Working with GridJs storage

Working With GridJs Storage

the general file process

After import a spread sheet file ,

GridJs will create a cache file with the specified uid in the Config.file_cache_directory folder ,

with the format of Aspose.Cells.SaveFormat.Xlsx ,

GridJs will also saves all shapes/images to a zip archive file in the Config.file_cache_directory folder for later display shapes/images in the client UI.

and after every update operation in the client UI,

for example set cell value,set cell style,etc. ,

GridJs client side js will trigger ajax call to do a UpdateCell operation.

In this action a save back to the cache file will occur during the UpdateCell method.

# update action :/GridJs2/UpdateCell
@app.route('/GridJs2/UpdateCell', methods=['POST'])
def update_cell():
    # get request param 
    p = request.form.get('p')
    uid = request.form.get('uid')
    gwb = GridJsWorkbook()

    ret = gwb.update_cell(p, uid)
    return Response(ret, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8')

how to get the updated result file

1. a specified uid for file

Make sure a specified maping correspondence between the file and the uid,

you can always get the same uid for a specifed file name,not from random generation.

For example just use the filename is ok.

# get json info from : /GridJs2/DetailFileJsonWithUid?filename=&uid=
@app.route('/GridJs2/DetailFileJsonWithUid', methods=['GET'])
def detail_file_json_with_uid():
    filename = request.args.get('filename')
    uid = request.args.get('uid')
    if not filename:
        return jsonify({'error': 'filename is required'}), 400
    if not uid:
        return jsonify({'error': 'uid is required'}), 400
    gwb = GridJsWorkbook()
    file_path = os.path.join(FILE_DIRECTORY, filename)

    # check file
    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        return jsonify({'error': 'file not found:'+file_path}), 404
        sb = gwb.get_json_str_by_uid(uid, filename)
        if sb == None:
            gwb.import_excel_file(uid, file_path)
            sb = gwb.export_to_json(filename)
        response = Response(sb, status=200, mimetype='text/plain')
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
        return response

    except Exception as ex:
        return jsonify({'error': str(ex)}), 500

2. sync with client UI operation

Actually for some client UI operation,

for example:

switch the acitve sheet to another,

change the image postion,

rotate/resize image,etc.

the UpdateCell action will not triggered.

Thus if we want to get the updated file just same as the client UI shows,

we need to do a merge operation before save action to sync those client UI operation.

//in the js
  function save() {
            if (!xs.buffer.isFinish()) {
              alert('updating is inprogress,please try later');
            let datas = xs.datas;
            delete datas.history;
            delete datas.images;
            delete datas.shapes;

        var jsondata = {
          datas: xs.getUpdateDatas(),

        const data = {
          p: JSON.stringify(jsondata),
          uid: uniqueid,
		//go on to do ajax post to trigger controller action
# in download route action 
        gwb = new GridJsWorkbook();
        gwb.merge_excel_file_from_json(uid, p)
        # after merge do save to chache or to a stream or whaterver you want to save to ,here we just save to cache
        gwb.save_to_cache_with_file_name(uid, filename, None);

3. get the file from cache

for example :in the getfile action,you can just get it from the cache directory by uid.

        file_path = os.path.join(Config.file_cache_directory, uid.replace('/', '.')+"."+filename)
        # check file
        if os.path.isfile(file_path):
             return send_file(file_path, as_attachment=True, download_name=filename, mimetype=mimetype)

For more detail info ,you can check the example here: