Managing Controls
Developers can add different drawing objects such as text boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, labels, buttons, lines, rectangles, arcs, ovals, spinners, scroll bars, group boxes etc. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides the Aspose.Cells.Drawing namespace which contains all the drawing objects. However, there are a few drawing objects or shapes that are not supported yet. Create these drawing objects in a designer spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel and then import the designer spreadsheet to Aspose.Cells. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to load these drawing objects from a designer spreadsheet and write them to a generated file.
Adding Text Box Control to a Worksheet
One way to stress important information in a report is to use a text box. For example, add text to highlight the company name or to indicate the geographic region with the highest sales etc. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides the TextBoxCollection class, used to add a new text box to the collection. There is another class, TextBox, which represents a text box used to define all types of settings. It has some important members:
- The text_frame property returns a MsoTextFrame object used to adjust the contents of the text box.
- The placement property specifies the placement type.
- The font property specifies the font attributes.
- The add_hyperlink method adds a hyperlink for the text box.
- The fill_format property returns an MsoFillFormat object used to set the fill format for the text box.
- The line_format property returns the MsoLineFormat object usually used to style and weight of the text box line.
- The text property specifies the input text for the text box.
The following example creates two textboxes in the first worksheet of the workbook. The first text box is well-furnished with different format settings. The second is a simple one.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from aspose.pydrawing import Color | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Add a new textbox to the collection. | |
textboxIndex = worksheet.text_boxes.add(2, 1, 160, 200) | |
# Get the textbox object. | |
textbox0 = worksheet.text_boxes[textboxIndex] | |
# Fill the text. | |
textbox0.text = "ASPOSE______The .NET & JAVA Component Publisher!" | |
# Get the textbox text frame. | |
# MsoTextFrame textframe0 = textbox0.TextFrame; | |
# Set the textbox to adjust it according to its contents. | |
# textframe0.AutoSize = true; | |
# Set the placement. | |
textbox0.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the font color. | |
textbox0.font.color = | |
# Set the font to bold. | |
textbox0.font.is_bold = True | |
# Set the font size. | |
textbox0.font.size = 14 | |
# Set font attribute to italic. | |
textbox0.font.is_italic = True | |
# Add a hyperlink to the textbox. | |
textbox0.add_hyperlink("http://") | |
# Get the filformat of the textbox. | |
fillformat = textbox0.fill | |
# Get the lineformat type of the textbox. | |
lineformat = textbox0.line | |
# Set the line weight. | |
lineformat.weight = 6.0 | |
# Set the dash style to squaredot. | |
lineformat.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SQUARE_DOT | |
# Add another textbox. | |
textboxIndex = worksheet.text_boxes.add(15, 4, 85, 120) | |
# Get the second textbox. | |
textbox1 = worksheet.text_boxes[textboxIndex] | |
# Input some text to it. | |
textbox1.text = "This is another simple text box" | |
# Set the placement type as the textbox will move and | |
# Resize with cells. | |
textbox1.placement = PlacementType.MOVE_AND_SIZE | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Manipulating Text Box Controls in Designer Spreadsheets
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET also lets you access textboxes in the designer worksheets and manipulate them. Use the Worksheet.TextBoxes property to get the textboxes collection in the sheet.
The following example uses the Microsoft Excel file that we created in the above example. It gets the text strings of the two textboxes and changes the text of the second textbox to save the file.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
# Open the existing excel file. | |
workbook = Workbook(dataDir + "book1.xls") | |
# Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Get the first textbox object. | |
textbox0 = worksheet.text_boxes[0] | |
# Obtain the text in the first textbox. | |
text0 = textbox0.text | |
# Get the second textbox object. | |
textbox1 = worksheet.text_boxes[1] | |
# Obtain the text in the second textbox. | |
text1 = textbox1.text | |
# Change the text of the second textbox. | |
textbox1.text = "This is an alternative text" | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "output.out.xls") |
Adding Check Box Control to a Worksheet
Check boxes are handy if you want to provide a way for a user to choose between two options, such as true or false; yes or no. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to use check boxes in worksheets. For instance, you may have developed a financial projection worksheet in which you can either account for a particular acquisition or not. In this case, you might want to place a check box at the top of the worksheet. You can then link the status of this check box to another cell, so that if the check box is selected, the value of the cell is True; if it is not selected, the value of the cell is False.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a check box control in your worksheet, follow these steps:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click the Check Box tool on the Forms toolbar.
