在 Ruby 中调整行高和列宽
Aspose.Cells - 调整行高和列宽
可以通过调用 Cells 集合的 setRowHeight 方法来设置单行的高度。setRowHeight 方法接受以下参数:
- 行索引,要更改高度的行的索引。
- 行高,要应用于该行的行高。
Ruby 代码
def set_row_height()
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/data/'
# Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path
workbook = Rjb::import('com.aspose.cells.Workbook').new(data_dir + 'Book1.xls')
# Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)
cells = worksheet.getCells()
# Setting the height of the second row to 13
cells.setRowHeight(1, 13)
# Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format
workbook.save(data_dir + "Set Row Height.xls")
puts "Set Row Height Successfully."
通过调用 Cells 集合的 setColumnWidth 方法来设置列的宽度。setColumnWidth 方法接受以下参数:
- 列索引,要更改其宽度的列的索引。
- 列宽度,所需的列宽度。
Ruby 代码
def set_column_width()
data_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/data/'
# Instantiating a Workbook object by excel file path
workbook = Rjb::import('com.aspose.cells.Workbook').new(data_dir + 'Book1.xls')
# Accessing the first worksheet in the Excel file
worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0)
cells = worksheet.getCells()
# Setting the width of the second column to 17.5
cells.setColumnWidth(1, 17.5)
# Saving the modified Excel file in default (that is Excel 2003) format
workbook.save(data_dir + "Set Column Width.xls")
puts "Set Column Width Successfully."
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