Aspose.Words for .NET 11.10.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Words for .NET 11.10 Release Notes

What’s New

There are 157 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • TOC (Table Of Contents) field update performance dramatically improved.
  • Supported the Object.Attr syntax for both merge fields and tags.
  • Shape handling improved. Text wrapping polygon info read/written.
  • SvgSaveOptions.ImageSavingCallback public API member added.
  • Range.ToDocument() public API member added.
  • Added an option to specify image compression to produce smaller output PDF files.
  • Optimized multipage PDF rendering.
  • Multiple enhancements in DrawingML charts rendering.
  • Improved floater object handling in code (performance and stability).
  • Improved performance for .NET 4.0.
  • Supported Asian Typography hanging punctuation.
  • Multiple improvements in RTL layout.

All Fixes

WORDSNET-5225Left border of RTL table is lostBug
WORDSNET-5226Centered floating table in RTL context is exported to HTML as left alignedBug
WORDSNET-5458Style applied to hyperlink is not imported.Bug
WORDSNET-5570Text moves to the next row during rendering.Bug
WORDSNET-5589DOTX to DOT: DrawingML picture is not converting to Shape objectBug
WORDSNET-5724css drop while converting html to png/tiffBug
WORDSNET-5970While converting doc to mhtml, bullet points behaves like symbol and Times New Roman spaces.Bug
WORDSNET-6188There should be at least a few pages of content before truncation in evaluation modeBug
WORDSNET-6274Section break (Continues) in ODT is rendering as a Page Break in PDFBug
WORDSNET-6893Docx to EPUB conversion issue, bullets displayed as question marks in output EPUBBug
WORDSNET-6991UpdateFields calculates QUOTE field value incorrectlyBug
WORDSNET-7015Paragraphs in Shape are overlapping each other during printingBug
WORDSNET-7027Incorrect table position when rendering to fixed page formatsBug
WORDSNET-7033Extra Style are created while converting xlsm cell to Aspose.Words.Tables.Table.CellBug
WORDSNET-7067MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveUnusedRegions remove only top-level regionsBug
WORDSNET-7068Different cleanup behaviour for mail merge based on merged fields and templatesBug
WORDSNET-7070Docx to PDF conversion issue with text renderingBug
WORDSNET-7080X and Y axis have incorrect numbering in DrawingMl charts in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7084Floating table is rendering outside the Top edge of Page in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7085Document.UpdateFields call freezes when License is setBug
WORDSNET-7086ODT to HTML conversion issue with GroupShapes.Bug
WORDSNET-7087Null reference exception occurs when adding a new run to paragraphBug
WORDSNET-7090NullReferenceException occurs during rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-7101Aspose.Words hangs during rendering.Bug
WORDSNET-7102Unexpected character appears during DOC to RTF to PNG conversionBug
WORDSNET-7114Shape in truncated at the bottom in page header on 2nd page in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7115Paragraphs in Shape are overlapping each other in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7118Incorrect table row height, too small.Bug
WORDSNET-7119Math Type Equations not converted properly Docx to PDFBug
WORDSNET-7120Incorrect page number alignment in page headerBug
WORDSNET-7121Exception when saving Doc to EPUB with ExportFontResources optionBug
WORDSNET-7122Word for MAC is unable to merge Aspose.Words generated documentBug
WORDSNET-7130Content is not rendering with correct Fonts in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7133Regions contained in IF fields are not removedBug
WORDSNET-7134PdfSaveOptions.ExportCustomPropertiesAsMetadata do not export custom propertiesBug
WORDSNET-7139Doc to PDF conversion issue with form controlsBug
WORDSNET-7142Object.Attribute notation does not work when using IMailMergeDataSourceBug
WORDSNET-7157Can’t save document as XamlFlow into the streamBug
WORDSNET-7160ODT Invisible field problemBug
WORDSNET-7164Extra characters in Farsi Language (RTL) is inserted in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7165Docx to HTML conversion issue with bookmarksBug
WORDSNET-7167Border LineStyle set as HairLine do not visible in output Docx/DocmBug
WORDSNET-7168Alternate background color of Rows is lost during importing HTMLBug
WORDSNET-7172Paragraph alignment is incorrect when importing HTMLBug