- In your worksheet area, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the check box and the label beside the check box.
- Once the check box is placed, move the mouse cursor into the label area and change the label.
- In the Cell Link field, specify the address of the cell to which this check box should be linked.
- Click on OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides the CheckBoxCollection class, which is used to add a new check box to the collection. There is another class, Aspose.Cells.Drawing.CheckBox, which represents a check box. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell property specifies a cell which is linked to the check box.
- The text property specifies the text string associated with the check box. It is the label of the check box.
- The value property specifies if the check box is checked or not.
The following example shows how to add a checkbox to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Add a checkbox to the first worksheet in the workbook. | |
index = excelbook.worksheets[0].check_boxes.add(5, 5, 100, 120) | |
# Get the checkbox object. | |
checkbox = excelbook.worksheets[0].check_boxes[index] | |
# Set its text string. | |
checkbox.text = "Click it!" | |
# Put a value into B1 cell. | |
excelbook.worksheets[0].cells.get("B1").put_value("LnkCell") | |
# Set B1 cell as a linked cell for the checkbox. | |
checkbox.linked_cell = "B1" | |
# Check the checkbox by default. | |
checkbox.value = True | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Radio Button Control to the Worksheet
A radio button, or an option button, is a control made of a round box. The user makes his or her decision by selecting the round box. A radio button is usually, if not always, accompanied by others. Such radio buttons appear and behave as a group. The user decides which button is valid by selecting only one of them. When the user clicks one button, it is filled. When one button in the group is selected, buttons of the same group are empty.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a Radio Button control in your worksheet, follow these steps:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click the Option Button tool.
- In the worksheet, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the option button and the label beside the option button.
- Once the radio button is placed in the worksheet, move the mouse cursor into the label area and change the label.
- In the Cell Link field, specify the address of the cell to which this radio button should be linked.
- Click OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_radio_button, which is used to add a radio button control to a worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton object. The classAspose.Cells.Drawing.RadioButton represents an option button. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell property specifies a cell which is linked to the radio button.
- The text property specifies the text string associated with the radio button. It is the label of the radio button.
- The is_checked property specifies if the radio button is checked or not.
- The fill_format property specifies the fill format of the radio button.
- The line_format property specifies the line format styles of the option button.
The following example shows how to add radio buttons to a worksheet. The example adds three radio buttons representing age groups.
Adding Combo Box Control to a Worksheet
To make data entry easier, or to limit entries to certain items that you define, you can create a combo box, or drop-down list of valid entries that is compiled from cells elsewhere on the worksheet. When you create a drop-down list for a cell, it displays an arrow next to that cell. To enter information in that cell, click the arrow, and then click the entry that you want.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a combo box control in your worksheet, follow these steps:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click on the Combo Box tool.
- In your worksheet area, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the combo box.
- Once the combo box is placed in the worksheet, right-click the control to click Format Control and specify the input range.
- In the Cell Link field, specify the address of the cell to which this combo box should be linked.
- Click on OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_combo_box, which is used to add a combo box control to a worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ComboBox represents a combo box. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell property specifies a cell which is linked to the combo box.
- The input_range property specifies the worksheet range of cells used to fill the combo box.
- The drop_down_lines property specifies the number of list lines displayed in the drop-down portion of a combo box.
- The shadow property indicates whether the combo box has 3D shading.
