Delete Pivot Table from a Worksheet

How to Delete Pivot Table from Worksheet Using Aspose.Cells for Python Excel Library

The following sample code deletes two pivot tables from the worksheet. First it removes pivot table using Worksheet.pivot_tables.remove(pivot_table) method and then it removes pivot table using Worksheet.pivot_tables.remove_at(index, keep_data) method

from aspose.cells import Workbook
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:#
# The path to the documents directory.
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".")
# Create workbook object from source Excel file
workbook = Workbook(dataDir + "source.xlsx")
# Access the first worksheet
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
# Access the first pivot table object
pivotTable = worksheet.pivot_tables[0]
# Remove pivot table using pivot table object
# OR you can remove pivot table using pivot table position by uncommenting below line
# worksheet.PivotTables.RemoveAt(0);
# Save the workbook + "output_out.xlsx")