WORDSNET-7174Docx to Tiff conversion issue with shapeBug
WORDSNET-7177Docx to HTML conversion issue with chart renderingBug
WORDSNET-7182Docm to PDF conversion issue with NumeralFormat.ArabicIndicBug
WORDSNET-7183HTML Table Caption spans only first Cell instead of the entire tableBug
WORDSNET-7191<p> inside <li> which is nested in a <OL> is imported incorrectlyBug
WORDSNET-7199Aspose.Words freeze on loading docx fileBug
WORDSNET-7202Consider exporting Table Alignment as ‘align’ instead of ‘style:text-align’ attribute to <div>Bug
WORDSNET-7207Column width is imported incorrectly from HTML into Portrait Orientation of DOCBug
WORDSNET-7213DrawingML is squeezed to occupy smaller space in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7215Bar chart’s data point values are not rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-7218The scale at Y-axis has incorrect values in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7220Min Max scale value and range of values in between are incorrect in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7221Document.UpdateFields call freezesBug
WORDSNET-7223Section protection is lost when importing it to another DocumentBug
WORDSNET-7224Aspose.Words hangs during rendering to PDFBug
WORDSNET-7230Cell borders are not preserved when importing Mhtml fileBug
WORDSNET-7232Paragraph is incorrectly aligned as Justified when importing MHTMLBug
WORDSNET-7239Not all Cells have correct Paragraph Alignment during Html importBug
WORDSNET-7240Aspose.Words hangs during rendering DOC to fixed page formatsBug
WORDSNET-7257Page numbering restarts at the beginning of the Sections in PDFBug
WORDSNET-7271Aspose.Words adds unwanted space between wordsBug
WORDSNET-7276Font name attribute is visible in RTF that is generated by Aspose.WordsBug
WORDSNET-7288StructuredDocumentTag.Id Property return incorrect valueBug
WORDSNET-7290List numbering is not preserved during open/saveBug
WORDSNET-7307Font embedding problems in XPSBug
WORDSNET-7322Image is misaligned and shifted towards the right page edge in PdfBug
WORDSNET-7325Track Change history lost on converting RTF to DocBug
WORDSNET-7337Checkbox FormField is not preserved during rendering to PdfBug
WORDSNET-7346FieldChar.IsLocked Property do not work for Doc file format.Bug
WORDSNET-4606/text wrap:5/ Position of shapes is incorrect during renderingEnhancement
WORDSNET-4860/anchor push:20/ Support floater anchor push algorithm.Enhancement
WORDSNET-6094List with multiple levels is not converted correctly to HTMLEnhancement
WORDSNET-6493Docx to HTML conversion issue with text position after Bullet symbolsEnhancement
WORDSNET-6647Table cell widths calculation wrong for fixed preferred width tables.Enhancement
WORDSNET-6776WORDSNET-6968 Support fixed maximum and minimum values of axisEnhancement
WORDSNET-6866PNG images produced by latest Aspose.Words are all bluredEnhancement
WORDSNET-6898WORDSNET-6804 Implement influence of light on color of faceEnhancement
WORDSNET-6899WORDSNET-6804 Implement drawing of edgesEnhancement
WORDSNET-6900WORDSNET-6804 Implement influence of light on color of edgeEnhancement
WORDSNET-6986Make better support of complex bookmark on HTML exportEnhancement
WORDSNET-7123Use shape’s wrap points for building wrapping polygon.Enhancement
WORDSNET-7124Cache wrapping polygonEnhancement
WORDSNET-7147NodeCollection refactoringEnhancement
WORDSNET-7152text:display attribute of Section is not preserved during open/saveEnhancement
WORDSNET-7154Rework floater object creation and storage to prepare for tight wrapping and vertical alignment integrationEnhancement
WORDSNET-7161WORDSNET-6804 Adjust shape boundaries during MHT renderingEnhancement
WORDSNET-7162PdfSaveOptions.NumeralFormat does not function as expected if page layout is already builtEnhancement
WORDSNET-7163Update third party licenses listEnhancement
WORDSNET-7188Page Borders are getting distorted in PDFEnhancement
WORDSNET-7206Investigate whether there is the better place to assign FallBack parent.Enhancement
WORDSNET-7210Update ExtractImageToFiles example to include DrawingMLEnhancement
WORDSNET-7211Publish a list of the public API changes in the latest releaseEnhancement
WORDSNET-7228Rework IsSvg function.Enhancement
WORDSNET-7234ApsBoundingBoxCalculator clipping improvementsEnhancement
WORDSNET-7238Not all the characters inserted in MERGEFIELD have same formattingEnhancement
WORDSNET-7241Shading.ForegroundPatternColor return incorrect value for ODT fileEnhancement
