Aspose.Cells - 在Python中打开文件
要在Python中使用Aspose.Cells Java打开文件,只需调用Document类的openfile()方法,并指定要追加到末尾的第二个文档。
Python 代码
fileFormatType = self.FileFormatType
\# 1. Opening from path
\# Creatin an Workbook object with an Excel file path
workbook1 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")
print "Workbook opened using path successfully.";
\# 2 Opening workbook from stream
#Create a Stream object
fstream = self.FileInputStream(self.dataDir + "Book2.xls")
#Creating an Workbook object with the stream object
workbook2 = self.Workbook(fstream)
print ("Workbook opened using stream successfully.");
\# 3.
\# Opening Microsoft Excel 97 Files
#Createing and EXCEL_97_TO_2003 LoadOptions object
loadOptions1 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003)
#Creating an Workbook object with excel 97 file path and the loadOptions object
workbook3 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_Excel97_2003.xls", loadOptions1)
\# Print message
print("Excel 97 Workbook opened successfully.");
\# 4.
\# Opening Microsoft Excel 2007 XLSX Files
#Createing and XLSX LoadOptions object
loadOptions2 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.XLSX)
#Creating an Workbook object with 2007 xlsx file path and the loadOptions object
workbook4 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_Excel2007.xlsx", loadOptions2)
\# Print message
print ("Excel 2007 Workbook opened successfully.")
\# 5.
\# Opening SpreadsheetML Files
#Creating and EXCEL_2003_XML LoadOptions object
loadOptions3 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_2003_XML)
#Creating an Workbook object with SpreadsheetML file path and the loadOptions object
workbook5 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book3.xml", loadOptions3)
\# Print message
print ("SpreadSheetML format workbook has been opened successfully.");
\# 6.
\# Opening CSV Files
#Creating and CSV LoadOptions object
loadOptions4 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.CSV)
#Creating an Workbook object with CSV file path and the loadOptions object
workbook6 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book_CSV.csv", loadOptions4)
\# Print message
print ("CSV format workbook has been opened successfully.")
\# 7.
\# Opening Tab Delimited Files
\# Creating and TAB_DELIMITED LoadOptions object
loadOptions5 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.TAB_DELIMITED);
\# Creating an Workbook object with Tab Delimited text file path and the loadOptions object
workbook7 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1TabDelimited.txt", loadOptions5)
\# Print message
print("<br />");
print ("Tab Delimited workbook has been opened successfully.");
\# 8.
\# Opening Encrypted Excel Files
\# Creating and EXCEL_97_TO_2003 LoadOptions object
loadOptions6 = self.LoadOptions(fileFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003)
\# Setting the password for the encrypted Excel file
\# Creating an Workbook object with file path and the loadOptions object
workbook8 = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "encryptedBook.xls", loadOptions6)
\# Print message
print("<br />");
print ("Encrypted workbook has been opened successfully.");