Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 3.1.0 Release Notes

Please welcome a new release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services. This release introduces a smarter document layout algorithm. Particularly, now the MicrosoftWord’s “Repeat as header row at the top of each page”  feature is used to represent repeatable table and matrix headers (as well as group headers) in the exported document. As ever, this release also contains a number of fixes and improvements.

  • Document layout algorithm is improved
  • The “Repeat as header row at the top of each page” Word’s feature is now used to represent repeatable headers whenever possible
  • Added the DontBreakTables page breaks placement mode
  • 7829 -  Table border and layout issues
  • Table borders are not visible when a cell contains a nested table
  • Excessive empty cells are inserted when exporting matrix
  • HTML formatting is not recognized when a textbox text starts with ‘=’
  • SSRS2008: Occassional exceptions are thrown when rendering in positioned layout
  • Minor fixes and improvements