Extract Multi-volume Zip Archive
Aspose.ZIP API lets you extract multi-volume zip archive. Aspose.ZIP API provides a constructor accepting paths for archive volume. You need to provide the last volume with central directory and other volumes separatly. The last volume usually has *.zip extension, others volumes have *.z01, *.z02, … extensions. Volumes must be provided in correct order.
Options for extracting archive
Aspose.ZIP extracts encrypted multi-volume archive as well, so ArchiveLoadOptions with decryption password can also be passed.
Extract multi-volume archive
The following code example demonstrates how to extract split zip archive.
1 using (Archive a = new Archive("part.zip", new string[] { "part.z01", "part.z02" }))
2 {
3 a.ExtractToDirectory(@"C:\extracted\")
4 }