The following example shows how to add a combo box to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Create a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet. | |
sheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Get the worksheet cells collection. | |
cells = sheet.cells | |
# Input a value. | |
cells.get("B3").put_value("Employee:") | |
# Set it bold. | |
cells.get("B3").get_style().font.is_bold = True | |
# Input some values that denote the input range | |
# For the combo box. | |
cells.get("A2").put_value("Emp001") | |
cells.get("A3").put_value("Emp002") | |
cells.get("A4").put_value("Emp003") | |
cells.get("A5").put_value("Emp004") | |
cells.get("A6").put_value("Emp005") | |
cells.get("A7").put_value("Emp006") | |
# Add a new combo box. | |
comboBox = sheet.shapes.add_combo_box(2, 0, 2, 0, 22, 100) |
Adding Label Control to a Worksheet
Labels are a means of give users information about a speadsheet’s contents. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET makes it possible to add and manipulate labels in a worksheet. The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_label, used to add a label control to the worksheet. The method returns a Label object. The class Label represents a label in the worksheet. It has some important members:
- The text method specifies a label’s caption string.
- The placement method specifies the PlacementType, the way the label is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
The following example shows how to add a label to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import PlacementType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Create a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet in the workbook. | |
sheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Add a new label to the worksheet. | |
label = sheet.shapes.add_label(2, 0, 2, 0, 60, 120) | |
# Set the caption of the label. | |
label.text = "This is a Label" | |
# Set the Placement Type, the way the | |
# Label is attached to the cells. | |
label.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Saves the file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding List Box Control to a Worksheet
A list box control creates a list control that allows single or multiple item selection.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a list box control in a worksheet:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click on the List Box tool.
- In your worksheet area, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the list box.
- Once the list box is placed in the worksheet, right-click on the control to click Format Control and specify the input range.
- In the Cell Link field, specify the address of the cell to which this list box should be linked and set the selection type (Single, Multi, Extend) attribute
- Click OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_list_box, which is used to add a list box control to a worksheet. The method returns a Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ListBox object. The class ListBox represents a list box. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell method specifies a cell which is linked to the list box.
- The input_range method specifies the worksheet range of cells used to fill the list box.
- The selection_type method specifies the selection mode of the the list box.
- The shadow method indicates whether the list box has 3D shading.
The following example shows how to add a list box to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import PlacementType, SelectionType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Create a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet. | |
sheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Get the worksheet cells collection. | |
cells = sheet.cells | |
# Input a value. | |
cells.get("B3").put_value("Choose Dept:") | |
# Set it bold. | |
cells.get("B3").get_style().font.is_bold = True | |
# Input some values that denote the input range | |
# For the list box. | |
cells.get("A2").put_value("Sales") | |
cells.get("A3").put_value("Finance") | |
cells.get("A4").put_value("MIS") | |
cells.get("A5").put_value("R&D") | |
cells.get("A6").put_value("Marketing") | |
cells.get("A7").put_value("HRA") | |
# Add a new list box. | |
listBox = sheet.shapes.add_list_box(2, 0, 3, 0, 122, 100) | |
# Set the placement type. | |
listBox.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the linked cell. | |
listBox.linked_cell = "A1" | |
# Set the input range. | |
listBox.input_range = "A2:A7" | |
# Set the selection tyle. | |
listBox.selection_type = SelectionType.SINGLE | |
# Set the list box with 3-D shading. | |
listBox.shadow = True | |
# Saves the file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Button Control to a Worksheet
Buttons are useful to perform some actions. Sometimes, it is useful to assign a VBA Macro to the button or assign a hyperlink to open a web page.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a button control in your worksheet:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click on the Button tool.
- In your worksheet area, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the button.
- Once the list box is placed in the worksheet, right-click on the control and select Format Control, then specify a VBA Macro and attributes related font, alignment, size, margin etc.
- Click on OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_button, used to add a button control to the worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Button object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Button represents a button. It has some important members:
- The text property specifies the caption of button.
- The font property specifies the font attributes for the label of the button control.
- The placement property specifies the PlacementType, the way the button is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
- The add_hyperlink property adds a hyperlink for the button control. Clicking on the button will navigate to related URL.
The following example shows how to add a button to the worksheet.
Adding Line Control to the Worksheet
Using Microsoft Excel
- On the Drawing toolbar, click AutoShapes, point to Lines, and select the line style you want.
- Drag to draw the line.
- Do one or both of the following:
- To constrain the line to draw at 15-degree angles from its starting point, hold down SHIFT as you drag.
