Export Images in Multi Threaded Environment

Export Images in Multi Threaded Environment

Aspose.Imaging for Java now supports converting images in multi threaded environment. Aspose.Imaging for Java ensure the optimized performance of operations during execution of code in multi-threaded environment. All imaging option classes (e.g. BmpOptions, TiffOptions, JpegOptions, etc.) in the Aspose.Imaging for Java now implement com.aspose.imaging.system.IDisposable interface. Therefore it is a must that developer properly dispose off the imaging options class object in case Source property is set. Following code snippet demonstrates the said functionality.

Synchronize Access to Source Stream

Aspose.Imaging now supports getSyncRoot property while working in multi-threaded environment. Developer can use this property to synchronize access to the source stream. Following code snippet demonstrates how the getSyncRoot property can be used.