Aspose.3D for .NET 17.6 Release Notes

Other Improvements and Changes

THREEDNET-257Export 3D scene into GLTF 2.0 ASCII filesNew feature
THREEDNET-258Export 3D scene into GLTF 2.0 Binary filesNew feature
THREEDNET-264Models has tangent but has no bi-normal will not render correctlyBug
THREEDNET-267Materials in Collada files may not be loaded correctly.Bug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

See the list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.3D for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.3D support forum.

Adds MaterialConverter Member to Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.GLTFSaveOptions Class

GLTF 2.0 only supports PBR materials, Aspose.3D will internally convert non-PBR materials into PBR materials before exporting into GLTF 2.0 (the materials in the scene will remain unchanged during the export), and the user can provide custom convert function to override the default behavior.

This code example demonstrates how to convert material to PBR material, and then saving 3D scene to GLTF 2.0 format:

.NET, C#

 var s = new Scene();

var box = new Box();

s.RootNode.CreateChildNode("box1", box).Material = new PhongMaterial() {DiffuseColor = new Vector3(1, 0, 1)};

GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileFormat.GLTF2);

//Custom material converter to convert PhongMaterial to PbrMaterial

opt.MaterialConverter = delegate(Material material)


    PhongMaterial m = (PhongMaterial) material;

    return new PbrMaterial() {Albedo = new Vector3(m.DiffuseColor.x, m.DiffuseColor.y, m.DiffuseColor.z)};


s.Save("test.gltf", opt);

Usage Examples

Please check the list of help topics added or updated in the Aspose.3D Wiki docs:

  1. Customize Non-PBR to PBR Materials Conversion before Saving 3D Scenes to GLTF 2.0 Format 
