Read 3D document

List of 3D supported formats (import)

Aspose.3D for Java API has support of reading various type of 3D documents. The available constructors of the Scene class helps to do so and they accept a valid file path string. The supported readable file formats are as follows:

  1. FBX 7.5 (ASCII, Binary)
  2. FBX 7.4 (ASCII, Binary)
  3. FBX 7.3 (ASCII, Binary)
  4. FBX 7.2 (ASCII, Binary)
  5. STL (ASCII, Binary)
  6. WavefrontOBJ
  7. Discreet3DS
  8. Universal3D
  9. Collada
  10. glTF
  11. DXF
  12. PLY (ASCII, Binary)
  13. X (ASCII, Binary)
  14. Draco
  15. 3MF
  16. RVM (Text, Binary)
  17. ASE

The constructors of Scene class detect 3D document format internally.

Import 3D document

Aspose.3D for Java API has support of importing various types of 3D document for the modification, addition and processing purposes.

Reading a 3D Scene: Programming Samples

// the path to the documents directory.
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
// Initialize a Scene class object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Load an existing 3D document + "document.fbx");

Working with 3D Properties

Aspose.3D API lets you read 3D Scene properties using the scene’s child nodes. The following code sample demonstrates the usage of this feature.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = RunExamples.getDataDir();
Scene scene = new Scene(dataDir+ "EmbeddedTexture.fbx");
Material material = scene.getRootNode().getChildNodes().get(0).getMaterial();
PropertyCollection props = material.getProperties();
//List all properties using for loop
for (Property prop:props)
System.out.println("Name" + prop.getName() + " Value = " + prop.getValue());
//or using ordinal for loop
for (int i = 0; i < props.size(); i++)
Property prop = props.get(i);
System.out.println("Name" + prop.getName() + " Value = " + prop.getValue());
//Get property value by name
Object diffuse = (Vector3)props.get("Diffuse");
//modify property value by name
props.set("Diffuse", new Vector3(1, 0, 1));
//Get property instance by name
Property pdiffuse = props.findProperty("Diffuse");
//Since Property is also inherited from A3DObject
//It's possible to get the property of the property
System.out.println("Property flags = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("flags"));
//and some properties that only defined in FBX file:
System.out.println("Label = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("label"));
System.out.println("Type Name = " + pdiffuse.getProperty("typeName"));
//so traversal on property's property is possible
for (Property pp: pdiffuse.getProperties())
System.out.println("Diffuse. " + pp.getName() + " = " + pp.getValue());