Adjust Barcode Text Appearance

Aspose.BarCode for JasperReports allows modifying the appearance of the barcode text in the image. There are many settings that can be applied to the codetext to customize its appearance. These are discussed below.

Foreground Color

Developers who want to add colors to their barcodes can change the color of the codetext. The color can be specified in the JRXML file.


 <image hAlign="Center">

    <reportElement x="0" y="100" width="500" height="250" />

    <imageExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable"><![CDATA[new com.aspose.barcode.jr.BarCodeRenderer(com.aspose.barcode.jr.BarCodeAttributesFactory.Create("codetext","DataMatrix",java.awt.Color.BLACK))]]></imageExpression>
