公共 API Aspose.Cells 8.8.3 的变化

添加的 API

支持 ActiveX 控件

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.3 公开了允许将 ActiveX 控件添加到 ShapeCollection 的 addActiveXControl 方法。上述方法需要7个参数来指定控件的类型、放置控件的位置和控件的大小。可以使用具有以下可能值的 ControlType 枚举来指定类型。

  1. 控件类型.CHECK_BOX
  2. 控件类型.COMBO_BOX
  4. 控件类型.IMAGE
  5. 控件类型.LABEL
  6. 控件类型.LIST_BOX
  7. 控制类型.RADIO_BUTTON
  8. 控件类型.SCROLL_BAR
  9. 控件类型.SPIN_BUTTON
  10. 控件类型.TEXT_BOX
  11. 控件类型.TOGGLE_BUTTON
  12. 控件类型.UNKNOWN



 //Create an instance of Workbook

Workbook book = new Workbook();

//Access first worksheet from the collection

Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Add Toggle Button ActiveX Control to the ShapeCollection at specified location

Shape shape = sheet.getShapes().addActiveXControl(ControlType.TOGGLE_BUTTON, 4, 0, 4, 0, 100, 30);

//Access the ActiveX Control object and set its linked cell property

ActiveXControl control = shape.getActiveXControl();


//Save the result on disc

book.save(dir + "output.xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX);

添加了 LoadOptions.setPaperSize 方法

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.3 允许在使用新公开的 LoadOptions.setPaperSize 方法时从默认打印机设置设置默认打印纸张尺寸,如下所示。请注意,上述方法的输入参数是来自包含预定义纸张尺寸的 PaperSizeType 枚举的值。



 //Create an instance of LoadOptions

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();

//Set the PaperSize property to appropriate value


//Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "input.xlsx", loadOptions);

添加了 Cell.getCharacters(flag) 方法

Aspose.Cells API 允许使用 Cell.getCharacters 方法获取 FontSetting 数组形式的字符对象。在此版本中,Aspose.Cells for Java API 公开了 Cell.getCharacters 的重载版本,它可以接受布尔值作为参数,指示如果单元格是 ListObject 的一部分,是否必须在单元格上应用表格样式。


 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "input.xlsx");

//Access first worksheet from the collection

Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Access cells collection of the first worksheet

Cells cells = sheet.getCells();

//Access particular cell from a ListObject

//Assuming A1 resides in a ListObject

Cell cell = cells.get("A1");

//Get all Characters objects from the cell

FontSetting[]characters = cell.getCharacters(true);

添加了 OleObject.AutoLoad 属性

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.3 公开了 OleObject.AutoLoad 属性,如果基础对象的内容/数据已更改,该属性允许刷新 OleObject 的图像。上述属性设置为 true 时,会强制 Excel 应用程序在加载生成的电子表格时刷新 OleObject 的图像。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load an existing spreadsheet

Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "input.xlsx");

//Access first worksheet from the collection

Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Access OleObjectCollection from first worksheet

OleObjectCollection oleObjects = sheet.getOleObjects();

//Access a OleObject from the collection

OleObject oleObject = oleObjects.get(0);

//Set AutoLoad to true


添加了 HTMLLoadOptions.SupportDivTag 属性

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.3 公开了 HTMLLoadOptions.SupportDivTag 属性,允许在 Aspose.Cells 对象模型中加载 HTML 文件/片段时解析嵌入在 TD 标签中的 DIV 标签。布尔类型属性的默认值为 false。



 //Store the HTML snippet in a variable

String export_html = "<html>"

\+ "<body>"

\+ " <table>"

\+ "     <tr>"

\+ "         <td>"

\+ "             <div>This is some Text.</div>"

\+ "             <div>"

\+ "                 <div>"

\+ "                     <span>This is some more Text</span>"

\+ "                 </div>"

\+ "                 <div>"

\+ "                     <span>abc@abc.com</span>"

\+ "                 </div>"

\+ "                 <div>"

\+ "                     <span>1234567890</span>"

\+ "                 </div>"

\+ "                 <div>"

\+ "                     <span>ABC DEF</span>"

\+ "                 </div>"

\+ "             </div>"

\+ "             <div>Generated On May 30, 2016 02:33 PM <br />Time Call Received from Jan 01, 2016 to May 30, 2016</div>"

\+ "         </td>"

\+ "         <td>"

\+ "             <img src='ASpose_logo_100x100.png' />"

\+ "         </td>"

\+ "     </tr>"

\+ " </table>"

\+ "</body>"

\+ "</html>";

//Convert HTML string to InputStream

InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(export_html.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

//Create an instance of HTMLLoadOptions

HTMLLoadOptions loadOptions = new HTMLLoadOptions(LoadFormat.HTML);

// Set SupportDivTag property to true


//Create workbook object from the HTML using load options

Workbook book = new Workbook(stream, loadOptions);

//Save the spreadsheet on disc

book.save(dir + "output.xlsx", SaveFormat.XLSX);

添加了 HtmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines 属性

Aspose.Cells for Java 8.8.3 公开了 HtmlSaveOptions.ExportGridLines 属性,该属性允许在将电子表格导出为 HTML 格式时呈现网格线。布尔类型属性的默认值为 false,但是,当设置为 true 时,API 将以 HTML 格式呈现可用数据范围的网格线。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load existing spreadsheet

Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "input.xlsx");

//Create an instance of HtmlSaveOptions

HtmlSaveOptions options = new HtmlSaveOptions();

//Set ExportGridLines to true


//Save the result in HTML format

book.save(dir + "output.html", options);

添加了 ListObject.Comment 属性

Aspose.Cells API 现在允许获取和设置 ListObject 实例的注释。为了提供上述功能,Aspose.Cells API 公开了 ListObject.Comment 属性。



 //Create an instance of Workbook and load existing spreadsheet

Workbook book = new Workbook(dir + "input.xlsx");

//Access first worksheet from the collection

Worksheet sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0);

//Access first ListObject from the collection of ListObjects

ListObject listObject = sheet.getListObjects().get(0);

//Set comments for the ListObject


//Save the result on disc

book.save(dir + "output.xlsx");

删除的 API

删除了 Workbook.decrypt 方法

上述财产在一段时间前被标记为过时。此版本已将其从公共 API 中完全删除。建议将 WorkbookSettings.Password 属性设置为 null 以实现相同的目标。