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Aspose.Words for Reporting Services New Release Notes
Please welcome our new product Aspose.Words for Reporting Services!
Aspose.Words for Reporting Services is the only solution on the market that makes possible generating true DOC, RTF and WordprocessingML reports in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. All RDL report features, including tables, matrices, charts and images are converted with the highest degree of precision to Microsoft Word documents.
Aspose.Words for Reporting Services works as a rendering extension for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services.
The zip file contains Aspose.Words.ReportingServices.dll and instructions how to configure it on your server. Follow the instructions and Aspose.Words for Reporting Services will work in evaluation mode. It will produce documents of limited size and with a watermark.
Licenses for purchase, more product documentation and also an MSI installer will be coming over the next few days. We released the zip now so you could enjoy sooner!