Aspose 中的公共 API 更改。3D 16.11.0


在 Aspose.ThreeD.Node类中添加AddEntity方法



 // initialize a Scene class object

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a node

Node sphere = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere");

// the old way to add an entity in a node

sphere.Entities.Add(new Sphere());

//the new way to add an entity in a node

sphere.AddEntity(new Sphere());

glTF 文件的导入和导出

使用最新版本 (16.11.0) 或更高版本,开发人员可以将 glTF 文件导入和导出到其他受支持的 3D 文件。

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.GLTFLoadOptions类

我们添加了GLTFLoadOptions类。它有助于将 glTF 文件导入 Aspose.3D API。


 Scene scene = new Scene();

GLTFLoadOptions loadOpt = new GLTFLoadOptions();

//The default value is true, usually we don't need to change it.

//Aspose.3D will automatically flip the V/T texture coordinate during load and save.

//to make sure it's compatible with Aspose.3D

loadOpt.FlipTexCoordV = true;

scene.Open("Duck.gltf", loadOpt);

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.GLTFSaveOptions类

我们添加了GLTFSaveOptions类。它定义了保存 glTF 文件的设置。

在输出 glTF 文件中嵌入依赖项

 // the code example creates a glTF file that has a sphere, and embed all assets into the target file

// usually a glTF file comes with some dependencies, a bin file for model's vertex/indices, two .glsl files for vertex/fragment shaders

// use opt.EmbedAssets to tells the aspose.3D to export scene and embed the dependencies inside the target file.

Scene scene = new Scene();

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());

GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.ASCII);

opt.EmbedAssets = true;

scene.Save("d:\\test.gltf", opt);

使用KHR_materials_common Extensions定义材质

 // the code example creates a glTF file that has a sphere, and use KHR_materials_common extensions to define the materials

// thus no GLSL files are generated.

Scene scene = new Scene();

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());

GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.ASCII);

opt.UseCommonMaterials = true;

scene.Save("d:\\test.gltf", opt);


 // the code example creates a glTF file that has a sphere, and the buffer file that defined the model to customize the filename

Scene scene = new Scene();

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());

GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.ASCII);

opt.BufferFile = "mybuf.bin";

scene.Save("d:\\test.gltf", opt);

使用KHR_binary_glTF扩展名创建二进制 glTF 文件

 // the code example creates a binary glTF file using KHR_binary_glTF extension

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());

// save 3D file

scene.Save("d:\\test.glb", FileFormat.GLTF_Binary);

使用KHR_binary_glTF扩展名以及保存选项创建二进制 glTF 文件

 // the code example creates a binary glTF file using KHR_binary_glTF extension but allow you to configure the save options

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere());

// use saving options

GLTFSaveOptions opt = new GLTFSaveOptions(FileContentType.Binary);

opt.UseCommonMaterials = true;

// save 3D file

scene.Save("d:\\test.glb", opt);

在 Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormat类中添加 glTF 格式项

我们添加了 GLTF 和GLTF_Binary格式条目,用于加载和保存目的。

在 Aspose.ThreeD.FileFormatType类中添加扩展属性



使用最新版本 (16.11.0) 或更高版本,开发人员可以将所有 3D 场景依赖项保存在真实文件系统中。开发人员可以定义本地目录的路径,保存在MemoryFileSystem对象中或简单地丢弃依赖项。在all save选项类中添加了FileSystem属性。

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.DummyFileSystem类


 // the code example uses the DummyFileSystem, so the material files are not created.

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).Material = new PhongMaterial();

// set saving options

ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();

opt.FileSystem = new DummyFileSystem();

// save 3D scene

scene.Save("d:\\test.obj", opt);

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.LocalFileSystem类


 // the code example uses the LocalFileSystem class to save dependencies to the local directory.

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).Material = new PhongMaterial();

// set saving options

ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();

opt.FileSystem = new LocalFileSystem("E:\\");

// save 3D scene

scene.Save("d:\\test.obj", opt);

添加 Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.MemoryFileSystem类


 // the code example uses the MemoryFileSystem to intercepts the dependencies writing.

Scene scene = new Scene();

// create a child node

scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("sphere", new Sphere()).Material = new PhongMaterial();

// set saving options

ObjSaveOptions opt = new ObjSaveOptions();

MemoryFileSystem mfs = new MemoryFileSystem();

opt.FileSystem = mfs;

// save 3D scene

scene.Save("d:\\test.obj", opt);

//get the test.mtl file content

byte[] mtl = mfs.GetFileContent("test.mtl");

File.WriteAllBytes("material.mtl", mtl);

在 Aspose.ThreeD.Formats.IOConfig类中添加FileSystem属性



 Aspose.ThreeD.Utilities.FileSystem FileSystem{ get;set;}