

Aspose.Cells 能够从 Gear Type Smart Art Shape 中提取文本。为此,您应该首先使用 Shape.getResultOfSmartArt() 方法将 Smart Art Shape 转换为 Group Shape。然后使用 GroupShape.getGroupedShapes() 方法获取形成组合形状的所有 Individual Shapes 的数组。最后,您可以在循环中逐个迭代所有 Individual Shapes 并使用 Shape.Text 属性提取它们的文本。


以下示例代码加载包含 齿轮类型智能图形 的 示例Excel文件。然后提取其单个图形的文本,如上所述。请参考下面给出的代码的控制台输出。


// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java
// Load sample Excel file containing gear type smart art shape.
Workbook wb = new Workbook(srcDir + "sampleExtractTextFromGearTypeSmartArtShape.xlsx");
// Access first worksheet.
Worksheet ws = wb.getWorksheets().get(0);
// Access first shape.
Shape sh = ws.getShapes().get(0);
// Get the result of gear type smart art shape in the form of group shape.
GroupShape gs = sh.getResultOfSmartArt();
// Get the list of individual shapes consisting of group shape.
Shape[] shps = gs.getGroupedShapes();
// Extract the text of gear type shapes and print them on console.
for (int i = 0; i < shps.length; i++)
Shape s = shps[i];
if (s.getType() == AutoShapeType.GEAR_9 || s.getType() == AutoShapeType.GEAR_6)
System.out.println("Gear Type Shape Text: " + s.getText());


Gear Type Shape Text: Nice Gear Type Shape Text: Good Gear Type Shape Text: Excellent