Customize Barcode Image Resolution

Customizing Resolution

The Resolution class has three major properties:

  • The setDpiX() method is used to set a barcode image’s horizontal resolution dots per inches (DPI). Float.
  • The setDpiY() method is used to set a barcode image’s vertical resolution in dots per inches (DPI). Float.
  • The Dpi() method sets the output image’s resolution (DPI).

DPI is a measure of image resolution that specifies the number of dots that a printer or device (like a monitor) can display per linear inch. The higher the DPI, the higher the resolution.

The screenshot below shows the barcode output by the code sample in this article.

A barcode image with custom resolution


Programming Sample


 public class MyAttributes


  public static BarCodeAttributes Create(String text, String symbology)


    BarCodeAttributes b = new BarCodeAttributes();



    //Measurement is millimeter


    //Create an instance of resolution

    b.setResolution(new Resolution(200, 400));

    return b;




 <image hAlign="Center">

<reportElement x="0" y="600" width="500" height="250" />        

<imageExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable">

  <![CDATA[new com.aspose.barcode.jr.BarCodeRenderer(MyAttributes.Create(

   "12345678", "Code128")