- To lengthen the line in opposite directions from the first end point, hold down CTRL as you drag.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_line, which is used to add a line shape to the worksheet. The method return a LineShape object. The class LineShape represents a line. It has some important members:
- The line_format method specifies the format of a line.
- The placement method specifies the PlacementType, the way the line is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
The following example shows how to add lines to the worksheet. It creates three lines with different styles.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Add a new line to the worksheet. | |
line1 = worksheet.shapes.add_line(5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250) | |
# Set the line dash style | |
line1.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Set the placement. | |
line1.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Add another line to the worksheet. | |
line2 = worksheet.shapes.add_line(7, 0, 1, 0, 85, 250) | |
# Set the line dash style. | |
line2.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.DASH_LONG_DASH | |
# Set the weight of the line. | |
line2.line.weight = 4.0 | |
# Set the placement. | |
line2.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Add the third line to the worksheet. | |
line3 = worksheet.shapes.add_line(13, 0, 1, 0, 0, 250) | |
# Set the line dash style | |
line3.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Set the placement. | |
line3.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Make the gridlines invisible in the first worksheet. | |
workbook.worksheets[0].is_gridlines_visible = False | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding an Arrow Head to a Line
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET also allows you to draw arrow lines. It is possible to add an arrowhead to a line, and to format the line. For example, you can change the color of the line, or specify the weight and style of the line.
The following example shows how to add an arrowhead to a line.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import FillType, MsoArrowheadLength, MsoArrowheadStyle, MsoArrowheadWidth, PlacementType | |
from aspose.pydrawing import Color | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
workbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet in the book. | |
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Add a line to the worksheet | |
line2 = worksheet.shapes.add_line(7, 0, 1, 0, 85, 250) | |
# Set the line color | |
line2.line.fill_type = FillType.SOLID | |
line2.line.solid_fill.color = | |
# Set the weight of the line. | |
line2.line.weight = 3.0 | |
# Set the placement. | |
line2.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line arrows. | |
line2.line.end_arrowhead_width = MsoArrowheadWidth.MEDIUM | |
line2.line.end_arrowhead_style = MsoArrowheadStyle.ARROW | |
line2.line.end_arrowhead_length = MsoArrowheadLength.MEDIUM | |
line2.line.begin_arrowhead_style = MsoArrowheadStyle.ARROW_DIAMOND | |
line2.line.begin_arrowhead_length = MsoArrowheadLength.MEDIUM | |
# Make the gridlines invisible in the first worksheet. | |
workbook.worksheets[0].is_gridlines_visible = False | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xlsx") |
Adding Rectangle Control to a Worksheet
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to draw rectangle shapes in your worksheets. You may create a rectangle, square etc. You are also allowed to format the filling color and border line color of the control. For example, you can change the color of the rectangle, set the shading color, specify the weight and style of the rectangle for your need.
Using Microsoft Excel
- On the Drawing toolbar, click Rectangle.
- Drag to draw the rectangle.
- Do one or both of the following:
- To constrain the rectangle to draw a square from its starting point, hold down SHIFT as you drag.
- To draw a rectangle from a center point, hold down CTRL as you drag.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_rectangle, which is used to add a rectangle shape to a worksheet. The method returns Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleShape object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.RectangleShape represents a rectangle. It has some important members:
- The line_format property specifies the line format attributes of a rectangle.
- The placement property specifies the PlacementType, the way the rectangle is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
- The fill_format property specifies the fill format styles of a rectangle.
The following example shows how to add a rectangle to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Add a rectangle control. | |
rectangle = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_rectangle(3, 0, 2, 0, 70, 130) | |
# Set the placement of the rectangle. | |
rectangle.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line weight. | |
rectangle.line.weight = 4.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the rectangle. | |
rectangle.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Arc Control to the Worksheet
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to draw arc shapes in your worksheets. You may create simple and filled arcs. You are allowed to format the filling color and border line color of the control. For example, you can specify / change the color of the arc, set the shading color, specify the weight and style of the shape for your need.
Using Microsoft Excel
- On the Drawing toolbar, click Arc in the AutoShapes.
