Ajustement de la hauteur de ligne et de la largeur de colonne en Jython

Aspose.Cells - Ajustement de la hauteur de ligne et de la largeur de colonne

Pour ajouter des documents en utilisant Aspose.Cells Java for Jython. Vous pouvez voir ici le code d’exemple.

Code Jython

 from aspose-cells import Settings

from com.aspose.cells import Workbook

class RowsAndColumns:

    def __init__(self):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'WorkingWithRowsAndColumns/RowsAndColumns'

        # Setting the Row Height


        # Setting the Width of a Column


    def set_row_height(dataDir):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'WorkingWithRowsAndColumns/RowsAndColumns/'    

        # Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path

        workbook = Workbook(dataDir + 'Book1.xls')

        # Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file

        worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)

        cells = worksheet.getCells()

        # Setting the height of the second row to 13

        cells.setRowHeight(1, 13)

        # Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format

        workbook.save(dataDir + "Set Row Height.xls")

        print "Set Row Height Successfully." 

    def set_column_width(dataDir):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'WorkingWithRowsAndColumns/RowsAndColumns/'    

        # Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path

        workbook = Workbook(dataDir + 'Book1.xls')

        # Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file

        worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)

        cells = worksheet.getCells()

        # Setting the width of the second column to 17.5

        cells.setColumnWidth(1, 17.5)

        # Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format

        workbook.save(dataDir + "Set Column Width.xls")

        print "Set Column Width Successfully." 

if __name__ == '__main__':        


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