Aangepaste opmaak toepassen op velden
Soms moeten gebruikers aangepaste opmaak toepassen op velden. In dit artikel zullen we een paar voorbeelden bekijken van hoe dit kan worden gedaan.
Zie de volledige lijst met eigenschappen voor elk veldtype in de overeenkomstige klasse in Fields namespace voor meer informatie over opties.
Aangepaste opmaak toepassen op Veldresultaat
Aspose.Words biedt API voor aangepaste opmaak van het resultaat van het veld. U kunt IFieldResultFormatter interface implementeren om te bepalen hoe het veldresultaat wordt opgemaakt. U kunt numerieke opmaakschakelaar toepassen, d.w.z. # “#.##”, datum / tijd opmaakschakelaar, d.w.z. @ “dd.MM.yyyy”, en nummer opmaakschakelaar, d.w.z. * Ordinal.
Het volgende codevoorbeeld laat zien hoe u aangepaste opmaak toepast voor het veldresultaat:
//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C | |
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(); | |
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
auto field = builder->InsertField(u"=-1234567.89 \\# \"### ### ###.000\"", nullptr); | |
doc->get_FieldOptions()->set_ResultFormatter(System::MakeObject<FieldResultFormatter>(u"[{0:N2}]", nullptr)); | |
field->Update(); | |
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"WorkingWithFields.FormatFieldResult.docx"); |
//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C | |
class FieldResultFormatter : public IFieldResultFormatter | |
{ | |
public: | |
enum class FormatInvocationType | |
{ | |
Numeric, | |
DateTime, | |
General, | |
All | |
}; | |
private: | |
class FormatInvocation : public System::Object | |
{ | |
public: | |
ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType get_FormatInvocationType() | |
{ | |
return pr_FormatInvocationType; | |
} | |
SharedPtr<System::Object> get_Value() | |
{ | |
return pr_Value; | |
} | |
String get_OriginalFormat() | |
{ | |
return pr_OriginalFormat; | |
} | |
String get_NewValue() | |
{ | |
return pr_NewValue; | |
} | |
FormatInvocation(ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType formatInvocationType, SharedPtr<System::Object> value, | |
String originalFormat, String newValue) | |
: pr_FormatInvocationType(((ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType)0)) | |
{ | |
pr_Value = value; | |
pr_FormatInvocationType = formatInvocationType; | |
pr_OriginalFormat = originalFormat; | |
pr_NewValue = newValue; | |
} | |
private: | |
ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType pr_FormatInvocationType; | |
SharedPtr<System::Object> pr_Value; | |
String pr_OriginalFormat; | |
String pr_NewValue; | |
}; | |
public: | |
FieldResultFormatter(String numberFormat, String dateFormat, String generalFormat) | |
: mFormatInvocations(MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<SharedPtr<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>>>()) | |
{ | |
mNumberFormat = numberFormat; | |
mDateFormat = dateFormat; | |
mGeneralFormat = generalFormat; | |
} | |
String FormatNumeric(double value, String format) override | |
{ | |
if (String::IsNullOrEmpty(mNumberFormat)) | |
{ | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
String newValue = String::Format(mNumberFormat, value); | |
get_FormatInvocations()->Add(MakeObject<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>( | |
ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType::Numeric, System::ObjectExt::Box<double>(value), format, newValue)); | |
return newValue; | |
} | |
String FormatDateTime(System::DateTime value, String format, CalendarType calendarType) override | |
{ | |
if (String::IsNullOrEmpty(mDateFormat)) | |
{ | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
String newValue = String::Format(mDateFormat, value); | |
get_FormatInvocations()->Add(MakeObject<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>( | |
ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType::DateTime, | |
System::ObjectExt::Box<String>(String::Format(u"{0} ({1})", value, calendarType)), format, newValue)); | |
return newValue; | |
} | |
String Format(String value, GeneralFormat format) override | |
{ | |
return Format(System::ObjectExt::Box<String>(value), format); | |
} | |
String Format(double value, GeneralFormat format) override | |
{ | |
return Format(System::ObjectExt::Box<double>(value), format); | |
} | |
int CountFormatInvocations(ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType formatInvocationType) | |
{ | |
if (formatInvocationType == ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType::All) | |
{ | |
return get_FormatInvocations()->get_Count(); | |
} | |
std::function<bool(SharedPtr<FormatInvocation> f)> hasValidFormatInvocationType = [&formatInvocationType](SharedPtr<FormatInvocation> f) | |
{ | |
return f->get_FormatInvocationType() == formatInvocationType; | |
}; | |
return get_FormatInvocations()->LINQ_Count(hasValidFormatInvocationType); | |
} | |
void PrintFormatInvocations() | |
{ | |
for (const auto& f : get_FormatInvocations()) | |
{ | |
std::cout << (String::Format(u"Invocation type:\t{0}\n", f->get_FormatInvocationType()) + | |
String::Format(u"\tOriginal value:\t\t{0}\n", f->get_Value()) + | |
String::Format(u"\tOriginal format:\t{0}\n", f->get_OriginalFormat()) + | |
String::Format(u"\tNew value:\t\t\t{0}\n", f->get_NewValue())) | |
<< std::endl; | |
} | |
} | |
private: | |
String mNumberFormat; | |
String mDateFormat; | |
String mGeneralFormat; | |
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<SharedPtr<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>>> mFormatInvocations; | |
SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<SharedPtr<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>>> get_FormatInvocations() | |
{ | |
return mFormatInvocations; | |
} | |
String Format(SharedPtr<System::Object> value, GeneralFormat format) | |
{ | |
if (String::IsNullOrEmpty(mGeneralFormat)) | |
{ | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
String newValue = String::Format(mGeneralFormat, value); | |
get_FormatInvocations()->Add(MakeObject<ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocation>( | |
ApiExamples::ExDocumentBuilder::FieldResultFormatter::FormatInvocationType::General, value, System::ObjectExt::ToString(format), newValue)); | |
return newValue; | |
} | |
}; |
conditie evalueren
Als u IF
voorwaarde na mail merge wilt evalueren, kunt u de EvaluateCondition methode gebruiken die onmiddellijk het resultaat van de expressie evaluatie retourneert.