- Drag to draw the arc.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_arc, which is used to add an arc shape to a worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ArcShape represents an arc. It has some important members:
- The line_format property specifies the line format attributes of an arc shape.
- The placement property specifies the PlacementType, the way the arc is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
- The fill_format property specifies the fill format styles of the shape.
- The lower_right_row property specifies the lower right corner row index.
- The lower_right_column property specifies the lower right corner column index.
The following example shows how to add arc shapes to the worksheet. The example creates two arc shapes: one is filled and other is simple.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import FillType, MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from aspose.pydrawing import Color | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Add an arc shape. | |
arc1 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_arc(2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130) | |
# Set the fill shape color | |
arc1.fill.fill_type = FillType.SOLID | |
arc1.fill.solid_fill.color = | |
# Set the placement of the arc. | |
arc1.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line weight. | |
arc1.line.weight = 1.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the arc. | |
arc1.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Add another arc shape. | |
arc2 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_arc(9, 0, 2, 0, 130, 130) | |
# Set the line color | |
arc2.line.fill_type = FillType.SOLID | |
arc2.line.solid_fill.color = | |
# Set the placement of the arc. | |
arc2.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line weight. | |
arc2.line.weight = 1.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the arc. | |
arc2.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Oval Control to a Worksheet
Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to draw oval shapes in worksheets. Create simple and filled oval shapes and format the filling color and border line color of the control. For example, you can specify / change the color of the oval, set the shading color, specify the weight and style of the shape.
Using Microsoft Excel
- On the Drawing toolbar, click Oval.
- Drag to draw the oval.
- Do one or both of the following:
- To constrain the oval to draw a circle from its starting point, hold down SHIFT as you drag.
- To draw an oval from a center point, hold down CTRL as you drag.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_oval, which is used to add an oval shape to a worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Oval object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Oval represents an oval shape. It has some important members:
- The line_format property specifies the line format attributes of an oval shape.
- The placement property specifies the PlacementType, the way the oval is attached to the cells in the worksheet.
- The fill_format property specifies the fill format styles of the shape.
- The lower_right_row property specifies the lower right corner row index.
- The lower_right_column property specifies the lower right corner column index.
The following example shows how to add oval shapes to the worksheet. The example creates two oval shapes: one is filled oval other is a simple circle.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Add an oval shape. | |
oval1 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_oval(2, 0, 2, 0, 130, 160) | |
# Set the placement of the oval. | |
oval1.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line weight. | |
oval1.line.weight = 1.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the oval. | |
oval1.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Add another oval (circle) shape. | |
oval2 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_oval(9, 0, 2, 15, 130, 130) | |
# Set the placement of the oval. | |
oval2.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the line weight. | |
oval2.line.weight = 1.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the oval. | |
oval2.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Spinner Control to the Worksheet
A spin box is a text box attached to a button (called a spin button) consisting of an up arrow and down arrow that you click to incrementally change the value in the text box. By using spin boxes, you can see how input changes to your financial model will alter the model outputs. You can attach a spin button to a specific input cell. While you click the up arrow or down arrow on the spin button, the integer value in the targeted input cell increases or decreases. Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET allows you to create spinners in your worksheets.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a spin box control in your worksheet:
- Make sure the Forms toolbar is displayed.
- Click the Spinner tool.
- In your worksheet area, click and drag to define the rectangle that will hold the spinner.
- Once the spinner is placed in the worksheet, right-click the control and click Format Control and specify the maximum, minimum and incremental values.
- In the Cell Link field, specify the address of the cell to which this spin box should be linked.
- Click on OK.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_spinner, which is used to add a spin box control to a worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.Spinner represents a spin box. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell property specifies a cell which is linked to the spin box.
- The max property specifies the maximum value for the spin box range.
- The min property specifies the minimum value for the spin box range.
- The incremental_change property specifies the value amount for which a spinner is incremented a line scroll.
- The shadow property indicates whether the spin box has 3D shading.
- The current_value property specifies the current value of the spin box.
