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Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 23.9 Release Notes

Major Features

There are 69 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are:

  • Released version Aspose.Words for Python via .Net for MacOs X x86/64
  • Added an ability to set axis title of charts.
  • Extended MarkdownSaveOptions with ImagesFolderAlias property.
  • Added an ability to specify fonts vertical position on a line for paragraph.
  • Implemented metafile rendering emulation of rasterization size for WMF pen width and EMF cosmetic pen.

Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

This section lists public API changes that were introduced in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET 23.9. It includes not only new and obsoleted public methods, but also a description of any changes in the behavior behind the scenes in Aspose.Words for Python via .NET which may affect existing code. Any behavior introduced that could be seen as regression and modifies the existing behavior is especially important and is documented here.

Added an ability to set chart axis title

A new public class ChartAxisTitle has been implemented. And a property title of this type has been added to ChartAxis class.

class ChartAxisTitle:
    """Provides access to the axis title properties.
    To learn more, visit the `Working with
                Charts <>` documentation article."""
    def text(self) -> str:
        """Gets or sets the text of the axis title.
        If ``None`` or empty value is specified, auto generated title will be shown.
        Use :attr:`` option if you need to show the title."""
    def text(self, value: str):
    def overlay(self) -> bool:
        """Determines whether other chart elements shall be allowed to overlap the title.
        The default value is ``False``."""
    def overlay(self, value: bool):
    def show(self) -> bool:
        """Determines whether the title shall be shown for the axis.
        The default value is ``False``."""
    def show(self, value: bool):

class ChartAxis:

        def title(self) -> aspose.words.drawing.charts.ChartAxisTitle:
            """Provides access to the axis title properties."""
from aspose.words import Document, DocumentBuilder
from aspose.words.drawing.charts import ChartType
doc = Document()

builder = DocumentBuilder(doc)
shape = builder.insert_chart(ChartType.COLUMN, 432, 252)

chart = shape.chart

seriesColl = chart.series
# Delete default generated series.

seriesColl.add("AW Series 1", ["AW Category 1", "AW Category 2"], [1, 2])

# Set axis title.
chart.axis_x.title.text = "Categories" = True
chart.axis_y.title.text = "Values" = True
chart.axis_y.title.overlay = True"Charts.ChartAxisTitle.docx")

Added public property MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder_alias

A new public property images_folder_alias has been added to class MarkdownSaveOptions:

def images_folder_alias(self) -> str:
    """Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into a document.
    Default is an empty string.
    When you save a :class:`aspose.words.Document` in :attr:`aspose.words.SaveFormat.MARKDOWN` format,
    Aspose.Words needs to save all images embedded in the document as standalone files.
    :attr:`MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder` allows you to specify where the images will be saved and
    :attr:`MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder_alias` allows to specify how the image URIs will be constructed.
    If :attr:`MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder_alias` is not an empty string, then the image URI written
    to Markdown will be *ImagesFolderAlias + \<image file name\>*.
    If :attr:`MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder_alias` is an empty string, then the image URI written
    to Markdown will be *ImagesFolder + \<image file name\>*.
    If :attr:`MarkdownSaveOptions.images_folder_alias` is set to '.' (dot), then the image file name
    will be written to Markdown without path regardless of other options."""

def images_folder_alias(self, value: str):
from aspose.words import DocumentBuilder
from aspose.words.saving import MarkdownSaveOptions
builder = DocumentBuilder()

builder.writeln("Some image below:")

saveOptions = MarkdownSaveOptions()
# Use the "ImagesFolder" property to assign a folder in the local file system into which
# Aspose.Words will save all the document's linked images.
saveOptions.images_folder = "ImagesDir/"
# Use the "ImagesFolderAlias" property to use this folder
# when constructing image URIs instead of the images folder's name.
saveOptions.images_folder_alias = """", saveOptions)

Added public property ParagraphFormat.baseline_alignment

A new public property baseline_alignment has been added to class ParagraphFormat and a new public enum has been introduced:

def baseline_alignment(self) -> aspose.words.BaselineAlignment:
    """Gets or sets fonts vertical position on a line."""

def baseline_alignment(self, value: aspose.words.BaselineAlignment):

class BaselineAlignment:
    """Specifies fonts vertical position on a line."""
from aspose.words import BaselineAlignment, Document
doc = Document("Office math.docx")

format_ = doc.first_section.body.paragraphs[0].paragraph_format

if format_.baseline_alignment == BaselineAlignment.AUTO:
    format_.baseline_alignment = BaselineAlignment.TOP"ParagraphFormat.ParagraphBaselineAlignment.docx")

scale_wmf_fonts_to_metafile_size property is replaced with emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page and added emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page_resolution.

def emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page(self) -> bool:
    """Gets or sets a value determining whether metafile rendering emulates the display of the metafile according to the size on page
    or the display of the metafile in its default size.
    When metafiles are displayed in MS Word, some graphics may be scaled according to the actual metafile size in pixels.
    I.e. even zooming may affect the metafile display.
    When this value is set to ``True``, Aspose.Words emulates rendering according to the metafile size on page.
    The size in pixels is calculated from the metafile size on the page and the specified :attr:`MetafileRenderingOptions.emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page_resolution`.
    When this value is set to ``False``, Aspose.Words emulates metafile rendering to its default size in pixels.
    This option is used only when metafile is rendered as vector graphics.
    The default value is ``True``."""

def emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page(self, value: bool):

def emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page_resolution(self) -> int:
    """Gets or sets the resolution in pixels per inch for the emulation of metafile rendering to the size on page.
    This option is used only when :attr:`MetafileRenderingOptions.emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page` is set to ``True``.
    The default value is 96. This is a default display resolution. I.e. metafile rendering will emulate the display of
    the metafile in MS Word with a 100% zoom factor."""

def emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page_resolution(self, value: int):
from aspose.words import Document
from aspose.words.saving import PdfSaveOptions
doc = Document("WMF with text.docx")

# Create a "PdfSaveOptions" object that we can pass to the document's "save" method
# to modify how that method converts the document to .PDF.
save_options = PdfSaveOptions()

# Set the "EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage" property to "true"
# to emulate rendering according to the metafile size on page.
# Set the "EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage" property to "false"
# to emulate metafile rendering to its default size in pixels.
save_options.metafile_rendering_options.emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page = True
save_options.metafile_rendering_options.emulate_rendering_to_size_on_page_resolution = 50"PdfSaveOptions.EmulateRenderingToSizeOnPage.pdf", save_options)