在 PHP 中将工作表转换为图像

Aspose.Cells - 将工作表转换为图像

要在 PHP 中使用 Aspose.Cells for Java 将工作表转换为图像,只需调用 Converter 模块。


 $imageFormat = new ImageFormat();

//Instantiate a new workbook with path to an Excel file

$book = new Workbook($dataDir . "MyTestBook1.xls");

//Create an object for ImageOptions

$imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions();

//Set the image type


//Get the first worksheet.

$sheet = $book->getWorksheets()->get(0);

//Create a SheetRender object for the target sheet

$sr = new SheetRender($sheet, $imgOptions);

for ($j = 0; $j < $sr->getPageCount(); $j++)


    //Generate an image for the worksheet

    $sr->toImage($j, $dataDir . "mysheetimg" . $j . ".png");



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