Mailmark 4-State Barcodes


Royal Mail of the United Kingdom has created the Mailmark 4-state postal type to store data about postal and shipping transactions. Its specification is similar to the RM4SCC standard but uses a fixed data format and does not support customer-specific information. Mailmark 4-state encodes numerical digits, uppercase English letters, and space. It enables checksum controls and Reed-Solomon error correction.

Mailmark 4-state has the following subtypes:

  • Type L - encodes 26 characters and is intended for machine-readable Low Sort and Unsorted Retail and Access 70 services
  • Type C - encodes 22 characters and is intended for consolidated machine-readable Low Sort and Unsorted Retail and Access 70 services

The barcode library provides class MailmarkCodetext to work with this type.

Generate Mailmark 4-State Barcodes

To generate a Mailmark 4-state barcode in Aspose.BarCode for .NET, first, it is necessary to create an instance of class MailmarkCodetext and enter the information to be encoded. Then, class ComplexBarcodeGenerator is used to complete barcode generation.

Read Mailmark 4-State Barcodes

To read and parse Royal Mail Mailmark 4-state barcodes in Aspose.BarCode for .NET, it is necessary to create an instance of class BarCodeReader and set it to the value DecodeType.Mailmark. After that, the fetched data must be parsed further using class ComplexCodetextReader by calling the try_decode_mailmark(encoded_codetext) method that returns an instance of MailmarkCodetext with the decoded barcode contents.