Read Barcodes with Unicode Encodings

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In Aspose.BarCode for .NET, there is a special parameter called DetectEncoding that allows enabling the automatic recognition of UTF8 and UTF16 Unicode encodings for 2D barcode recognition, as well as re-encoding the data into a Unicode string. When this mode is disabled, the barcode data can be read and decoded manually using the required encoding.

The following code snippet shows how to automatically decode barcodes with UTF8 and UTF16 Unicode encodings (a sample QR Code barcode image shown below has been considered).

using (BarcodeGenerator gen = new BarcodeGenerator(EncodeTypes.QR, "بالقمة Aspose"))
    gen.Parameters.Barcode.XDimension.Pixels = 4;
    gen.Parameters.Barcode.QR.CodeTextEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
    gen.Save($"{path}QRDetectEncoding.png", BarCodeImageFormat.Png);

//read barcode image with DetectEncoding set to true
Console.WriteLine("DetectEncoding: true");
using (BarCodeReader read = new BarCodeReader($"{path}QRDetectEncoding.png", DecodeType.QR))
    read.BarcodeSettings.DetectEncoding = true;
    foreach (BarCodeResult result in read.ReadBarCodes())

//read barcode image with DetectEncoding set to False
Console.WriteLine("DetectEncoding: false");
using (BarCodeReader read = new BarCodeReader($"{path}QRDetectEncoding.png", DecodeType.QR))
    read.BarcodeSettings.DetectEncoding = false;
    foreach (BarCodeResult result in read.ReadBarCodes())