WORDSNET-7246Implement wrapping polygon calculation for a group shapeEnhancement
WORDSNET-7255Problem in MailMergeRegions when remove empty paragraphEnhancement
WORDSNET-7261Chart’s data label invisible after Docx to PDF ConversionEnhancement
WORDSNET-7281ImageSaveOptions.TiffCompression changes the color of imageEnhancement
WORDSNET-7305Splitting Pdf into pages results in creation of all resources for every new PdfEnhancement
WORDSNET-7323WORDSNET-6804 Fix incorrect projection for turned shape with direction == center.Enhancement
WORDSNET-7350Contents are missing on converting Doc to Fixed file format.Enhancement
WORDSNET-2395“InvalidCastException” exception occurs when try to save document in MergeField event handler.Exception
WORDSNET-3944OutOfMemoryException is thrown when try saving large docuemnt as RTF or DOC.Exception
WORDSNET-6144System.NullReferenceException occurs while moving the cursor to a table cell.Exception
WORDSNET-6187UpdateFields results in exception when a field uses a very specific valueException
WORDSNET-6234InvalidOperationException occurs when specifying MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphsException
WORDSNET-6322Exception occur while converting Doc to PDfException
WORDSNET-6496Unknown shading texture index / InvalidOperationException occurs during rendering DOC to PDFException
WORDSNET-6619Exception while converting doc to pdf when PreserveFormFields = trueException
WORDSNET-6708Exception thrown while appending document.Exception
WORDSNET-7063Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedException occurs when loading DOCX fileException
WORDSNET-7129InvalidOperationException occurs when specifying MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphsException
WORDSNET-7131ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-7143Exception on working with Document/DocumentBuilder over IIS Express and IISException
WORDSNET-7151Exception on loading DocxException
WORDSNET-7169shape.GetShapeRenderer() throws exceptionException
WORDSNET-7175Exception on converting Doc to HTMLException
WORDSNET-7250NullReferenceException occurs upon Chart rendering.Exception
WORDSNET-7265Exception on loading ODT file.Exception
WORDSNET-7267Exception on loading DocumentException
WORDSNET-7268NullReferenceException occurs during rendering to PDFException
WORDSNET-7274Exception on loading TXT fileException
WORDSNET-7275Exception on converting Doc to Fixed file formatException
WORDSNET-7285Document.Save throws exception on converting Docx to Fixed file formatException
WORDSNET-7345Exception on Loading ODT fileException
WORDSNET-7373InvalidOperationException occurs when specifying MailMergeCleanupOptions.RemoveEmptyParagraphsException
WORDSNET-7387Document.UpdateFields throws Exception for IF fieldsException
WORDSNET-1170Add an option that controls how to export list labels to HTMLFeature
WORDSNET-3518Allow getting Field from FieldChar’s descendantsFeature
WORDSNET-5471UnsupportedFileFormatException is thrown upon opening ODT document.Feature
WORDSNET-600Support stuck ending punctuationFeature
WORDSNET-6696Loading DOCX is throwing Aspose.Words.FileCorruptedExceptionFeature
WORDSNET-6771/stuck punctuation/ Doc to PDF conversion issue with page layoutFeature
WORDSNET-6896WORDSNET-6804 Implement drawing of filled faces (without influence of light, considering z-coordinate)Feature
WORDSNET-6897WORDSNET-6804 Implement filling of faces with certain colorFeature
WORDSNET-6926Implement node.ToDocument() function.Feature
WORDSNET-6930Export Bullet lists as UL and LI tags to HTMLFeature
WORDSNET-6941WORDSNET-6968 Render axis title.Feature
WORDSNET-6942WORDSNET-6968 Render data labelsFeature
WORDSNET-6945WORDSNET-6968 Render Error Bars.Feature
WORDSNET-6946WORDSNET-6968 Support rendering Pictures, Shapes and Textboxes on Chart AreaFeature
WORDSNET-7007Add Shape compression optionsFeature
WORDSNET-7145Read wrapping points from .docx fileFeature
WORDSNET-7158SvgSaveOptions doesn’t contains callback for saving resourcesFeature
WORDSNET-7236File size of PDF files generated by Aspose.Words is too big.Feature
WORDSNET-7249Read/Write wrapping points from/to .rtf file.Feature
WORDSNET-7301Support inline style attribute of anchor tagFeature
WORDSNET-7077Concurrent processing degrades Aspose.Words’ performancePerformance
WORDSNET-7186MailMerge.Execute method throws exceptionRegression
WORDSNET-7237InvalidCastException occurs during open/save a DOCXRegression
WORDSNET-6876Investigate why UpdatePageLayout is taking too long to build layout of pageRegression