syntax checking & spell correction for GridJs

To perform syntax checking & spell correction on user input ,the steps are

Set load options.

for example:

 const option = {
     //set showCheckSyntaxButton to true
    //set checkSyntax to true
  xs = x_spreadsheet('#gridjs-demo', option)

Set action URL for syntax checking & spell correction.

for example:

 const checkurl = "/GridJs2/CheckSyntax";  

After a user enters text content in a cell, the action of syntax checking wil be triggered automatically by the spreadsheet application

Implement syntax checking & spell correction action API in Controller in serverside .

for example:

    public ResponseEntity<?> checkSyntax(  
            @RequestParam(name = "v", required = true) String textInput,  
            @RequestParam(name = "locale", required = false) String locale) {  
        // Check if the input text is null or empty  
        if (textInput == null || textInput.isEmpty()) {  
            // Return a response indicating failure and an empty string for the corrected content  
            return ResponseEntity.ok(Map.of("success", false, "v", ""));  
        // Call the syntax correction logic, which could be a third-party library or custom code  
        // This is a placeholder method that should be replaced with actual logic  
        String correctedContent = correctSyntax(textInput, locale);  
        // Return a response indicating success and the corrected content  
        return ResponseEntity.ok(Map.of("success", true, "v", correctedContent));  
    // Placeholder method for syntax correction logic  
    // This should be replaced with the actual implementation  
    private String correctSyntax(String text, String locale) {  
        // Implement your syntax correction logic here  
        // For demonstration, simply returning the input text  
        return text; // Replace this with the actual syntax correction  