table’s content are not applied in output Doc/Docx/HTMLBug
WORDSNET-11339Text moves to next page after re-saving RTFBug
WORDSNET-11539Underlines are getting removed in merged documentBug
WORDSNET-11548/footnotes/ Paragraph position is changed after conversion from Doc to pdfBug
WORDSNET-11678Shapes do not render in output PdfBug
WORDSNET-11735UpdateField does not work for DocVariable/DocProperty with vertical tabBug
WORDSNET-11795IF fields in bookmark text not resolving properlyBug
WORDSNET-11800Missing Embedding Font when renderring to PDFBug
WORDSNET-11809Table borders become ’nil’ during open/save a DOCXBug
WORDSNET-11810Provide way to set id, name values of legacy controlBug
WORDSNET-11819Table border: border colour generated incorrect during Html to Word conversionBug
WORDSNET-11826Docx to Pdf conversion issue with footer contentsBug
WORDSNET-11840Convert DOCX to PDF - repeat table headers problemBug
WORDSNET-11844Content (Fields) position is changed after conversion from Doc to PdfBug
WORDSNET-11864Shape fill color is not set correctly using Color.FromArgbBug
WORDSNET-11880Docx to Pdf conversion issue with Arabic Abjad numberingBug
WORDSNET-11896Incorrect default font color of tables when importing an HTML document in Quirks modeBug
WORDSNET-11919Text with shadow effect does not render correctly in PdfBug
WORDSNET-11926ShapeRenderer.Save messed up the text on the x-coordinate of chart in output PngBug
WORDSNET-11927ShapeRenderer.Save does not save the x-coordinate of chart correctly in output PngBug
WORDSNET-5236/export floating/ Position of floating shape is incorrectBug
WORDSNET-5263Position of shape is incorrectBug
WORDSNET-5500Shapes are removed and misplacedBug
WORDSNET-5825RTF to PDF conversion page number issueBug
WORDSNET-6690Lines rendered on different pageBug
WORDSNET-6768TextBoxes are laid out incorrectly in EPUBBug
WORDSNET-7998Exception : Mail merge regions ‘x’ and ‘y’ overlap. Two regions cannot start/end in the same paragraph or occupy the same table row.Bug
WORDSNET-8347Mail Merge with formula that contain asterisk not workingBug
WORDSNET-8609/linked textbox reflow/ A line of text in TextBox is rendering inside another TextBox in PDFBug
WORDSNET-9670Document.UpdateFields does not update the IF fieldBug
WORDSNET-9706Mail Merge is not working with formatted date field using Mustache syntaxBug
WORDSNET-10516Provide a way to render documents with Grayscale effect.Enhancement
WORDSNET-11543Improve positioning of floating shapes in HTML outputEnhancement
WORDSNET-11640Consider adding partial support for the ‘min-width’ CSS property on empty table cellsEnhancement
WORDSNET-11782Transparent image backgrounds are displayed as black in HTMLEnhancement
WORDSNET-11805Add descriptions for -aw propertiesEnhancement
WORDSNET-11827Support creating grayscale PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-11860Shadow effect on a Drawing is incorrect during rendering to PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-11903Docx to Pdf conversion issue with text positionEnhancement
WORDSNET-3306Consider moving verifications in DocumentValidator to avoid creating zero-weight files.Enhancement
WORDSNET-4796Table style cell borders override direct table formatting bordersEnhancement
WORDSNET-10308System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException is thrown while loading docx with digital signatureException
WORDSNET-11310System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException is thrown while loading DocxException
WORDSNET-11706System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException is thrown while loading DocxException
WORDSNET-11804Shape.Fill.Color throws System.NullReferenceExceptionException
WORDSNET-11813Stroke.Color throws System.InvalidCastExceptionException
WORDSNET-11822ImportNode method throws System.ArgumentExceptionException
WORDSNET-11823Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading Aspose.Words generated DOCX fileException
WORDSNET-11834Document.Print throws System.NullReferenceExceptionException
WORDSNET-11842System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown while saving Docx to PdfException
WORDSNET-11917Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs during loading a DOCException
WORDSNET-11920Fill.Color throws System.NullReferenceExceptionException
WORDSNET-11921Fill.Color throws System.InvalidCastExceptionException
WORDSNET-10514Provide code to manually insert watermark at the centre of each pageFeature
WORDSNET-10928Add feature to change the name of ‘Page’ class when document is exported to HtmlFixedFeature
WORDSNET-11496Support GlossaryDocument features in DOC, DOTFeature
WORDSNET-11704FarEast layout should be calculated for each paragraph independently.Feature
WORDSNET-11923Support conditional blocks for the new reporting engineFeature
WORDSNET-3197Repeat only part of a paragraph instead of repeating whole paragraph durign mail merge with regionsFeature
WORDSNET-3301Allow specifying “Text Flow” through PageSetup.Feature
WORDSNET-3602Consider updating invalid IF fields.Feature
WORDSNET-50Allow placing more reporting-syntax constructs in the documentsFeature
WORDSNET-6292Consider adding FootnoteOptions.ExportAsComments propertyFeature
WORDSNET-7055Can not set Date value by using StructuredDocumentTag.FullDateFeature
WORDSNET-7064StructuredDocumentTag.DateDisplayLocale Property do not workFeature
WORDSNET-11497It takes hours of time and gigabytes of RAM to convert a DOCX to HtmlFixedPerformance
WORDSNET-11828Process hangs during open save a RTFPerformance
WORDSNET-11832Improve performance of CSS selector combinatorsPerformance
WORDSNET-11197NullReferenceException is thrown while using InsertHtmlRegression
WORDSNET-11386Bookmark.Text returns extra empty space using v14.12.0Regression
WORDSNET-11593RestartPageNumbering doesnt work anymore in WordRegression
WORDSNET-11789Crop of images seems to be broken since 15.2Regression