Obtener Hipervínculos en Rango

Obtener Hipervínculos en Rango

La clase Range proporciona una propiedad hyperlinks que devuelve todos los hipervínculos en el rango seleccionado. También puede eliminar el hipervínculo llamando al método Hyperlink.delete.

from aspose.cells import Workbook
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
# The path to the documents directory.
sourceDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".")
# Output directory
outputDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory()
# Instantiate a Workbook object
# Open an Excel file
workbook = Workbook(sourceDir + "HyperlinksSample.xlsx")
# Get the first (default) worksheet
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
# Create a range A2:B3
range = worksheet.cells.create_range("A2", "B3")
# Get Hyperlinks in range
hyperlinks = range.hyperlinks
for link in hyperlinks:
print(str(str(link.area) + " : " ) + link.address)
# To delete the link, use the Hyperlink.Delete() method.
workbook.save(outputDir + "HyperlinksSample_out.xlsx")