The following example shows how to add a spin box to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import BackgroundType, Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import PlacementType | |
from aspose.pydrawing import Color | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet. | |
worksheet = excelbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Get the worksheet cells. | |
cells = worksheet.cells | |
# Input a string value into A1 cell. | |
cells.get("A1").put_value("Select Value:") | |
# Set the font color of the cell. | |
cells.get("A1").get_style().font.color = | |
# Set the font text bold. | |
cells.get("A1").get_style().font.is_bold = True | |
# Input value into A2 cell. | |
cells.get("A2").put_value(0) | |
# Set the shading color to black with solid background. | |
cells.get("A2").get_style().foreground_color = | |
cells.get("A2").get_style().pattern = BackgroundType.SOLID | |
# Set the font color of the cell. | |
cells.get("A2").get_style().font.color = Color.white | |
# Set the font text bold. | |
cells.get("A2").get_style().font.is_bold = True | |
# Add a spinner control. | |
spinner = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_spinner(1, 0, 1, 0, 20, 18) | |
# Set the placement type of the spinner. | |
spinner.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the linked cell for the control. | |
spinner.linked_cell = "A2" | |
# Set the maximum value. | |
spinner.max = 10 | |
# Set the minimum value. | |
spinner.min = 0 | |
# Set the incr. change for the control. | |
spinner.incremental_change = 2 | |
# Set it 3-D shading. | |
spinner.shadow = True | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding Scroll Bar Control to a Worksheet
A scroll bar control is used to help select data on a worksheet in a similar way to a spin box control. By adding the control to a worksheet and linking it to a cell, it is possible to return a numeric value for the current position of the control.
Using Microsoft Excel
- To add a scroll bar in Excel 2003 and in earlier versions, click the Scroll Bar button on the Forms toolbar, and then create a scroll bar that covers cells B2:B6 in height and is about one-fourth of the width of the column.
- To add a scroll bar in Excel 2007, click the Developer tab, click Insert, and then click Scroll Bar in the Form Controls section.
- Right-click the scroll bar, and then click Format Control.
- Type the following information, and click OK:
- In the Current value box, type 1.
- In the Minimum value box, type 1. This value restricts the top of the scroll bar to the first item in the list.
- In the Maximum value box, type 20. This number specifies the maximum number of entries in the list.
- In the Incremental change box, type 1. This value controls how many numbers the scroll bar control increments the current value.
- In the Page change box, type 5. This entry controls how much the current value will be incremented if you click inside the scroll bar on either side of the scroll box.
- To put a number value in cell G1 (depending on which item is selected in the list), type G1 in the Cell link box.
- Click any cell so that the scroll bar is not selected.
When you click the up or down control on the scroll bar, cell G1 is updated to a number that indicates the current value of the scroll bar plus or minus the incremental change of the scroll bar.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_scroll_bar, which is used to add a scroll bar control to the worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.ScrollBar represents a scroll bar. It has some important members:
- The linked_cell property specifies a cell which is linked to the scroll bar.
- The max property specifies the maximum value for the scroll bar range.
- The min property specifies the minimum value for the scroll bar range.
- The incremental_change property specifies the value amount for which a scroll bar is incremented a line scroll.
- The shadow property indicates whether the scroll bar has 3D shading.
- The current_value property specifies the current value of the scroll bar.
- The page_change property specifies how much the current value will be incremented if you click inside the scroll bar on either side of the scroll box.
