Bedingte Symbolsätze mit dem Zellentext hinzufügen

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Nachfolgend finden Sie ein Beispiel, das eine XLSX-Datei von Grund auf erstellt und bedingte Symbole zu Zellen mit Text hinzufügt, ohne bedingte Formatierung anzuwenden.

Wenn der Code ausgeführt wird, werden Bilder aus dem bedingten Symbolset im Zellenbereich “B2:C4” hinzugefügt, wie unten gezeigt.



// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(AddConditionalIconsSet.class);
// Instantiate an instance of Workbook
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
// Get the first worksheet (default worksheet) in the workbook
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Get the cells
Cells cells = worksheet.getCells();
// Set the columns widths (A, B and C)
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(0, 24);
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(1, 24);
worksheet.getCells().setColumnWidth(2, 24);
// Input date into the cells
cells.get("A2").setValue("Total Turnover (Sales at List)");
cells.get("A3").setValue("Total Gross Margin %");
cells.get("A4").setValue("Total Net Margin %");
cells.get("B1").setValue("UA Contract Size Group 4");
cells.get("C1").setValue("UA Contract Size Group 3");
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.TRAFFIC_LIGHTS_31, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(1, 1, stream);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata1 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.ARROWS_3, 2);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata1);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(1, 2, stream1);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata2 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.SYMBOLS_3, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata2);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(2, 1, stream2);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata3 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.STARS_3, 0);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream3 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata3);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(2, 2, stream3);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata4 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.BOXES_5, 1);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream4 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata4);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(3, 1, stream4);
// Get the conditional icon's image data
byte[] imagedata5 = ConditionalFormattingIcon.getIconImageData(IconSetType.FLAGS_3, 1);
// Create a stream based on the image data
ByteArrayInputStream stream5 = new ByteArrayInputStream(imagedata5);
// Add the picture to the cell based on the stream
worksheet.getPictures().add(3, 2, stream5);
// Save the Excel file + "outfile_cond_icons1.xlsx");