Web Extensions - Office Add-ins

Web Extensions extend Office applications and interact with the content in Office documents. Web Extensions add additional functionality to Office client to improve the user experience and productivity.

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET also provides the ability to work with Web Extensions.

Add Web Extension

You may add Web Extensions(Office Add-ins) in Excel by clicking the Insert tab and then clicking the Store/Get Add-ins link. In the Add-ins box, browse for the add-in you want and add it.

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET also provides the feature to add Web Extensions by using the WebExtension and WebExtensionTaskPane classes. The following code sample demonstrates the use of WebExtension and WebExtensionTaskPane classes to add a web extension to Excel file. Please see the output Excel file generated by the code for reference.

Sample Code

from aspose.cells import Workbook
from aspose.cells.webextensions import WebExtensionStoreType
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
# Source directory
outDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory()
workbook = Workbook()
extensions = workbook.worksheets.web_extensions
taskPanes = workbook.worksheets.web_extension_task_panes
extensionIndex = extensions.add()
taskPaneIndex = taskPanes.add()
extension = extensions[extensionIndex]
extension.reference.id = "wa104379955"
extension.reference.store_name = "en-US"
extension.reference.store_type = WebExtensionStoreType.OMEX
taskPane = taskPanes[taskPaneIndex]
taskPane.is_visible = True
taskPane.dock_state = "right"
taskPane.web_extension = extension
workbook.save(outDir + "AddWebExtension_Out.xlsx")

Access Web Extension Information

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET provides the ability to access the information of Web Extensions in Excel file. The following code sample demonstrates how to access web extension information by loading the sample Excel file. Please see the console output generated by the code for reference.

Sample Code

from aspose.cells import Workbook
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
# Source directory
sourceDir = RunExamples.Get_SourceDirectory()
# Load sample Excel file
workbook = Workbook(sourceDir + "WebExtensionsSample.xlsx")
taskPanes = workbook.worksheets.web_extension_task_panes
for taskPane in taskPanes:
print("Width: " + str(taskPane.width))
print("IsVisible: " + str(taskPane.is_visible))
print("IsLocked: " + str(taskPane.is_locked))
print("DockState: " + taskPane.dock_state)
print("StoreName: " + taskPane.web_extension.reference.store_name)
print("StoreType: " + str(taskPane.web_extension.reference.store_type))
print("WebExtension.Id: " + taskPane.web_extension.id)

Console Output

Width: 350

IsVisible: True

IsLocked: False

DockState: right

StoreName: en-US

StoreType: OMEX

WebExtension.Id: 95D7ECE8-1355-492B-B6BF-27D25D0B0EEF