Excel with unsupported border style to HTML

Excel with unsupported border style to HTML

Microsoft Excel supports some type of dashed borders that are not supported by Web Browsers. When such files are converted to HTML using Aspose.Cells, those borders are removed. However, Aspose.Cells for Python via Java supports displaying similar borders with HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle property. You may set the value of HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle property to True to export unsupported borders.

The following sample code loads the sample Excel file that contains some unsupported borders as shown in the following screenshot. The screenshot further illustrates the effect of HtmlSaveOptions.ExportSimilarBorderStyle property inside the output HTML.


source_directory = "Examples/SampleFiles/SourceDirectory/"
output_directory = "Examples/SampleFiles/OutputDirectory/"
# Load the Sample Workbook
workbook = Workbook(source_directory + "sampleExportSimilarBorderStyle.xlsx")
# Initialize HtmlSaveOptions
saveOptions = HtmlSaveOptions()
# Save the excel file.
workbook.save(output_directory + "outputExportSimilarBorderStyle.html", saveOptions)