Saving Files in PHP

Aspose.Cells - Saving Files

Saving file to some location

If developers need to save their files using Aspose.Cells Java for PHP to some storage location then they can simply specify the file name (with its complete storage path) and desired file format (using the FileFormatType enumeration) while calling the save method of Workbook object.

PHP Code

 $fileFormatType = new FileFormatType();

//Creating an Workbook object with an Excel file path

$workbook = new Workbook($dataDir . "book.xls");

//Save in default (Excel2003) format

$workbook->save($dataDir . "book.default.out.xls");

//Save in Excel2003 format

$workbook->save($dataDir . "book.out.xls",$fileFormatType->EXCEL_97_TO_2003);

//Save in Excel2007 xlsx format

$workbook->save($dataDir . "book.out.xlsx", $fileFormatType->XLSX);

//Save in SpreadsheetML format

$workbook->save($dataDir . "book.out.xml", $fileFormatType->EXCEL_2003_XML);

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