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Aspose.ZIP for .NET 21.4 Release Notes

All Changes

KeySummaryIssue Type
ZIPNET-631Decrypt simple 7z archives.Enhancement
ZIPNET-638Support licenses with SHA-256 algorithm.Enhancement
ZIPNET-644Restore file metadata on folder extraction.Bug
ZIPNET-614Support GNU tarball archives.Feature

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

The following public types were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarFormatEnumeration with supported formats of tarball archive.
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Zip.SevenZip.SevenZipArchive.ExtractToDirectory(string destinationDirectory, string password = null)Extract 7z archive using optional password for decryption.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.Save(Stream outputStream, TarFormat? format = null)Compose tarball archive providing optional format.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.Save(string destinationFileName, TarFormat? format = null)Compose tarball archive providing optional format.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.FromGZip(…)Extracts supplied gzip archive and composes tar archve from extracted data.
Aspose.Zip.Tar.TarArchive.SaveGzipped(Stream outputStream, TarFormat? format = null)Saves archive to the stream with gzip compression.