Het volgende codevoorbeeld laat zien hoe deze methode te gebruiken:
//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C | |
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(); | |
auto field = System::DynamicCast<FieldIf>(builder->InsertField(u"IF 1 = 1", nullptr)); | |
FieldIfComparisonResult actualResult = field->EvaluateCondition(); | |
std::cout << System::EnumGetName(actualResult) << std::endl; |
Aangepaste opmaak toepassen op tijdveld
Standaard werkt Aspose.Words TIME
veld bij met de huidige cultuur korte tijdnotatie. Als u het veld TIME
wilt opmaken volgens uw vereisten, kunt u dit bereiken door IFieldUpdateCultureProvider interface te implementeren.
De volgende codevoorbeelden laten zien hoe u aangepaste opmaak toepast op het veld TIME
//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C | |
auto doc = MakeObject<Document>(); | |
auto builder = MakeObject<DocumentBuilder>(doc); | |
builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldTime, true); | |
doc->get_FieldOptions()->set_FieldUpdateCultureSource(FieldUpdateCultureSource::FieldCode); | |
doc->get_FieldOptions()->set_FieldUpdateCultureProvider(MakeObject<WorkingWithFields::FieldUpdateCultureProvider>()); | |
doc->Save(ArtifactsDir + u"WorkingWithFields.FieldUpdateCulture.pdf"); |
//For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-words/Aspose.Words-for-C | |
class FieldUpdateCultureProvider : public IFieldUpdateCultureProvider | |
{ | |
public: | |
SharedPtr<System::Globalization::CultureInfo> GetCulture(String name, SharedPtr<Field> field) override | |
{ | |
ASPOSE_UNUSED(field); | |
if (name == u"ru-RU") | |
{ | |
auto culture = MakeObject<System::Globalization::CultureInfo>(name, false); | |
SharedPtr<System::Globalization::DateTimeFormatInfo> format = culture->get_DateTimeFormat(); | |
format->set_MonthNames(MakeArray<String>({u"месяц 1", u"месяц 2", u"месяц 3", u"месяц 4", u"месяц 5", u"месяц 6", u"месяц 7", u"месяц 8", | |
u"месяц 9", u"месяц 10", u"месяц 11", u"месяц 12", u""})); | |
format->set_MonthGenitiveNames(format->get_MonthNames()); | |
format->set_AbbreviatedMonthNames(MakeArray<String>( | |
{u"мес 1", u"мес 2", u"мес 3", u"мес 4", u"мес 5", u"мес 6", u"мес 7", u"мес 8", u"мес 9", u"мес 10", u"мес 11", u"мес 12", u""})); | |
format->set_AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames(format->get_AbbreviatedMonthNames()); | |
format->set_DayNames(MakeArray<String>( | |
{u"день недели 7", u"день недели 1", u"день недели 2", u"день недели 3", u"день недели 4", u"день недели 5", u"день недели 6"})); | |
format->set_AbbreviatedDayNames(MakeArray<String>({u"день 7", u"день 1", u"день 2", u"день 3", u"день 4", u"день 5", u"день 6"})); | |
format->set_ShortestDayNames(MakeArray<String>({u"д7", u"д1", u"д2", u"д3", u"д4", u"д5", u"д6"})); | |
format->set_AMDesignator(u"До полудня"); | |
format->set_PMDesignator(u"После полудня"); | |
const String pattern = u"yyyy MM (MMMM) dd (dddd) hh:mm:ss tt"; | |
format->set_LongDatePattern(pattern); | |
format->set_LongTimePattern(pattern); | |
format->set_ShortDatePattern(pattern); | |
format->set_ShortTimePattern(pattern); | |
return culture; | |
} | |
else if (name == u"en-US") | |
{ | |
return MakeObject<System::Globalization::CultureInfo>(name, false); | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
return nullptr; | |
} | |
} | |
}; |