The following example shows how to add a scroll bar to the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import PlacementType | |
from aspose.pydrawing import Color | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Get the first worksheet. | |
worksheet = excelbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Invisible the gridlines of the worksheet. | |
worksheet.is_gridlines_visible = False | |
# Get the worksheet cells. | |
cells = worksheet.cells | |
# Input a value into A1 cell. | |
cells.get("A1").put_value(1) | |
# Set the font color of the cell. | |
cells.get("A1").get_style().font.color = Color.maroon | |
# Set the font text bold. | |
cells.get("A1").get_style().font.is_bold = True | |
# Set the number format. | |
cells.get("A1").get_style().number = 1 | |
# Add a scrollbar control. | |
scrollbar = worksheet.shapes.add_scroll_bar(0, 0, 1, 0, 125, 20) | |
# Set the placement type of the scrollbar. | |
scrollbar.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Set the linked cell for the control. | |
scrollbar.linked_cell = "A1" | |
# Set the maximum value. | |
scrollbar.max = 20 | |
# Set the minimum value. | |
scrollbar.min = 1 | |
# Set the incr. change for the control. | |
scrollbar.incremental_change = 1 | |
# Set the page change attribute. | |
scrollbar.page_change = 5 | |
# Set it 3-D shading. | |
scrollbar.shadow = True | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |
Adding GroupBox Control to Group Controls in a Worksheet
Sometimes you do need to implement radio buttons or other controls which belong to a certain group, you can implement by including either a group box or rectangle control. Any of these two objects would serve as the delimiter of the group. After adding one of these shapes, you can then add two or more radio buttons or other group objects.
Using Microsoft Excel
To place a group box control in your worksheet and place controls in it:
- To start a form, on the main menu, click View, followed by Toolbars and Forms.
- On the Forms toolbar, click the Group Box and draw a rectangle on the worksheet.
- Type a caption string for the box.
- On the Forms toolbar, click Option Button and click inside the Group Box just under the caption string.
- From the Forms toolbar again, click Option Button and click inside the Group Box under the first radio button.
- Once again on the Forms toolbar, click Option Button and click inside the Group Box under the previous radio button.
Using Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET
The ShapeCollection class provides a method named add_group_box, which is used to add a group box control to the worksheet. The method returns an Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupBox object. Moreover, the group method of the ShapeCollection class groups the shapes, it takes a Shape array as parameter and returns a GroupShape object. The class Aspose.Cells.Drawing.GroupBox represents a group box. It has some important members:
- The text property specifies the group box’s caption string.
- The shadow property indicates whether the group box has 3D shading.
The following example shows how to add a group box and group the controls in the worksheet.
from aspose.cells import Workbook | |
from aspose.cells.drawing import MsoLineDashStyle, PlacementType | |
from os import os, path | |
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# | |
# The path to the documents directory. | |
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".") | |
# Create directory if it is not already present. | |
IsExists = path.isdir(dataDir) | |
if notIsExists: | |
os.makedirs(dataDir) | |
# Instantiate a new Workbook. | |
excelbook = Workbook() | |
# Add a group box to the first worksheet. | |
box = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_group_box(1, 0, 1, 0, 300, 250) | |
# Set the caption of the group box. | |
box.text = "Age Groups" | |
box.placement = PlacementType.FREE_FLOATING | |
# Make it 2-D box. | |
box.shadow = False | |
# Add a radio button. | |
radio1 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_radio_button(3, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110) | |
# Set its text string. | |
radio1.text = "20-29" | |
# Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button. | |
radio1.linked_cell = "A1" | |
# Make the radio button 3-D. | |
radio1.shadow = True | |
# Set the weight of the radio button. | |
radio1.line.weight = 4.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the radio button. | |
radio1.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Add another radio button. | |
radio2 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_radio_button(6, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110) | |
# Set its text string. | |
radio2.text = "30-39" | |
# Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button. | |
radio2.linked_cell = "A1" | |
# Make the radio button 3-D. | |
radio2.shadow = True | |
# Set the weight of the radio button. | |
radio2.line.weight = 4.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the radio button. | |
radio2.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Add another radio button. | |
radio3 = excelbook.worksheets[0].shapes.add_radio_button(9, 0, 2, 0, 30, 110) | |
# Set its text string. | |
radio3.text = "40-49" | |
# Set A1 cell as a linked cell for the radio button. | |
radio3.linked_cell = "A1" | |
# Make the radio button 3-D. | |
radio3.shadow = True | |
# Set the weight of the radio button. | |
radio3.line.weight = 4.0 | |
# Set the dash style of the radio button. | |
radio3.line.dash_style = MsoLineDashStyle.SOLID | |
# Get the shapes. | |
shapeobjects = [box, radio1, radio2, radio3] | |
# Group the shapes. | |
group = excelbook.worksheets[0] | |
# Save the excel file. | | + "book1.out.xls") |