Supprimer les feuilles de calcul en utilisant l index de feuille en Jython

Aspose.Cells - Supprimer les feuilles de calcul en utilisant l’index de feuille

Pour ajouter des documents en utilisant Aspose.Cells Java for Jython. Vous pouvez voir ici le code d’exemple.

Code Jython

 from aspose-cells import Settings

from com.aspose.cells import Workbook

from import FileInputStream;

class RemovingWorksheetsusingSheetIndex:

    def __init__(self):

        dataDir = Settings.dataDir + 'WorkingWithWorksheets/RemovingWorksheetsusingSheetIndex/'

        fstream=FileInputStream(dataDir + "Book1.xls");

        #Instantiating a Workbook object with the stream

        workbook = Workbook(fstream)

        #Removing a worksheet using its sheet index


        #Saving the Excel file + "book.out.xls")

        #Closing the file stream to free all resources


        #Print Message

        print "Sheet removed successfully."

if __name__ == '__main__':        


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