Aspose.Words for .NET Hot Fix Release Notes

This release addresses the issue of using Aspose.Words on Microsoft Windows Vista RC2. We do not yet test our components on Windows Vista and previous release was found to have trouble running on RC2 because of an obfuscation issue.

Other changes:

  • 1316 - Return back missing DocumentBuilder.InsertImage overloads.
  • 1310 - Add tests for a variety of cool-looking files created in Microsoft Word 2007.
  • 1308 - Saving document to html results in ‘Unknown list style’ exception.
  • 1307 - Implement Document.HasMacros properties.
  • 1277 - Inserting a table in DocumentBuilder after inserting an HTML table using InsertHtml makes further tables appear with zero width.
  • 1225 - Current implementation of GetAssemblyPath in License class incorrectly handles paths with spaces.